Faders are used to send MIDI events by clicking or dragging them. Faders come in different forms (knobs, sliders, numerical, and buttons). Fader objects respond to incoming MIDI events.
Choose New > Fader.
A submenu appears, in which you select the style of fader you want. There’s also a submenu at the bottom named Special, used to select various special fader types (cable switcher, meta-fader, and so on).
The style of a fader determines its onscreen appearance (slider, knob, menu, numerical), and how it responds to the mouse (click and drag, double-click and type a number, click, and choose from a menu).
The auto style fader—the default style if you create a fader with a key command—changes styles as you alter its shape and size.
The type of fader determines what events the fader sends out and responds to. In two cases, however, the fader doesn’t send out events at all:
The cable switcher routes events to its different outputs. Clicking a cable switcher object makes it step sequentially through the outputs.
The alias assigner changes the references (to an original, or parent object) of fader aliases.
In general, a fader’s style is completely independent of its type. A cable switcher can look like a button, a knob can send out MIDI or meta or SysEx events, and so on. The one exception is the vector style fader—these behave in a special way, by sending out two (or four, in special cases) messages at a time, depending on the mouse location within their 2-dimensional, vector window.
Don’t worry about choosing the wrong fader style or type from the New menu; you have complete control of a fader’s style and type via the Object Parameter box.
Normally, you grab the surface of a fader and drag it vertically or horizontally, depending on its style. When using the fader itself as a slider, you may notice that values jump in larger increments, depending on the size of the fader and dragging speed. You can also change values in single steps by dragging the slider or knob while holding down the Control key.
Some of the fader styles have numerical displays. In these cases, double-click in the numerical field and enter a value. When you drag any of the sliders or knobs, the series of values that are sent out depends on the fader size and scrolling speed—not every consecutive value is sent out at smaller sizes. If you drag slowly in the numerical field, however, you will send consecutive values.
Knobs can be dragged either vertically or horizontally.
Buttons only send two values, the lowest and highest of their range set in the Object Parameter box. You change a button’s state by clicking it.
The default appearance of the text fader is like a value field that can be scrolled. Double-click to open a window that allows you to enter text for each menu position. Select the Behaves as Menu checkbox to use the text fader as a pop-up menu.
A vector fader allows you to scroll in two directions, and sends out two values: one corresponding to the vertical position, and the other to the horizontal position.
As with the channel strips in the Mixer, you can record fader object movements to tracks, and play them back.
You don’t need any special cabling to record the data generated by a fader. All data generated by faders is recorded on the selected track when Logic Pro is in record or record/pause mode.
Any fader will react to incoming events that match its Input definition. The fader must, of course, be in the MIDI signal path.
Typically, you would accomplish this by cabling the track instrument into the fader.
For fader object automation tasks, however, it is useful to create a new (standard) instrument for the sole purpose of fader automation. Ensure that the instrument:
Has no direct MIDI output
Uses the Channel setting All
Is connected to the first fader in any chain of serially cabled faders (if cabled this way)
When building a virtual mixing desk or synthesizer control panel in the Environment, you often need to work with large groups of fader objects that have the same size, regular spacing, or a similar definition.
To save time on the definition and alignment of these groups, you can choose (one or more) objects as prototypes (templates) by copying them into the Clipboard. (Choose Edit > Copy.) You can then apply certain characteristics of these template objects to selected objects.
Choose Options > Apply Buffer Template to > Size.
Choose Options > Apply Buffer Template to > Position.
The selected target objects are positioned at the top-left corner of the Environment layer, in accordance with the layout of the template.
The Options > Apply Buffer Template to > Position and Size command combines both of the above functions.
The Options > Apply Buffer Template to > Definition function transfers the parameters of a copied template to all selected objects. If several templates of the same type are available, the one that is closest in size is used.
The Options > Apply Buffer Template to > “Definition, channel increment” increases the channel number from object to object, beginning with the top-left object. It is not necessary for the selected objects to have the same Input or Output definition as the template.
The Options > Apply Buffer Template to > “Definition, number increment” increases the first data byte of the definition (controller number, for example).
A fader’s style is shown in the line under the icon. It can be changed by selecting the current style name and choosing a new style from the pop-up menu.
