The objects available in the Part box (notes, symbols, text objects) are organized into groups. The top section contains small squares, with each representing a group. You can view this as the Part Box Group menu, if you like. All group elements are shown in a panel below—called the Part Box Elements display.
Click one of the squares in the Part Box Group menu.
The corresponding group moves to the top of the panel, allowing easy access to its elements.
Note: Any element can be selected and inserted from any group panel, at any time. The group rearrangement function simply makes it easier to work with the Part box, especially on smaller screens, or when using small Score Editor windows.
Choose View > Partbox > Lock Group Positions.
Choose the command a second time to unlock group positions.
Turn off the View > Partbox > Show All Groups setting.
You can select any Part box object (a note, slur, clef, and so on) by clicking it. If a particular object group isn’t visible in the Part box, click the corresponding square in the Part Box Group menu to move the object group to the top of the panel.
Hold down the mouse button on one of the squares in the Part Box Group menu, then choose an object from the menu that appears.
Double-click one of the group menu squares.
A small floating window, called a palette window, opens. It contains all objects in the group, and can be freely moved. Objects can be dragged directly from palette windows into any position in the score. You can simultaneously open as many palette windows as needed.
Note: Unlike the regular Part box, the selected object is not highlighted in the palette window.
The palette windows can have different shapes, depending on the modifier key you hold down while double-clicking a Part Box Group menu square:
Normal (Control key)
Vertical (Option key)
Horizontal (Command key)
The default shape of palette windows (opened with a simple double-click) can be predefined in the Logic Pro > Preferences > Score > Floating Palette View pop-up menu.
The following unassigned key commands select the corresponding note values in the Part box. These note values can then be quickly inserted with the Pencil tool:
Partbox: 1/1 Note
Partbox: 1/2 Note
Partbox: 1/4 Note
Partbox: 1/8 Note
Partbox: 1/16 Note
Partbox: 1/32 Note
If you execute any of these key commands more than once, the following applies:
Twice in succession, the corresponding triplet value is selected.
Three times selects the dotted value.
Four times returns to the original value.
Further key commands can also change the selection inside the Part box:
Note: As the group display can be reordered, the current display order of groups determines the previous and next group.