Using the Klopfgeist Parameters
An examination of Klopfgeist’s parameters shows that it is a synthesizer designed to create metronome click sounds.
Trigger Mode buttons: Click Mono to operate Klopfgeist as a monophonic instrument, or click Poly to operate it as a polyphonic (4 voice) instrument.
Tune knob and field: Tunes Klopfgeist in semitone steps.
Detune knob and field: Fine-tunes Klopfgeist in cents (1/100th of a semitone).
Tonality slider and field: Changes the sound of Klopfgeist from a short click to a pitched percussion sound—similar to a wood block or claves.
Damp slider and field: Controls the release time. The shortest release time is reached when Damp is at its maximum (1.00) value.
Level via Vel slider and fields: Determine the velocity sensitivity of Klopfgeist. The upper half of the two-part slider determines the volume for maximum velocity, and the lower half determines the volume for minimum velocity. Drag the area between the two slider segments to move both simultaneously.