GarageBand Tonewheel Organ
The Tonewheel Organ sound is based on the EVB3. It emulates the Hammond B3 organ, but it is also capable of emulating Farfisa, Wurlitzer, and other electric organs.
Volume slider: Sets the overall volume level of the instrument.
Drawbars slider: Increases or decreases the number of sine tones and harmonics, resulting in a thicker (more) or thinner (less) sound.
Percussion Level slider: Adds a 2nd or 3rd harmonic to the sound, changing both the color and timbre of the instrument.
Percussion Time slider: Sustains the 2nd or 3rd harmonic when set to a long value. If a short value is selected, the harmonics are heard only during the initial keystrike.
Click slider: Introduces a click sound to the keystrike. Select a high level if you’d like this to be clearly heard.
Distortion slider: Makes the sound rough, dirty, and noisy. This is great if you want to do Deep Purple covers!
Rotary Speaker buttons: Choose one of three speaker effects.
Chorale: Makes the sound swirl.
Brake: Makes the sound swirl initially, and then slow down.
Tremolo: Makes the sound wobble.