

This document is an addendum to the iTunes Package Film Specification. It specifies a new format for delivering iTunes Extras 5.2 to the iTunes Store via XML. Using XML, you deliver an iTunes Extras as individual assets (video, images, audio) along with a navigation menu structure and localized metadata (titles, descriptions, and so on). The new iTunes Extras format also includes galleries for storing and displaying images, videos, and audio files, and scenes navigation and content. The menu structure can be customized with pre-defined menu templates. See About iTunes Extras Introduction for a detailed overview of the Extras 5.2 structure. See iTunes Extras 5.2 Profile iTunes Extras Profile Overview for the XML and tag annotations.

In addition, the XML structure for delivering cast and crew information has changed for display in iTunes Extras 5.2. See the iTunes Package Film Specification 5.2.1 (or higher) for those tags and annotations.

This document covers the tags specific to delivering iTunes Extras. For complete explanations of other tags, see iTunes Package Film Specification.

For questions, contact your iTunes Technical Representative.

About This Release


Changes Made

October 3, 2018 - Version 5.2.9

Added Dolby Atmos audio.

What’s New in iTunes Extras Package Specification 5.2.9?

Dolby Atmos Audio Source

You can deliver Dolby Atmos audio source with an iTunes Extras. To deliver Atmos audio, a role has been added for use with the <asset> block: audio.object_based. See the partial XML example below and see iTunes Extras Metadata Example for a complete example of how to provide Dolby Atmos audio in the metadata. See Dolby Atmos Audio Source Asset Requirements for the audio file requirements.

<data_file role="audio.object_based"> <locale name="en-US"/> <file_name>09736156444_ATMOS.wav</file_name> <checksum type="md5">bc5b28a6200e5273202b7609f626fec0</checksum> <size>1142644642</size> </data_file>

You can deliver Dolby Atmos audio for the main asset, as well as background videos. Currently, Dolby Atmos is not supported for background audio.

Tag Changes


"audio.object_based" as a role on a data file

About iTunes Extras


iTunes Extras 5.2 is a new feature that provides customers with an enhanced viewing experience. All assets in Extras 5.2 are stored in the cloud and streamed, on-demand, through iTunes or with Apple TV.

The Extras 5.2 format is delivered via XML instead of HTML5, making it easier to deliver content for multiple devices with one XML delivery. Using XML, you deliver an iTunes Extras as individual assets (video, images, audio) along with a navigation menu structure and localized metadata (titles, descriptions, and so on).

The design of iTunes Extras is based on a structure composed of two primary types of building blocks: navigational nodes and galleries. Navigational nodes define the hierarchical navigational structure of the iTunes Extras; galleries serve to organize assets (images, audio, and video). There are several types of navigational nodes, each of which may have specialized behavior associated with them (such as the play node), or have the capability to automatically display data about the main content (such as the cast node). Other nodes (menu nodes) provide menus that allow the user to navigate the hierarchical structure of the iTunes Extras, and others (gallery nodes) provide an interface for the user to view galleries of assets.

Depending on the type of navigation node, you can customize the display by specifying one of a number of available templates. For example, a gallery of images may be displayed using a carousel view, a vertical list on the left or right of the screen, a grid, or one image on screen at a time. Having chosen a template, the display can be further customized within that template. For example, in templates that allow a slideshow-style view of a gallery, the transitions and display durations can be customized.

The following illustration shows a root node with links to individual navigation nodes: Play, Scenes, Features, and Related. The Features node has links to its navigation nodes: a gallery of mini-movies, a sketch gallery, and a behind-the-scenes bonus video gallery.

iTunes Extras graphical overview

XML Structure


The iTunes Extras XML delivers the metadata and assets in four major tag blocks:

  • The <rootnodes> block delivers the top-level menu structure. Within the <rootnodes> block, you can deliver multiple individual <rootnode> blocks, each associated with a set of countries, allowing a customized navigational experience based on the country in which the user purchases the main content.

  • The <galleries> block delivers image and video assets and asset metadata. Each gallery is delivered in its own <gallery> block.

  • The <scene_groups> block delivers scenes from the core film. In the iTunes Extras, you could supply all the scenes within one scene group, or you could group scenes together based on content, for example, all chase scenes. At least one <scene_group> is required if the Scenes navigation node is used.

  • The <scenes> block defines the content used for the scene groups. Each scene is referenced by vendor ID and identified by timecodes that refer to the core video.

The following sections describe the Extras 5.2 structure and templates in more detail.

