Behavior Concepts

Behaviors are designed to be flexible and can be combined with one another to create all kinds of effects. Using behaviors, motion graphics design becomes interactive, allowing you to create complex motion effects and simulated object interactions very quickly.

Behaviors can also be used to animate the parameters of nearly any particle system emitter, shape, mask, replicator, filter, generator, camera, or light. This allows you to create animated backgrounds, dynamic filter effects, interesting camera and lighting effects, and incredibly complex particle systems, all using a few simple controls.

Motion Tracking behaviors serve a different purpose than other behaviors. Rather than immediately animating an object to which it is applied, a tracking behavior analyzes the object’s motion, or the motion in a video clip. This analyzed motion can be used to stabilize a shaky clip, or match the movement of an object to the movement in the analyzed clip. For more information, see Motion Tracking.

There are 11 kinds of behaviors in Motion.

For an introduction to using and applying behaviors, see Applying and Removing Behaviors. For more detailed information on how to manipulate behaviors in a project, see Working with Behaviors.

Note: Audio, Camera, Motion Tracking, Particles, Replicator, Shape, and Text behaviors are discussed in their respective chapters.

Behaviors Versus Keyframes

It’s important to understand that behaviors do not add keyframes to the objects or parameters to which they’re applied. Instead, behaviors generate a range of values that are then applied to an object’s parameters, animating over the duration of the behavior. Changing the parameters of a behavior alters the range of values that behavior generates.

Keyframes apply specific values to a parameter. When you apply two or more keyframes with different values to a parameter, you animate that parameter from the first keyframed value to the last.

By design, behaviors are most useful for creating generalized, ongoing motion effects. They’re also extremely useful for creating animated effects that might be too complex or time-consuming to keyframe manually. Keyframing, in turn, might be more useful for creating specific animated effects where the parameter you’re adjusting is required to hit a specific value at a specific time. For more information on using keyframes, see Keyframes and Curves.

The animation created by behaviors can be converted into keyframes. For more information, see Converting Behaviors to Keyframes.