This section covers basic editing methods that are used in the Score Editor. For general MIDI editing information, see Introduction to MIDI Editing.
Many selection, editing, and other commands can be accessed by Control-clicking in the Score Editor. Make use of these shortcut menus to accelerate your workflow.
Note: Shortcut menus can also be accessed with a right-mouse click if the Right Mouse Button: Opens Shortcut Menu option is chosen in the Logic Pro > Preferences > General > Editing pane.
The contents of a shortcut menu change when different objects are clicked. The Score Editor provides the following shortcut menu types:
Key signatures
Time signatures
Bar lines
If several objects are selected, the Event Parameter box title line contains “X Notes/Symbols/Events/Texts/Chords selected.” “X” indicates the number of selected objects. The terms Notes, Texts, and Chords are only used if the current selection is limited to objects of that particular type.
If, as in most cases, parameter fields are visible while multiple events are selected, all corresponding values can be edited simultaneously. When the “*” value is shown, it indicates that the selected objects have different values for that particular parameter. There are different options for changing these values:
Use any of the following key commands:
Align Object Positions Vertically
Align Object Positions Horizontally
Align Object Positions (affects both parameters)
These key commands set all objects to the value of the first selected object. If only one object is selected when you use one of these key commands, a dialog asks if the parameters of all similar objects should be set to the same value.
All displayed regions and instruments are affected.
Tip: This technique is very useful for aligning lyrics and chord symbols.
You can move or copy notes and symbols with the mouse, just as you can in the Piano Roll Editor.
Note: It’s easy to unintentionally change a symbol’s bar position with the Pointer tool. Choose the Layout tool to limit changes to an event’s vertical and horizontal position. See Changing the Graphical Position of Objects in the Score Editor.
Select one or more notes or symbols, then drag it to the new position.
Select one or more notes or symbols, hold down Option, then drag it to the new position.
Watch the help tag during this process. It shows the operation (drag or copy), the current difference from the original position (transpose and time shift), and the current cursor position (bar position and—for notes—pitch).
You can simultaneously move or copy objects from different regions or staffs. Each event is moved or copied to its new position, within the original (source) MIDI region.
Note: You cannot use the Option-drag method to copy or move events between MIDI regions in the Score Editor. You can, however, copy and paste between regions and staffs. (See Copying Objects in the Score Editor via the Clipboard.)
Hold down the Shift key while dragging.
There is also a general preference for this constraint: Logic Pro > Preferences > General > Editing > Limit Dragging to One Direction In: Piano Roll and Score.
Movement along the time axis (horizontal) is affected by the display quantization grid (Quantize) setting.
If a hybrid quantize value is selected (16, 24 for example), the grid corresponds to the binary value (16, in this example).
If note positions are not aligned with this time grid (because they were recorded in real time), their relative offset is retained when they are moved or copied.
You can move or copy unquantized passages within the Score Editor, without losing the original feel of the performance.
You cannot copy or move the following symbols in the Score Editor:
Global symbols, such as repeat signs, time and key signature changes—except in the Signature List and Signature track—and global text elements (headers and so on). (For additional information, see Working with Time and Key Signatures.)
Symbols directly attached to notes, such as accents, fermatas, note heads, and so on.
A group of key commands is found in the Nudge Region/Event Position section of the Key Commands window. These functions move all selected objects (by various steps) along the time axis. The following Nudge commands are the most useful for score work:
When you copy objects via the Clipboard, the first object is pasted at the target bar position. The relative positioning of other copied objects (to the first object) is retained.
You can simultaneously paste the Clipboard contents into several regions, at the original position.
Select all appropriate regions (either in the Arrange area or Score Editor) by Shift-clicking the staffs/regions, or dragging to select adjacent regions.
The Display Parameter box title line always indicates the number of regions that are currently selected. (See Transcribing MIDI Recordings.)
Choose Edit > Paste Multiple (or use the Paste Multiple key command.)
When you paste (or paste multiple) objects from the Clipboard, the position of the first inserted event is automatically quantized, in accordance with the current division value (set in the Transport bar). For example, if the current bar position is, and the division value is set to 1/16, the pasted object is inserted at position, whether it’s a note or a symbol. When the Clipboard contains more than one object, their relative positions from the first object are retained.