Root Nodes

The top-level menu structure is defined using the <rootnodes> tag in the XML. Each root node can be territory-specific, which means you can set up several menu structures that display different content. This is useful when you need to exclude some content that has not been cleared for a specific territory. For example, if a particular gallery has not been cleared for use outside the US, UK, and Canadian territories, you can set up another root node that excludes that gallery or provide an alternate gallery omitting the items that have not been cleared.

Navigation Nodes

The navigation nodes (<navnodes>) create the entry points into the iTunes Extras content. Each node is defined with a <navnode> block. Navigation nodes are specified by type (play, menu, gallery, scenes, cast, or related) and some types require that you specify a template. The play and related navigation nodes are required and cannot be customized. Other navigation nodes can have both a type (menu, gallery, scenes) and a template to define their behavior. The type is specified using the type attribute with the navnode tag: for example, <navnode type="menu">. The following table lists the types of navigation nodes available and their purpose.


Use To

Can be Customized Using Templates


Play the full-length feature (the core film). Viewing starts from the beginning the first time. If the film has been partially viewed, the user will have options to resume playback or to start from the beginning.

The play navigation node must be listed first within the <navnodes> block.


Create a navigation node to set up a menu to provide access to the iTunes Extras content. For example, you can define a navigation node called Extras that includes a menu to the content: bonus videos, image galleries, and so on.



Store and display images and videos. For image galleries, users can view full-screen images manually one-by-one, or view a slideshow. For video galleries, videos play manually one at a time. To make the videos play automatically back-to-back, use the <show_play_all> tag.

Galleries can also store:

  • images and audio files to use as backgrounds of the iTunes Extras screens

  • “selection” images that are displayed on the parent node when the child node is selected



Display the cast and crew metadata delivered in the core film XML package (automatically generated from the core film).


Display scenes from the core film. The scenes can be grouped by theme.



Link to related iTunes content (automatically generated).

The name can be changed, and the related node must listed last within the <navnodes> block.

* Required


Templates Overview

The menu, gallery, and scenes navigation node types can be customized with templates, which determine the placement of various elements on the screen. The template is specified using the template attribute with the <navnode> tag: for example, <navnode type="scenes" template="carousel">.

The table below summarizes the available templates and indicates which navigation nodes can use the template.



Navigation Node Types



Displays a sequence of content preview images:

  • still images from an image gallery

  • bonus video artwork from a video gallery

  • scene artwork for a scenes-type navigation node

Customers can swipe or click through the content. One image is the central image, with previously viewed images to the left and upcoming images to the right.






Displays a list of items on the left (for example, a list of images, a list of videos, or a list of scenes). A preview image displays on the right and can change depending on which item in the list on the left is selected.

Note: List-on-left cannot be used for sub-navigation. The only navigation node allowed with list-on-left is "expand_in_parent".




List-on-left with grid

List-on-left with grid

Displays a list on the left and a grid of images or content on the right. The images shown in the grid change depending on which item in the list is selected.

Examples of what the list can include:

  • Cast members. When a cast member is selected, photos or related items appear in the grid on the right.

  • Scene groups (scenes grouped by topic or theme, such as chase scenes). When a scene group is selected in the list, preview artwork for the scenes in the group appear in the grid on the right.

Note: The cast navigation node cannot be customized with a template, but it uses the list-on-left with grid template by default.





Shows a grid of images, which can be still images, bonus video artwork, or scene preview artwork. When the user clicks an image, the image or video opens up into full screen. There is also the option to play all the items in the grid automatically (displays a Slideshow button for images or a Play All button for videos).






Displays scrolling rows or shelves of categorized content, which can be images or bonus video artwork.

Note: The related navigation node cannot be customized with a template, but it uses the rows template by default. It displays related content on the Store and it is generated automatically.




Displays one image or video at a time in full screen. Advancing to the next image or video can be manual or automatic. If the user selects Play All (or Slideshow), the items appear without a title or description. You can also specify a transition to use between items.

Example use:

  • From a gallery-type navigation node that links to a video-type gallery, the user can click the preview artwork, and the bonus video appears in full screen.

  • From a gallery-type navigation node that links to an image gallery, the user can click the preview image, and the image appears in full screen.




Gallery items (images or bonus videos) are presented as selectable choices directly on the parent node.

Example use:

From a gallery-type navigation node that links to a video gallery of deleted scenes, the video links display on the parent node.




Displays a navigation menu on the right and a preview image (called a “selection” image) on the left. The selection image can change depending on which item in the list on the right is selected. (Note that a selection image may not appear on Desktop and iOS.)

