Getting to Know the ES P Interface
Before you take a look at the individual parameters of the ES P, this section will familiarize you with the various elements in the ES P graphical interface.
Oscillator parameters: The Oscillator sliders are shown in the area to the left. The Octave parameters are also found in this section. The oscillators generate the basic waveforms that form the basis of your sound. See Using the ES P Oscillators. LFO parameters: The LFO parameters (to the right of the Oscillator parameters) are used to modulate the sound. See Using the ES P LFO. Filter parameters: The vertical column in the center includes the (Cutoff) Frequency and Resonance knobs and the Key Follow buttons. The filter is used to contour the waveforms sent from the oscillators. See Using the ES P LFO. Envelope and Level parameters: The area to the right of the Filter parameters contains the Envelope and Level parameters, which control the level of the sound over time. See Using the ES P Envelope and Level Controls. Effect parameters: The area at the extreme right contains the Chorus and Overdrive parameters. These can be used to color or thicken the sound. See Using the Integrated ES P Effects. Extended parameters: Not shown in the image, the extended parameters are accessed by clicking the triangle at the lower left of the interface. These parameters include bend and tuning functions. See Extended ES P Parameters.