Understanding Channel Strip Controls in the Mixer
The controls displayed on a channel strip vary according to the channel strip type:
Channel Strip Settings menu: Allows you to load and save the entire routing configuration of a single channel strip, including all loaded plug-ins and settings. For details, see Working with Channel Strip Configurations. Channel EQ: Allows you to add an EQ effect to sculpt the sound of the channel strip signal before applying other effects. You double-click the EQ area to insert the Channel EQ in the first Insert slot.
Insert slots: Allow you to insert up to 15 effect plug-ins into each audio, instrument, aux, and output channel strip.
Send slots: Used to route a channel strip’s signal to an aux channel strip. Sends are commonly used to apply the same effect or effects to several signals.
Send level knob: Used to control the amount of signal sent to an aux channel strip. This knob appears when a Send slot is activated.
Input slot: Sets the channel strip’s input source. Depending on the channel strip type, it can be a physical input, a bus, or a software instrument plug-in—in this case it is known as an Instrument slot.
Output slot: Sets the channel strip’s output path. It can be a physical output or a bus.
Group slot: Controls a channel strip’s group assignment and provides access to the Group Settings window.
Peak level display: Updates during playback to show the highest peak level reached.
Pan/Balance knob: On a mono channel strip, the Pan/Balance knob controls the position of the signal in the stereo image. On a stereo channel strip, it controls the relative level of the left and right signals at their outputs.
Level meter: Displays a channel strip’s playback or input monitoring level.
Volume fader: Sets a channel strip’s playback or monitoring volume.
Solo button: Solos and unsolos the channel strip.
Mute button: Mutes and unmutes the channel strip.
Record Enable button: Arms a channel strip for recording.
Bounce button: Bounces the output of any output channel strip to an audio file.
Automation Mode menu: Sets a channel strip’s automation mode.
Tip: You can hide or show channel strip elements in the Mixer (EQ Thumbnails, Inserts, Sends, I/O, Type and Number Label, Track Name, Track Number, Control Surface Bars, Notes) by disabling and enabling their settings in the View menu.