Remember that a fader’s style does not usually affect its function—you can select the most convenient style for the intended use of the object.
Some of the fader styles are described below.
This is exactly like the Vertical 4 fader style, with an added Mute button.
When you click the Mute button, the fader sends an event (with a value of 0) that matches the Output definition.
The fader’s movements are not sent while the Mute button is on.
The current fader value is sent when you turn the Mute button off.
Button style faders can only send two possible values: the minimum and maximum values of their range.
When on, the maximum value is sent.
When off, the minimum value is sent.
If the minimum and maximum range parameters are set to the same value, the button sends this value each time it is clicked.
Text faders function like numerical faders, but can display text for each of the 128 possible MIDI values (0 to 127). Double-clicking the surface of a text fader opens the Text Fader window.
Click a position in this window to send the corresponding fader value. (This is similar to selecting programs by name in the Multi-Instrument window.)
Double-click a position in the window to enter new text. By default, when you create a text style fader, the text positions contain numerical values. You can use this feature to create numerical style faders with colored backgrounds.
You can modify the following parameters in the Text Fader window:
Empty lines (and lines that only contain spaces) are ignored.
If you want to insert blank positions in the list, use Option-Space bar.
You should always set the minimum necessary range for a text fader, as this saves memory. In any case, remember that the first name corresponds to the lowest value in the range (not necessarily 0), and the last name corresponds to the highest value (not necessarily 127).
If you force a text fader to a value outside its range (with MIDI input) it displays “---” for values below its range and “+++” for values above. The one exception is when the fader’s range is 0/1; in this case, all values above 1 display the name for value 1.
Each fader has an Input definition and an Output definition.
The Input definition determines the types of MIDI events that can remotely control the fader (the event types it reacts to).
The Output definition determines the types of MIDI events the fader sends out.
A fader can, therefore, convert one type of MIDI event to another.
Most MIDI events consist of three bytes:
The first byte indicates the type and channel of the MIDI event (a note on channel 3, for example).
The second byte indicates the first data value (the pitch of a note event, for example).
The third byte indicates the second data value (the velocity of a note event, for example).
A few MIDI events only use two bytes (program change and aftertouch). Some objects, such as Faders (and Transformers) always provide for three bytes, with the second byte being discarded when these special, 2-byte messages are received.
Fader parameters are provided for setting the message type, MIDI channel, and the first data value. Note that the message type and MIDI channel are actually combined in the resulting MIDI event. The second data value is determined by the fader setting, or if the fader is being remotely MIDI-controlled, by the incoming MIDI event.
These are used to define the Input and Output parameters:
This section outlines each of the -1- parameter options, and explains how the fader position affects them (for both the Input and Output definitions).
SysEx and Switcher/Meta are special functions of the faders.
These parameters determine the minimum and maximum values of a fader, and how the fader displays these values.
The range parameter contains two numbers—the left one sets the lowest possible fader value, and the right one sets the highest. Note that these limits can be exceeded by MIDI remote control. When the fader style is a button, the range determines the in and out position values of the button.
For text style faders, the first name always corresponds to the low end of the range, and subsequent names correspond to incremental range values, up to the top range. The number of names that can be entered into the window is limited by the range.
This parameter determines the way that numerical values are displayed by the fader.
If none of the above formats is suitable, consider using a text style fader, and entering the display values you want as text. Examples include percentages, note names, and program names.
This parameter provides various filtering options for MIDI events:
Use this filter mode to prevent MIDI feedback by blocking incoming MIDI events from being sent back out.
Used in conjunction with pitch bend, this allows 2-byte (fine-tuning) pitch bend events.
Used with controller messages, this causes the fader to send two MIDI controller messages: one for the MSB (Most Significant Byte) and one for the LSB (Least Significant Byte).
Note: The fader’s Input and Output definitions must be the same or the 14 Bit setting will not work.
For controllers, the MSB uses the Input definition controller number, and the LSB uses the controller number 32 or higher. This conforms to the MIDI standard for sending 14-bit controller data.
When this filter setting is chosen, the fader’s Range can be set to a maximum value of 16,383. A fader value of 8192 represents no pitch bend.
In some instances, you may want to enable feedback—to allow a MIDI event to change a cable switcher’s position after it has passed through the switch, for example. Selecting the Feedback checkbox will allow this.
