The buttons at the lower right of the C4 are used to access channel strips, channel strip elements, and parameters.
Shifts the parameter display by one page (a group of parameters) in particular views.
Shifts the parameter display by one parameter in particular views.
In Mixer view, TRACK L and TRACK R shifts the fader bank left or right by the number of channel strips in the control surface group. For example, if you have two C4 units in a control surface group, the view shifts by 16 channels.
Simultaneously pressing TRACK L or TRACK R and OPTION moves to the first or last group of channels in the project (or parameter pages, if in an edit mode). For example, if you are viewing the first 8 channels (of 64) in the fader bank, pressing OPTION and TRACK L or TRACK R will show the last 8 channels in the fader bank (channels 57 to 64).
In Channel view, TRACK L and TRACK R select the previous or next channel.
In Channel view, simultaneously pressing TRACK L or TRACK R and SHIFT moves to the first or last group of channels in the project (or parameter pages, if in an edit mode), but only affects the Split Lower group if Split mode is active.