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Xcode Help
Get started
Create a project
About the main window
Manage project files
Navigate project files
Add files and folders
Organize files in groups
Find and replace content
Use workspaces for related projects
Reference another project
Configure the editor area
Search documentation
Rename a project or an app
Create a SwiftUI interface
Show a preview
Add views and modifiers
Edit user interface element attributes
Embed code using the Action menu
Create an interface using Interface Builder
Interface Builder workflow
Add objects and images
Add user interface objects
Add images to the user interface
Add custom objects
Render custom views
Debug custom views
Switch to alignment rectangle
Place views using guides
Add a user defined runtime attribute
Set the file’s owner
Auto resize and position objects
About Auto Layout
Specify distance and alignment constraints
Specify size and position
Control-drag a constraint
View and manage constraints
Find and resolve Auto Layout issues
Edit a constraint
Set the intrinsic size
Support dark mode (macOS)
Add device-specific variations
View device configurations
Create user interface variations (iOS, tvOS, watchOS)
Edit variations of property values (iOS, tvOS, watchOS)
Connect objects to code
Send messages to a UI object
Receive messages from a UI object
Manage connections
Add, remove, and edit Cocoa bindings
Edit objects and storyboards
Storyboards, scenes, and connections
Add scenes and views
Add a segue
Configure a segue
Add a storyboard reference
Configure object attributes
Layer views
Set the initial scene
Refactor a storyboard
Preview layouts in different device configurations
Preview your app’s Touch Bar items
Add simulated bars
Set a simulated screen size
Toggle placeholder backgrounds
Write code
About the source editor
Enter code
Fix issues while entering code
Avoid syntax errors by using code completion
Match braces, parentheses, and brackets
Create and use snippets
Find and replace text in a source file
Fold or collapse your code
Refactor code
Edit all occurrences of a symbol
Edit using multiple cursors
Add properties, methods, or structures
Create variables, functions, and methods from code
Navigate code
View symbol declarations and reference
Navigate symbols
Jump to files and symbols
Open a file containing a symbol
Add code annotations to the jump bar
Analyze your code
Switch syntax coloring styles
Run your app
Build and run your app
Run on a simulated device
Signing workflow
Run an app on a device
Pair a wireless device
Run on a wireless device
Troubleshoot a wireless device
For faster Watch App development use Wi-Fi
View signing reports
Work with assets
About Asset catalogs
Add an App Store icon
Use an asset catalog for a launch screen (iPhone)
Create trait-based asset variations (iOS, tvOS, watchOS)
Provide dark appearances (macOS)
Add AR images and objects
Create texture atlases
About SceneKit scene editor
Preview 3D scenes
Add a resizable area to an image
SpriteKit particle emitter editor
Add a particle emitter to your project
Add a particle emitter to a scene
Change background and texture
Manage a particle’s life cycle
Control movement and physics reactions
Adjust size and rotation
Change a particle’s color
Create custom shaders
Debug code
About the debug area
Control the execution of your running app
Debug a running app or process
Run an app with diagnostics
Examine variables and threads
View variables
See variable values at runtime
Examine threads and stacks
View threads
Suspend and resume threads
Set breakpoints
Add breakpoints to your code
Manage breakpoints using the navigator
Pause execution when events occur
Examine views
View hierarchy debugger
Examine the view hierarchy
Filter the hierarchy
Focus the hierarchy
Inspect a view or constraint
Open the source code
Optimize performance
Monitor an app using gauges
Monitor energy usage (iOS, Mac)
Profile an app
What is a device condition? (iOS)
Enable a device condition (iOS)
Test under adverse device conditions (iOS)
Override environment settings in the debugger
Simulate a location
Show the Touch Bar simulator
View logs and reports
View and address issues
Test your app
Testing workflow
Run tests
Run UI tests and unit tests
Enable code coverage
Select run options for tests
Manage tests
Add a test class
Add a test target
View test reports
View test failures
View and share test results
Manage performance tests
Use test plans
What is a test plan?
Convert a scheme to use test plans
Edit a test plan
Configure targets and builds
About the project editor
Edit General settings
Edit identity settings
What is a bundle ID?
Set the bundle ID
Set the app category (macOS)
Set the version and build
Edit deployment info
Edit deployment info
Enable multiple windows (iPad)
Create a launch screen
Link to frameworks and libraries
Edit signing settings
Assign a project to a team
Manually sign apps
Edit Info settings
Edit the information property list
Add export compliance keys
Set the copyright key (macOS)
Set supported document types
Edit build settings
What is a build setting?
Configure build settings
Learn about a build setting
Build variations for different platforms
Evaluate build setting inheritance
Monitor build status
Add a build configuration file
Configure build phases
What are build phases?