Examples of what the list can include:

  • A menu item, such as Photo Galleries, that displays another navigation node that lists several photo galleries

  • A listing of bonus videos that can be played individually or one after the other (play all)




The following sections describe and illustrate the main menu structure and each template. Items on the illustration are numbered to correspond to tags and comments in the partial XML example below the illustration. For complete annotations, see iTunes Extras Metadata Annotated.

Note: The template descriptions and illustrations below are only examples to help visualize how templates work and how the XML tags relate to what is on the screen; there are many ways the same content can be presented.

Root Node Example

The root node uses a fixed template, with a fixed typeface, typeface size and style, but you can customize the background image(s) and background color for Desktop. On this template, the Play and Related nodes are required.

Root node template
<!-- 1. The root node in this example is used for the US territory, so all the nodes appear in English. --><rootnodes> <rootnode> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_ITUNES_EXTRA_US</vendor_id> <title>Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2</title> <short_title>Extras</short_title> <territories> <territory>US</territory> </territories> <!-- 2a. Specifies where the optional background image(s) and background audio file are stored. --> <background_gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_MAIN_BG_GALLERY"/> <!-- 3. Specifies the color to use for the background on this node. --> <colors background="000000"/> <!-- Specifies the transition to use when the user moves from the root node to a navigation node. If you do not supply the tag, the default is dissolve. Supply the value none if you want no transition. Transitions include: dissolve, none, push, and wipe. --> <transition>push</transition>. . .<galleries> <gallery> <!-- 2b. This is the vendor ID of menu background gallery referenced by the <background_gallery_link> tag above (2a) that stores the image asset(s) and audio file. --> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_MAIN_BG_GALLERY</vendor_id> <!-- Items used for the background are stored in a menubg-type gallery --> <gallery_type>menubg</gallery_type> <!-- The display name for the gallery is for internal use only; users do not see this name --> <display_name>MAIN_BG_GALLERY</display_name> <gallery_items> <gallery_item type="image"> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_MAIN_BG_IMG1</vendor_id> <assets> <!-- Image assets goes here; one for each display target. -->. . . </assets> </gallery_item> <gallery_item type="audio"> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_BG_GALLERY_LOOP</vendor_id> <assets> <!-- Audio asset goes here. --> <asset> <data_file> <file_name>cm2_bg.wav</file_name> <size>10004316</size> <checksum type="md5">d335dad616ab73fdfcec38592d0f5d82</checksum> </data_file> </asset> </assets> </gallery_items> </gallery> <!-- You can have multiple galleries of type menubg for localized menu backgrounds as well as a menubg gallery for each navigation node, for example, SCENES, RELATED, and so on. -->

Many elements on the templates can be customized, except the following:

  • Font typeface, size, and style

  • Preview image size and placement

  • Back button

  • Button sizes and placements

  • Selection state

  • Scrollbars

Read the sections below for details on each template.

Carousel Example

The carousel template displays a sequence of images customers can swipe or click through. Depending on the content, the images can include still images, bonus video artwork, or scene video artwork (for a scenes-type navigation node). One image is the central image, with previously viewed images to the left and upcoming images to the right. The following navigation node types can use the carousel template: menu, gallery, and scenes.

On the screenshot, required tags appear in red text and the number in parentheses indicates the maximum character count for the tag value.

Carousel template with tags

The numbered comments in the partial XML example below correspond to the numbered items in the screenshot above.

