GarageBand Analog Mono
This is a monophonic (one note can be played at a time) analog synthesizer lead sound that is based on the ES2.
Volume slider: Sets the overall volume level of the instrument.
Glide slider: Determines the time it takes a note pitch to change (slide) to another note pitch.
Mix slider: Determines the mix level of (balance between) the oscillator signals.
Cutoff slider: Allows more (high) or less (low) of the sound through, making it brighter or damping it.
Resonance slider: Emphasizes the frequency range around the point determined by the Cutoff parameter.
Attack slider: Makes the sound start more slowly or quickly. A fast setting makes it sound like striking a piano key, whereas a slow setting makes it sound like bowing a violin string.
Decay slider: Makes the harmonic portion of the sound (bright) sustain for a longer time at slow values. Faster values move to the Sustain level more quickly.
Richness slider: Determines the complexity of the sound texture, making the sound fuller.