Create target dependencies
Run a shell script
Write a build phase script
Add headers to a target
Strip Swift symbols
Manage schemes
Configure schemes
Add, delete, rename, and share schemes
Build multiple targets
Build targets in parallel
Specify runtime arguments and environment variables
Simulate a runtime location
Switch schemes and destinations
Configure capabilities
Add a capability
Configure app groups
Configure App Sandbox (macOS)
Configure Apple Pay
Configure associated domains (iOS, tvOS, watchOS)
Configure background modes (iOS, tvOS, watchOS)
Configure user fonts
Configure game controllers (tvOS)
Enable hardened runtime (macOS)
Configure HealthKit (iOS, watchOS)
Configure HomeKit (iOS, tvOS, watchOS)
Configure iCloud services
Enable iCloud services
Manage iCloud containers
Manage CloudKit schemas and records
Configure keychain sharing
Configure Maps
Enable Maps and select modes
Configure a routing app
Configure network extensions
Enable push notifications
Enable Sign In with Apple
Configure Siri (iOS, watchOS)
Configure Wallet
Work with Swift packages
What is a Swift package?
Open an existing Swift package
Link a target to a package product
Create a Swift package
Publish a Swift package
Create a Mac version of an iPad app
Create a Mac version of an iPad app
About the Mac version of an iPad app bundle ID
Distribute a Mac app built with Mac Catalyst
Create and distribute a watch-only app
Localize your app
What is localization?
Add a language
Make a resource localizable
Add language plural variants
Export localizations for translation
Import localizations
Lock views
Test localizations
Xcode Localization Catalog
Stringsdict file format
Manage devices
Locate a device ID
Install and uninstall apps
Install a beta OS
View and import device logs
Find crash and energy logs
Manage app containers
Take a screenshot
Create a simulator
Pair Apple Watch simulators
View paired Apple Watches
Maintain signing assets
What is app signing?
Export developer accounts
Manage signing certificates
Download provisioning profiles
Manage profiles on devices
View or remove a signing certificate
Signing troubleshooting
If a signing certificate is missing
If an intermediate certificate authority is missing
If a code signing error occurs
If a build has an entitlement error
Use source control
Source control workflow
Create a local repository
Pull, commit, and push changes
Show changes in the source editor
Compare file revisions
View the history of commits
Add a remote repository account
Create a remote from a local repository
Clone a project from a repository
Add a remote to a local repository
Add collaborators and share a repository
Manage branches
Use tags
Add a README file
Distribute your app
Distribution overview
About the Archives organizer
Prepare for app distribution
Create an archive
Test a beta version
Distribute an app using TestFlight (iOS, tvOS, watchOS)
Distribute to registered devices (iOS, tvOS, watchOS)
Export an app (iOS, tvOS, watchOS)
Manually manage distribution signing
Distribute to registered computers (macOS)
Export an app (macOS)
Test the Mac Installer Package
Distribute outside the Mac App Store
Distribute notarized or Developer ID apps
Upload a macOS app to be notarized
Test a Developer ID app
Enable and disable Gatekeeper
Create a Developer ID installer package
Create an enterprise app
Develop and distribute an enterprise app
Manually trust a developer on iOS
Distribute binary frameworks
What is an XCFramework?
Create an XCFramework
Submit apps to the App Store
What is app thinning?
Distribute through the App Store
Validate an app
Upload an app
Upload in-app purchase content
Verify the build settings
View crash, energy, and metrics reports
Crashes organizer
Energy organizer
Metrics organizer
How are reports created?
Select a crash or energy report
Select a category of metric reports
View a crash or energy report
Inspect a crash or energy report
View crash or energy report statistics
About metric report data
Symbolicate crash and energy logs
What is symbolication?
Download debug symbols
If logs aren’t symbolicated
Share crash data and statistics with developers
If no reports appear in the organizer
Supported crash reports
Supported energy reports
Supported metric reports
Perform continuous integration
Continuous integration overview
Configure Xcode Server
Set up Xcode Server
Start and stop Xcode Server
Connect to Xcode Server
Share schemes with Xcode Server
Create a bot
Configure bots
Bot scheme and action settings
Allow Xcode Server to manage signing
Create bot triggers
Configure a bot to run app on multiple devices
Configure a bot to create iOS App files
Xcode Server environment variables
Duplicate, edit, and delete bots
Run, cancel, and delete integrations
View bot integration results
Troubleshoot build failures
If your project has a target dependency cycle
If multiple commands produce the same output
If you use the deprecated Always Search User Paths build setting
Create playgrounds
Create, edit, and execute
Add auxiliary code
Add resources
Use rich comments
Add, move, and rename pages
Copy pages between playgrounds
View results of a statement
Add a live view
Add a literal to a playground
Customize Xcode
Manage general settings
Add accounts, servers, and repositories
Add an Apple ID
Configure actions for events
Configure how files are displayed
Manage fonts and colors
Configure code editing and indentation
Customize keyboard shortcuts
Customize the Touch Bar controls
Configure source control
Customize text macros
Customize the new file header
Manage simulators and toolchains
Install simulator runtimes
Switch toolchains
Verify, reveal, and delete toolchains
Specify locations of project files
Choose the build system
Archive export files
Build settings
Configuration Settings File
Text Macros
Text macro format
Text macros
Xcode Help
Welcome to Xcode
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