You can switch—or smoothly crossfade (morph)—between the presets of the upper manual.
After deciding on a controller to use for switching or morphing between upper manual registrations, you can determine the number of preset keys that are affected.
Morphing (or switching) always begins with the top preset key, the B.
The Range parameter defines the end preset key.
If Range = A#, you will switch or morph between two presets.
If Range = G#, you will switch or morph between four presets (B, A#, A, and G).
If Range = F#, you will switch or morph between six presets (and so on).
In Linear mode (morphing), the seamless crossfades result in a variety of new drawbar registrations that you might want to save. You can freely alter drawbar positions manually, before saving.
Click “Save to” (to the right of the “MIDI cc” parameter), and choose a preset key from the pop-up menu.
Note: As soon as you morph, the Morph text (below the Morph wheel) turns orange, indicating changes—in other words, you’re performing a morph. You can directly modify the drawbars to alter the morphed results, but you must use the “Save to” pop-up menu, or your changes will be lost. The Morph text will start to flash if any drawbar modifications are made, indicating changes to the Morph values.