<!-- 1. This navigation node is a gallery-type navigation node that uses the "carousel" template, which displays the images from the referenced image gallery (or videos from a video-type gallery) --> <navnode type="gallery" template="carousel"> <!-- This is the vendor ID for the navigation node. --> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_FOODIMAL_SKETCHES</vendor_id> <!-- 2. Title of the node --> <title>Foodimal Sketches</title> <!-- The <selection_gallery_link> specifies the image to display on the parent node when this navigation node is selected; in this example, it is displayed on the FEATURES navigation node. This tag is required on both "menu" and "gallery" navigation nodes, even if not displayed. --> <selection_gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_SEL_FOODIMAL_SKETCHES"/> <!-- 3. Specifies the background image(s) to use on the screen displaying the carousel. --> <background_gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_MENUBG_FOODIMAL_SKETCHES"/> <!-- 4a. The vendor ID specified with the <gallery_link> tag points to the gallery that contains the items to display in the carousel. In this example, the gallery is an image gallery and stores the image assets and metadata displayed. --> <gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_FOODIMAL_SKETCHES_GALLERY"/> <!-- 5. This tag displays an action button on the screen: Slideshow for image galleries (or Play All Videos for video galleries). --> <show_play_all>true</show_play_all> <!-- Specify the transition to use between images when the user chooses "Slideshow". If you do not supply the tag, the default is dissolve. Supply the value none if you want no transition. Transitions include: dissolve, push, and wipe. --> <transition>push</transition> <!-- For image galleries, use the <item_display_duration_seconds> tag to specify how many seconds to display each image before transitioning to the next. This tag applies only if the user has selected the Slideshow button. --> <item_display_duration_seconds>5</item_display_duration_seconds> <!-- For image galleries, use the <gallery_repeat_limit> tag to specify how many times to loop through the entire gallery, before stopping. This tag applies only if the user has selected the Slideshow button. --> <gallery_repeat_limit>2</gallery_repeat_limit> <!-- Localizations go here --> </navnode>. . .<galleries> <gallery> <!-- 4b. This is the vendor ID of image gallery that stores the image assets and metadata that is referenced by the <gallery_link> tag above (4a). --> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_FOODIMAL_SKETCHES_GALLERY</vendor_id> <!-- Images are stored in a generic-type gallery --> <gallery_type>generic</gallery_type> <!-- The display name for the gallery is for internal use only; users do not see this name --> <display_name>foodimal-sketches-gallery</display_name> <gallery_items> <gallery_item type="image"> <!-- This is the vendor ID for the gallery item. --> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_FOODIMAL_SKETCH_01</vendor_id> <!-- 6. This is the display name for this image gallery item. In this example, the optional caption has not been supplied. --> <display_name>Mashed Potatoad</display_name> <alt_description>artist's concept line drawing in red of a pile of lumpy mashed potatoes</alt_description> <!-- This is the image asset for this gallery item. --> <assets> <asset> <data_file> <file_name>FOODIMAL_SKETCH_01.png</file_name> <size>397895</size> <checksum type="md5">a9e950700bff7ddcc635aa6a886b77ab</checksum> </data_file> </asset> </assets> </gallery_item> <!-- Additional image gallery items here --> </gallery_items> </gallery> <gallery> <!-- This is the vendor ID of the gallery that stores the selection image to display on the parent node when this node is selected. This gallery is referenced by the <selection_gallery_link> tag above. --> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_SEL_FOODIMAL_SKETCHES</vendor_id> <!-- The image is stored in a selection-type gallery --> <gallery_type>selection</gallery_type> <!-- The display name for the gallery is for internal use only; users do not see this name --> <display_name>foodimal-sketches-selection-gallery</display_name> <gallery_items> <gallery_item type="image"> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_SEL_FOODIMAL_SKETCHES_01</vendor_id> <!-- This is the image asset for this selection image. --> <assets> <asset> <data_file> <file_name>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_SEL_FOODIMAL_SKETCHES_01.png</file_name> <size>397895</size> <checksum type="md5">a9e950700bff7ddcc635aa6a886b77ab</checksum> </data_file> </asset> </assets> </gallery_item> </gallery_items> </gallery><!-- For the sake of brevity, the gallery that stores the menu background items is not included here. See the example used for the root node above. -->

Using a Carousel Template for Scenes

The carousel template can be used for scenes navigation nodes. On the screenshot, required tags appear in red text and the number in parentheses indicates the maximum character count.

Carousel template for scenes

The numbered comments in the partial XML example below correspond to the numbered items in the screenshot above.

<!-- 1. This navigation node is a scenes-type navigation node that uses the "carousel" template, which displays the movie scenes. --><navnode type="scenes" template="carousel"> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_SCENES</vendor_id> <title>SCENES</title> <!-- 2. This tag displays an action button on the screen: Play All Videos. --> <show_play_all>true</show_play_all></navnode>. . . <scene_groups> <timecode_format>24/1 1/nonDrop</timecode_format> <!-- Defines the scene group to use in the carousel. --> <scene_group> <!-- Vendor ID of the scene group. --> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_SCENES_HILARIOUS_MOMENTS</vendor_id> <!-- 3. Title of the scene group. --> <title>Hilarious Moments</title> <scene_links> <scene_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_HILARIOUS_MOMENTS_0" key_scene="true"/> <scene_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_HILARIOUS_MOMENTS_1"/> <scene_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_HILARIOUS_MOMENTS_2"/> <!-- Additional <scene_link> tags here --> </scene_links> </scene_group> </scene_groups> <scenes> <scene> <!-- Identifies the timecode from the core video to indicate the start and end times of the scene. --> <media_reference start="00:31:12:14" end="00:32:21:09"/> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_HILARIOUS_MOMENTS_2</vendor_id> <!-- 4. Title for the scene. --> <title>Foodimals</title> <!-- 4. Description for the scene. --> <description>Flint and his friends learn that food animals have taken over Swallow Falls.</description> <assets> <!-- 5. Delivers the scene preview artwork. --> <asset type="artwork"> <data_file> <file_name>hilarious_moments_2.png</file_name> <size>2576778</size> <checksum type="md5">e8a8e9006f512c946b3d7dda9c848513</checksum> </data_file> </asset> </assets> </scene> <!-- Additional <scene> tags here --> </scenes>

Using a Carousel Template as a Menu

The carousel template can also be used for menu navigation nodes.

