You can select multiple channel strips in the Mixer, thereby creating a temporary group so that you can quickly adjust a number of settings for all selected channel strips at one time. These selection methods work on all channel strip types.
Logic Pro also offers the group functionality for channel strips (see Working with Mixer Groups), but selecting multiple channel strips in the Mixer is much quicker for many operations than setting up groups.
Tip: As with individual controls on a single channel strip, Option-clicking a fader or knob resets the control to a default value.
Choose one of the following menu items from the Mixer’s Edit menu.
Select All
Select Audio Channel Strips
Select Instrument Channel Strips
Select Auxiliary Channel Strips
Select Output Channel Strips
Select MIDI Channel Strips
Select Equal Colored Channel Strips
Select Muted Channel Strips
Shift-click the channel strips.
Click a channel strip background and drag over the channel strips (drag horizontally across multiple channel strips over the word Inserts, or I/O text, for example).
Choose the Deselect All command from the Mixer’s Edit menu.
Click any unselected or selected channel strip in the Mixer.
The clicked channel strip is then selected.
Click the Mixer background.
Click a track in the Arrange area that is not already selected in the Mixer.
The clicked track is then selected in the Mixer.
You can adjust some parameter controls on several channel strips simultaneously.
Drag the Volume fader of any selected channel strip.
All level changes are relative and logarithmic. Movements are dB-proportional, with the mix ratio of the selected channel strips remaining constant. For example, if channel strip 1 is set to 90 dB and channel strip 2 is set to 60 dB, reducing either Volume fader will retain the relative distance between the channel strips:
At half the original level, channel strip 1 will be at 45 dB and channel strip 2 at 30 dB.
At a quarter of the original level, channel strip 1 will be at 22.5 dB and channel strip 2 at 15 dB; the mix ratio thus remains constant until both channel strips simultaneously arrive at 0 dB.
When either channel strip is returned to its original value, the 60/90 dB relationship in this example is restored.
Drag the Pan/Balance knob on any selected channel strip.
All Pan or Balance knobs change accordingly (the changes are relative).
Drag the Send level knob on any selected channel strip.
All Send level knobs change accordingly (the changes are relative).
Click the Mute or Solo button on any selected channel strip.
The buttons of all selected channel strips mirror the status of the clicked button.
Click the Record Enable button on any selected channel strip.
The Record Enable buttons of all selected channel strips (typically, audio channel strips) switch to the new mode.
Note: Only channel strips with different input sources can be record-enabled simultaneously.
You can adjust some plug-in settings on several channel strips simultaneously.
Click an unused Insert or Instrument slot on any of the selected channel strips, and make your choice from the list.
The selected effect or instrument will be inserted into the corresponding slot on all selected channel strips, if their corresponding slots are empty. Existing plug-ins on other channel strips are not changed.
Click a used Insert or Instrument slot on any of the selected channel strips, and make your choice from the list.
The selected effect or instrument will be inserted into the corresponding slot on all selected channel strips, even if their corresponding slots are empty.
Click a used Insert or Instrument slot on any of the selected channel strips, and choose “No Plug-in” from the list.
The selected effect or instrument will be removed from all corresponding slots on all selected channel strips.
On channel strips where Insert slot 1 is not used: Double-click the EQ area on the upper portion of the channel strip to place the Channel EQ in the first Insert slot.
The Channel EQ will be inserted in the first empty slot of all selected channel strips.
On channel strips where Insert slot 1 is used: Option-double-click the EQ area to insert the Channel EQ as the first plug-in and move all existing plug-ins of the channel strip one slot down.
The Channel EQ will be inserted into the first Insert slot of all selected channel strips, moving any existing plug-ins one slot down.
You can adjust some routing, automation, and group settings on multiple channel strips simultaneously.
Click an unused Send slot on any of the selected channel strips, and choose from the list of Bus destinations (aux channel strips).
The corresponding Send slots of all selected channel strips will be routed to the chosen destination.
Click the Input or Output slot on any of the selected channel strips, and choose a setting form the menu.
All selected channel strips will be set to the chosen input or output.
Note: Inputs are changed only on selected channel strips of the same status: mono, stereo, or surround. This feature allows you to easily select a common input source for all selected stereo audio tracks, for example.
Hold down the Option key while clicking the Input or Output slot on any of the selected channel strips, and choose a setting from the menu.
The leftmost selected channel strip will be assigned the chosen input or output setting, with the input or output increasing from left to right.
Click the Automation Mode button on any of the selected channel strips, and choose a setting from the menu.
All selected channel strips will be switched to the chosen setting.
Click the Group slot on any of the selected channel strips, and choose a setting from the menu.
All selected channel strips will be switched to the chosen setting.