Examine webpage elements and activity

Use the Develop menu to monitor webpage activity and examine the elements of a webpage.

Open Safari for me

  1. Make sure the Develop menu is in the menu bar.

    To show the Develop menu, choose Safari > Preferences, click Advanced, then select “Show Develop menu in menu bar.”

  2. Go to the webpage, choose Develop > Show Web Inspector, then do any of the following:

    • View Web Inspector features: Use the Web Inspector toolbar or the Develop menu to view the resources, timelines, source code, debugger, or error console for a webpage.

    • Show or hide the Web Inspector sidebar: Click the control currently selected in the Web Inspector toolbar—Resources, Timelines, Debugger, or Console.

    • Examine a webpage element: Control-click an element on the webpage, then choose Inspect Element from the shortcut menu. You can also click Inspect in the Web Inspector toolbar, then click an element.

See also
Use the Safari Develop menu