If you don’t want this behavior (because you want to preserve the unquantized timing of the original), you are better served by other copy methods.
You can use the Paste at Original Position and Paste Multiple at Original Position commands to quickly copy passages from one MIDI region to another, at the same time position. No insert position is required, and no automatic insert quantization takes place.
Select the notes and symbols of the passage.
Select the staff you want to paste the passage to.
Choose Edit > Paste at Original Position (or use the Paste at Original Position key command).
The notes and symbols are pasted at the position they were originally copied from, regardless of the current playhead position.
The Paste Multiple at Original key command works in a similar way, but allows you to paste a musical passage to the staffs of other instruments. All destination staffs need to be selected before the Paste Multiple command is executed.
Tip: You can use these commands in combination with the Select Similar function, to quickly copy all dynamic symbols from one staff into other staffs or instruments, for example.
You can only delete events that are actually displayed in the Score Editor. For example, if you erase notes from a real-time recording in the Score Editor, MIDI controller events or pitch bend data that was recorded with these notes is not deleted.
Select the object, then choose Edit > Delete (or press the Delete key).
Click the object with the Eraser tool.
Note: Repeat signs and special bar lines cannot be selected. They can only be deleted with the Eraser tool.
The Repeat Events command is especially useful for copying complete bars (or multiple copies), without setting any bar positions.
Select all notes and symbols.
Choose Edit > Repeat Events (or use the Repeat Regions/Events key command).
In the Repeat Regions/Events dialog, insert the number of copies, choose Bar from the Adjustment pop-up menu, then click OK.
For more information on the Repeat Events command, see Creating Multiple Copies of Regions.
Alias is a term used for dependent MIDI regions and folders in the Arrange area. Alias regions mirror other MIDI regions and folders at different positions. Wherever an alias exists, it acts as a playback marker that points to the parent (original) MIDI region or folder. It is actually the parent region (or folder)—and not the alias—that is played back.
Aliases are also displayed in the Score Editor, and can be printed. The display of aliases can be turned on in the Global pane of the Score project settings (File > Project Settings > Score > Global).
An alias can be assigned a staff style different from its parent region. (For information on staff styles, see Working with Staff Styles.) For example, imagine a melody that you want to be played in unison by several instruments:
You can set up a melody to be played in unison by several instruments by creating several aliases of a regular MIDI region (the melody).
Different staff styles can be used for each of the different instruments, including transposing staff styles (for example, Horn in Eb, Alto Sax, and so on).
If you decide to change something in the melody, you don’t need to edit all copies (aliases) of it. Just make the change in the parent MIDI region, and the change is reflected automatically in all aliases.
You can directly edit the notes and symbols in an alias if the Allow Alias Editing checkbox in File > Project Settings > Score > Global is selected.
Note: Changes to aliases alter the data of the original MIDI region (and all aliases created from it), because only the original region can actually contain MIDI data.
If Allow Alias Editing is turned off and you try to edit an alias, you will be asked to either enable alias editing or create a copy of the region. Choose the appropriate option, as follows:
You can change the graphical position of objects to improve the layout of your score (by creating space for a grace note, for example).
The Layout tool (located in the Score Editor’s Tool menu) is used to graphically move events in the Score Editor, in order to optimize the display without altering the timing of MIDI events.
Note: The bar position determines playback timing, as this is the actual MIDI event position. Remember that the Score Editor is primarily designed to deliver notation, and that most (but not all) editing functions are graphical, rather than physical, in nature.
You can change the graphical position of Score Editor symbols and text in the Event Parameter box by editing the Vertical Position and Horizontal Position parameters.
Tip: To adjust a number of selected symbols to the same height above (or below) the staff, use the Align Object Positions Vertically key command.
You can use the following key commands to move any score symbol that can be positioned independently of notes or staffs, as well as text events and chord symbols:
Nudge Position Up
Nudge Position Down
Nudge Position Left
Nudge Position Right
These functions do not alter the bar position of the affected symbols and text events. They alter the Horizontal Position and Vertical Position parameters by ±1.
You can change the size of any notes, and most symbols, with the Resize tool (located in the Score Editor’s Tool menu).
Grab the object with the Resize tool, and move the mouse up or down.
Double-click it with the Resize tool (and click OK in the dialog).