Vector faders function like joysticks. They can be moved in two dimensions: up and down and left and right. Each dimension generates its own MIDI events, so each time you change the position of the crosshair with the mouse, two MIDI events are sent.
Most faders have Input and Output definitions, which determine the MIDI events sent by the fader (Output), and those it reacts to (Input). (See Fader Functions: Range, Value As.)
The vector style fader replaces these with Vert and Horz definitions, which determine the MIDI events that correspond to vertical and horizontal motion. If corresponding MIDI events are received by the vector style fader, its crosshair display updates accordingly.
If you set a vector fader’s Vert and Horz definitions to the same MIDI event (the same MIDI controller and channel), the vector fader sends out four MIDI events each time the crosshair is moved.
These are the same MIDI event (a controller, for example), sent on four consecutive MIDI channels, starting with the channel set in the Vert definition.
Upper-left for the lowest channel (channel 3, for example)
Upper-right (channel 4)
Lower-left (channel 5)
Lower-right (channel 6)
The values of these MIDI events correspond to the proximity of the crosshair to the vector fader’s four corners:
In the center, all channels receive a value of 32.
At the corners, the corresponding channel receives a value of 127 and all remaining channels receive a value of 0 (if using the default range of 0 to 127).
If you alter the range, the center and corners behave differently, with the four values always totalling 125.
The Environment provides a number of special fader objects that are purpose-built to perform certain functions.
Cable switchers, alias assigners, and meta messages are types of faders that do not generate MIDI events. They share the same Output definition type, either SwitchGM Mixer Objects or Meta, depending on the current -1- value setting:
If the -1- value is 48, the fader is a cable switcher.
If the -1- value is 46, the fader is an alias assigner. (See Meta Event Faders.)
If the -1- value is any other value, the fader sends out meta messages of a type that corresponds to the -1- value. (See Meta Event Faders.)
Choose New > Fader > Specials > Cable Switcher.
Change an existing fader’s Output definition to Switch/Meta, and set its -1- value to 48.
Choose New > Fader > Specials > Alias Assigner.
Change an existing fader’s Output definition to Switch/Meta, and set its -1- value to 46.
Choose it from the New > Fader > Specials menu.
Change an existing fader’s Output definition to Switch/Meta, and set its -1- value to the desired meta event number.
Cable switcher objects route events, rather than generate them. Any kind of MIDI or meta event can be routed by a cable switcher. The only exception is events that match the cable switcher’s Input definition. These events will change the switch position (the routing), rather than pass through the cable switcher.
A cable switcher can be assigned to any fader style. It is practical to use the text fader style, as it allows you to label the switcher’s various routes. Use the auto style to actually display the switch routing, as shown here.
A cable switcher can have up to 128 separate cable outputs—a new output is generated each time an existing output is cabled to another object. You can click an auto style cable switcher to step through the outlets (including the last, uncabled one).
Incoming events that match the cable switcher’s Input definition change the switch position to that of the incoming data value. (If the data value is greater than the number of switch positions, the last, uncabled outlet is selected.)
Data values of 126 and 127 have a special effect.
An event with a value of 127 increases the output number. If you’re on the switcher’s last output when this event is received, you’ll jump back to the first output. This is just like clicking the fader.
An event with a value of 126 decreases the output number. If you’re on the switcher’s first output when this event is received, you’ll jump to the last output.
Meta faders generate special meta events, which are used to control certain Logic Pro functions, but have no MIDI meaning, and are never sent to the MIDI output.
In some cases (such as Go to Screenset, Go to Project, and so on), you do not need to cable meta faders into another object for them to work. Even in these cases, you can use cabling to process meta events in the Environment, and alter their effect.
However in the majority of cases (Set fader range minimum, Bang!, Set Transformer Operation Minimum, and so on), the meta fader must be cabled to the object being affected.
