EVB3 emulates the sound and features of the Hammond B3 organ and Leslie sound cabinet.
This chapter covers the following:
EVB3 Features
Getting to Know the EVB3 Interface
Using the EVB3 Drawbar Controls
Using the EVB3 Preset Keys
Morphing in the EVB3
Using the Integrated EVB3 Scanner Vibrato
Using the EVB3 Percussion Effect
Using the EVB3 Global Tone Parameters
Using the EVB3 Model Parameters
Using the Integrated EVB3 Effects
Using the EVB3’s Integrated Rotor Cabinet Emulation
Setting Up the EVB3 for Your MIDI Equipment
EVB3 MIDI Controller Assignments
Additive Synthesis with Drawbars
The Residual Effect
Tonewheel Sound Generation
A Brief Hammond History
The Leslie Cabinet