Basic Replicator Parameters in the HUD

When a replicator is created from a source layer, the pattern is built using the default parameters in the Replicator Inspector. You can change these defaults by adjusting the parameters in the Replicator Inspector. You can also use the Replicator HUD to easily change the most important parameters to suit your needs.

To display the Replicator HUD
  • In the Layers list or Timeline, select the replicator.

    The HUD appears. If it does not appear, press D or F7.

Replicator HUD Controls

The Replicator HUD contains frequently used controls necessary to modify the shape and arrangement of the replicator. These parameters are a subset of the parameters found in the Replicator Inspector.

The HUD also provides quick access to the Opacity and Blend Mode parameters, located in the Properties Inspector.

Figure. Replicator HUD showing replicator parameters in a 2D group.

When a replicator and the 3D Transform tool (in the toolbar) are selected, additional transform parameters become available in the HUD. For more information on using the HUD’s 3D transform controls, see 3D Transform Tools.

Figure. Replicator HUD showing replicator parameters when the 3D Transform tool is selected.

Important: The controls in the Replicator HUD are dynamic—they appear depending on what is selected from the Shape pop-up menu and the Arrangement pop-up menu (which is itself dynamic, invoking additional parameters). The Opacity, Blend Mode, and Shape parameters always appear in the Replicator HUD. For a discussion of all replicator parameters, see Advanced Replicator Controls.

  • Opacity: Defines the opacity of the replicator pattern as a whole. If a replicator contains multiple cells, this setting affects the opacity of all pattern elements.

    For information on controlling the opacity of the elements in a replicator with more than one source, see Using Multiple Source Layers for the Replicator.

  • Columns: A slider that defines the number of vertical columns in the pattern. Pattern elements are distributed at points along the columns. This parameter is available when the selected shape is closed, such as Rectangle, Circle, or Image, and when Arrangement is set to Tile Fill. It is also available for Box and Sphere when Arrangement is set to Outline.
    Figure. Canvas window showing replicator with different quantities of rows and columns.
  • Rows: A slider that defines the number of horizontal rows in the pattern. This parameter is available when the selected shape is closed, such as Rectangle, Circle, or Image, and when Arrangement is set to Tile Fill. It is also available for Box and Sphere when Arrangement is set to Outline.

Replicator Cell HUD Controls

The Replicator Cell HUD contains frequently used controls necessary to modify the attributes of elements in the replicator pattern. These parameters are a subset of the parameters found in the Cell Controls section of the Replicator Inspector (for replicators with one cell) or in the Replicator Cell Inspector (for replicators with more than one cell). The Replicator Cell HUD contains sliders to adjust the Angle, Angle End, Angle Randomness, Scale, Scale End, and Scale of Randomness parameters. For more information about replicator cell parameters, see Replicator Cell Controls in the Inspector.

To view the Replicator Cell HUD, select a replicator cell in the Layers list or Timeline. (If the HUD does not appear, press F7 or D.)

Figure. Replicator Cell HUD showing replicator cell parameters.