Here’s a quick summary of the currently implemented meta events that can be generated by faders:
Meta event | Controlled Logic Pro function |
46 | Assign Alias |
49 | Go to Screenset |
50 | Go to Project |
51 | Go to Marker |
52 | Stop Playback |
96 | Set fader range minimum |
97 | Set fader range maximum |
98 | Set the fader value without sending |
99 | Bang! Causes the fader to resend its current value. The bang data value can be used to make the fader increment-without-rollover (127), decrement-without-rollover (125), increment-with-rollover (123) or decrement-with-rollover (121). Use values one less than those shown to have the bang passed through to all connected faders. |
100 | Tempo Control (See Using the Tempo Fader.) |
122 | Set transformer map value for the currently selected map position |
123 | Select transformer map position |
124 | Set transformer condition maximum (bottom) parameter, if any. (This applies to all conditions not set to All.) |
125 | Set transformer condition minimum (top) parameter, if any. (This applies to all conditions not set to All.) |
126 | Set transformer operation maximum (bottom) parameter, if any. (This applies to all operations not set to Thru.) |
127 | Set transformer operation minimum (top) parameter, if any. (This applies to all operations not set to Thru.) |
For more about meta events 124 to 127, see Using Meta Events to Control Condition and Operation Values.
Choosing New > Fader > Special > Go to Marker creates a fader that allows you to enter a marker number (meta event 51).
The playhead moves instantly to the chosen marker number. Markers are numbered sequentially, throughout the project, even if you have renamed them (from the default numbers assigned when each marker was created).
Choosing New > Fader > Special > Go to Screenset creates a Screenset fader (meta event 49), allowing you to switch to the screenset number chosen with the fader.
Meta event 50 has no effect within Logic Pro, but you can use it to switch between songs on an external hardware sequencer.
Meta event 52 allows you to interrupt playback at any position.
Note: To make the most efficient use of these faders, limit the value range to suit your particular circumstances. For example, limit the faders to the number of markers or screensets you’re actually using.
The SysEx fader type is slightly different from other fader types. It allows you to create a list of MIDI events that will be sent whenever the fader is moved or controlled remotely. You can enter the messages that you want to send in a window that resembles the Event List.
Set a fader’s Output or Input definition to SysEx.
The SysEx Fader window opens automatically.
Double-click the word SysEx in the fader’s parameter box.
The positions of events in the list only control the order in which they are sent—they are not sent at specific times, nor with any delay between them.
The SysEx fader type is primarily designed to send MIDI System Exclusive (SysEx) messages—messages that are exclusive to individual manufacturers’ MIDI devices. There are a number of features in the SysEx fader window that facilitate the creation of SysEx messages.
Note: SysEx faders can actually be used for any kind of MIDI event, making them handy for sending ordered batches of messages, such as Mixer or control panel snapshots, with one click of the mouse.
You can also specify SysEx as an Input definition, but this has limited usefulness because the incoming message (presumably SysEx) must be very short in order to be recognized. (Because SysEx messages can be of any length, Logic Pro must break them into small packets to avoid interrupting other MIDI activities.)
An important thing to remember about the SysEx fader is that only selected events will have their value altered by the fader value when the SysEx fader window is closed. Events that are not selected will be sent exactly as they appear in the window.
The value shown in the Val column (of selected events) is altered, if normal MIDI events (controllers, program change, aftertouch, and so on).
For SysEx messages, you can determine:
Which bytes are altered
The format (MSB/LSB, BCD, nibbles, and so on) of the value
You can also specify a checksum format, if necessary.
There are two ways of entering SysEx messages in the SysEx fader window. One way is to have the fader learn the SysEx string.
Click the MIDI In button at the top-left corner of the SysEx window. If the button is pressed, it is ready to receive incoming MIDI data.
Alter the parameter on your device.
The corresponding SysEx message is displayed and the MIDI In button turns off automatically.
A second way of entering SysEx messages in the SysEx fader window is to type the SysEx string into the Event List. (Consult your MIDI device manual for SysEx documentation.)
Click the Create button, then click the SysEx button.
A generic SysEx message appears.
The first data byte in the top line (directly after the word SysEx in the Num column) is the manufacturer’s ID. This may be several data bytes long (as there are more than 128 manufacturers of MIDI devices).
The manufacturer’s ID is usually followed by a device type ID, an individual device ID, a data type ID (which could be several bytes) and, if necessary, the number of the multi-timbral sub-channel, and the identification number(s) of the sound parameters plus the value of the sound parameter. There are no uniform standards that apply here.
Data bytes are normally input as decimal numbers. To enter them in hex, place a $ in front of values when you type them. Choose View > SysEx in Hex Format to see all values in hexadecimal.
