There are many ways to interact with, create, and delete markers in Logic Pro. You can see and edit markers in the following window areas:
Click the disclosure triangle in the Global Tracks header area.
Click the disclosure triangle for the Marker track.
You can also assign, and use, the Toggle Marker Track key command.
Click the Lists button at the top-right corner of the Arrange toolbar, then click the Marker tab (or use the Toggle Marker List key command, default assignment: K).
Choose Options > Marker > Open Marker List (or use the Open Marker List key command, default assignment: Option-M).
Drag the Marker tab, which changes to the Marker List window as you drag it.
Option-double-click any marker in the marker track with the Pointer tool. The clicked marker is selected in the list.
Choose Options > Marker > Open Marker Text (or use the Open Marker Text key command, default assignment: Option-').
The Marker Text window is also available at the bottom of the Marker List window. It is known as the Marker Text area in the Marker List window.
Tip: Many marker selection, editing, and other commands can be accessed by Control-clicking (or right-clicking) anywhere in the marker areas. Make use of this technique to accelerate your workflow. Note that the right-click shortcut menu can only be accessed if the Right Mouse Button: Opens Shortcut Menu pop-up menu option is chosen in the Logic Pro > Preferences > General > Editing pane.