About Filters

Motion filters are so easy to use, you might be tempted to adorn your kinetic graphics projects with a surfeit of visual effects. Using too many visual effects is not a good idea. The best way to think about filters is as a condiment for your project—not the entrée. A handful of thoughtful, well-executed filters goes further than a grab bag of every filter in the Library. Using too many filters adversely affects performance and can clutter and confuse the look of your project.

The categories of filters in Motion are organized alphabetically in the Library.

Figure. Filter categories in the Library.

If you open a project created in a previous version of Motion containing filters or media that are no longer available, an alert message appears listing the missing or obsolete items.

Note: For filter descriptions in earlier versions of Motion, see the user manual associated with that version of the application.

Third-Party Filters

Many third-party companies offer FxPlug filters and effects. If you install a third-party product, additional effects appear in the Filters list, usually in a separate, custom-named category.