The last data byte (the EOX indicating the end of the SysEx message) is entered automatically by Logic Pro. The number of data bytes in the SysEx message can be decreased or increased by clicking the plus and minus symbols before and after the word <EOX>.
Although you can have any number of messages (of any kind) in the SysEx fader’s Event List, there is only one fader value, and all selected messages adopt this value.
You can use a similar method to create any kind of MIDI or meta event in the SysEx fader window. Command-clicking any of the eight event type buttons (Note, Program Number, Pitch Bend, Controller, Channel Pressure, Poly Pressure, SysEx, and Meta Event) creates a new event of that type. Meta events can be created by using the expanded view button, featuring the 0’s and 1’s on its face.
The terms SUM (for the checksum) and VAL (for the fader value) being sent are displayed within the SysEx string.
Select the events you want to alter.
Choose options from the Checksum and Value menus (found in the lower-right corner of the window) to set the format of these bytes.
A checksum can be created in any of the following formats:
Regular Checksum
2’s complement
1’s complement
If you don’t know which one works with your MIDI device, try “off” (= no checksum) first or “2’s complement.”
Position allows you to determine the position of the value byte. This position is specified in bytes, counted from the end of the message: “last” refers to the position directly before the EOX byte, “Last-1” indicates the byte before that, and so on.
Auto ensures that the value byte is inserted at the last position in the SysEx string if no checksum was selected, or—if a checksum value was entered—that the value is inserted as the second-to-last byte.
The following table outlines the resulting data format of the value option you send:
Value option | Result |
Auto | The value is sent as one byte if the value range maximum is 127 or less. If the maximum is higher than 127, the value is sent as two bytes, the MSB (most significant byte) first. |
One Byte | The value is sent as one byte. |
MSB/LSB | The value is sent in two bytes, with the MSB (most significant byte) first. |
LSB/MSB | The value is sent in two bytes, with the LSB (least significant byte) first. |
BCD 4 LSB | The value is sent as Binary Coded Decimal in four bytes, in the order 1, 10, 100, 1000. |
BCD 4 MSB | The value is sent as Binary Coded Decimal in four bytes, in the order 1000, 100, 10, 1. |
2 Nibbles L | The value is sent in two nibbles, with the least significant nibble first. |
3 Nibbles L | The value is sent in three nibbles, with the least significant nibble first. |
4 Nibbles L | The value is sent in four nibbles, with the least significant nibble first. |
2 Nibbles M | The value is sent in two nibbles, with the most significant nibble first. |
3 Nibbles M | The value is sent in three nibbles, with the most significant nibble first. |
4 Nibbles M | The value is sent in four nibbles, with the most significant nibble first. |
2 ASCII M | The value is sent in two nibbles, the most significant nibble first; the nibbles are sent in ASCII format for the hex value. For example, the value $7F (= 127 in decimal) will be transmitted as a 7 and F. |
3 ASCII M | Same as 2 ASCII M, but in 3 nibbles. |
4 ASCII M | Same as 2 ASCII M, but in 4 nibbles. |
The unused bits of the transfer in nibbles (X in 0XXXNNNN) are sent with the information at the relevant positions of the SysEx strings. If you want to transfer these deleted bits, you need to enter zeros in the SysEx string.
Several behaviors and commands enhance the use of fader objects.
If you drag to select or Shift-click to select several faders and move one of them, all selected faders move proportionately.
As long as all faders remain selected, their relative positions are retained (even after one or more of the faders has reached its minimum or maximum position).
Option-dragging any fader in the group changes all values in a linear fashion. (The absolute value differences are maintained.)
Shift-Option-dragging any fader in the group changes all faders to the same value.
You can use Options > Send All Fader Values (or use the Send All Current Fader Values key command) to make all fader objects send their current values.
Use Options > Send Selected Fader Values (or use the corresponding key command, default assignment: Control-V) to make all selected fader objects send their current values.
Use of these commands in conjunction with the Record/Pause mode allows you to record a snapshot of all current fader positions. This is especially useful for virtual mixing desks, or synthesizer panels.
The File > Project Settings > MIDI > General > “Send After Loading Project: All fader values” option automatically sends all fader values after a project is loaded.