The list area features several columns: Position, Status, Ch(annel), Num(ber), Val(ue), and Length/Info. These columns display all details of all event types. In most cases, you can directly edit the data displayed (with the exception of the Status column, which merely indicates the event type).
Not all columns are used for every type of event. For example, system exclusive messages are not MIDI-channel specific, so the Ch(annel) column is unused. Channel and polyphonic pressure messages have no length, so the Length/Info column is left blank.
In some instances, clicking the information in the Num(ber) or Val(ue) column opens a pop-up menu, allowing you to choose an option. For example, clicking the Num(ber) column of a MIDI controller event (Control is shown in the Status column) opens a pop-up menu of numbered and named standard MIDI controller types. These include Controller numbers 3 = Solo, 7 = Volume, 10 = Pan, and so on.
Full details on the different event types, the parameters shown in the columns, and the impact of changes—on both the event itself and other columns—is found in Learning About Event Types.
The units shown in the Position and Length/Info columns represent bars, beats, divisions, and ticks. Counting begins at 1 for each unit (first bar, first beat, first division, first tick: 1 1 1 1), and continues until it is carried over to the next largest unit.
Numerical input starts from the left (which means you can simply enter the bar number, and press Return, if you want to move an event to the beginning of a specific bar, when typing in a value). The units can be separated by either spaces, dots, or commas, allowing you to type or 3, 2, 2, 2 or 3 space 2 space 2 space 2.
Note: For the sake of clarity, when the length begins with one or more zeros, a period (“.”) is used in place of the zeros. The minimum possible length is 1 tick (. . . 1) not 0 ticks, as simultaneously switching a note (or other event) on and off wouldn’t make sense.
Double-click the position indicator (in the Position column), and type in a new value. Press Return to exit the position entry field.
Click-hold the specific position unit, and drag vertically. Release the mouse button when you’re done.
If another editor, such as the Piano Roll Editor, is open, you will see the note event move as you change the value. As soon as you alter the position of an event, the list is automatically resorted. The currently selected event remains highlighted.
Double-click the length/info indicator (in the Length/Info column), and type in a new value. Press Return to exit the length entry field.
Click-hold the specific length/info unit, and drag vertically. Release the mouse button when you’re done.
If another editor, such as the Piano Roll Editor, is open, you will see the note event change in length as you change the value.
Not every project is bar/beat oriented. These View menu commands may make changing the position and length of events much easier when you’re working with film or video, for example.
Event parameter values can be changed by using the mouse as a slider or with text input, as per changes to position or length, on the values shown in the Val(ue), Num(ber) or Ch(annel) column.
You cannot directly alter the event type in the Status column.
Choose Functions > Transform to open a Transform window, and transform the event.
Add an event of the new type, and delete the original event.
If a parameter of one of several selected events is altered, it affects the same parameter in all events within the selection group. When you alter parameter values in a group of selected events, the relative differences between parameter values remain unchanged.
Parameter values can only be altered until the (same) parameter value of one of the selected events has reached its maximum or minimum value.
Option-drag the value, or press Return to confirm a numerical input.
This allows you to continue altering a parameter value in a multiple selection, even when one of the selected events has reached its maximum or minimum value.
Hold Shift-Option while using the mouse as a slider, or press Return to confirm a numerical input.
Note: It is possible to select different event types, and simultaneously alter the Num(ber) or Val(ue) parameters. Needless to say, this can lead to unexpected, and disastrous, results. It is highly recommended that you make use of the event filtering buttons to hide nonmatching event types. The enhanced selection functions may also be of use when creating or editing groups of events.