Try these suggestions to get better search results.
Narrow your search by making it more specific. For example, searching for “Paris” returns results for any city with that name; searching for “Paris France” returns results only for that city.
Use quotation marks around a phrase to search for the whole phrase instead of each word in the phrase. If you’re looking for an article titled “How to bathe a cat”, put quotation marks around the phrase.
Try a negative search by subtracting words from your search. For example, searching for “paris -france” returns results about “paris” but excluding “france.”
Ignore capitalization. Search engines treat “Paris France”, “paris France”, and “paris france” the same.
Omit common words. Search engines ignore small and common words; searching for “bathe a cat”, “bathe the cat”, and “bathe cat” are the same.
Don’t worry about word endings. Search engines often drop word endings; searching for “bathe cat” and “bathing cat” are the same.