Carousel template
<!-- 1. This navigation node is a menu-type navigation node that uses the "carousel" template, which includes a node for bonus videos, a node for deleted scenes videos, and a node to display images from a gallery --><navnode type="menu" template="carousel"> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_FEATURES</vendor_id> <!-- 2. Title of the node --> <title>FEATURES</title> <navnodes> <!-- 6. Template for this node is "list_on_left" --> <navnode type="gallery" template="list_on_left"> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_FEATURETTES_VIDEOS</vendor_id> <title>Featurettes</title> <description>Dive deeper into the creation of Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2.</description> <!-- 3. The <gallery_link> points to the gallery that contains the videos to display. --> <gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_FEATURES_FEATURETTES_GALLERY"/> <selection_gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_SEL_FEATURES_VIDEOS"/> <show_play_all>true</show_play_all> </navnode> <!-- 7. Template for this node is "carousel" --> <navnode type="gallery" template="carousel"> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_FEATURES_DELETED_SCENES</vendor_id> <title>Deleted Scenes</title> <!-- 4. The <gallery_link> points to the gallery that contains the deleted scene videos to display. --> <gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_FEATURES_DELETED_SCENES_GALLERY"/> <selection_gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_SEL_FEATURES_DELETED_SCENES"/> <show_play_all>true</show_play_all> </navnode> <!-- 8. Template for this node is "one_up" --> <navnode type="gallery" template="one_up"> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_FEATURES_GALLERY</vendor_id> <title>Foodimals</title> <description>The evolution of the Foodimals.</description> <!-- 5. The <gallery_link> points to the gallery that contains the images to display. --> <gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_FEATURES_IMAGE_GALLERY"/> <selection_gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_FEATURES_SEL_GALLERY"/> </navnode> </navnodes></navnode><. . .><galleries> <!-- Galleries that store the videos and images referenced above go here. They have been omitted for the sake of brevity. --><!-- Galleries that store menu background items and selection images have been omitted for the sake of brevity. -->. . .</galleries>

List-on-Left Template Example

The list-on-left template has a menu on the left and a preview on the right. The main image changes depending on which item in the list is selected. The following navigation node types can use the list-on-left template: menu, gallery, and scenes. Note: Do not use the list-on-left template if you have more than one scene group.

The example shown is a gallery-type navigation node to display bonus videos, which are stored in a video-type gallery. This template could also be used to display images from an image gallery.

On the screenshot, required tags appear in red text and the number in parentheses indicates the maximum character count for the tag.

List-on-left template

The numbered comments in the partial XML example below correspond to the numbered items in the screenshot above.

<!-- 1. This navigation node is a gallery-type navigation node that uses the "list_on_left" template, which lists the videos from the referenced video-type gallery (or images from a generic-type gallery) --> <navnode type="gallery" template="list_on_left"> <!-- This is the vendor ID for the navigation node. --> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_MINI_MOVIES</vendor_id> <!-- 2. Title of the node --> <title>Mini Movies</title> <!-- The <selection_gallery_link> specifies the image to display on the parent node when this navigation node is selected; in this example, it is displayed on the FEATURES navigation node. This tag is required when the parent navigation node is a "menu" type node --> <selection_gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_SEL_MINI_MOVIES"/> <!-- 3. Specifies the background image(s) to use on the screen with the list on the left. --> <background_gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_MENUBG_MINIMOVIES_BG"/> <!-- 4a. The vendor ID specified with the <gallery_link> tag points to the gallery that contains the items to display in the list on the left. In this example, the gallery is a video-type gallery and stores the videos listed. --> <gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_MINI_MOVIES_GALLERY"/> <!-- Localizations go here --> </navnode>. . .<galleries> <gallery> <!-- 4b. This is the video gallery that stores the bonus video assets and metadata that is referenced by the <gallery_link> tag above (4a). --> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_MINI_MOVIES_GALLERY</vendor_id> <gallery_type>video</gallery_type> <gallery_items> <gallery_item type="video"> <!-- This is the vendor ID for the gallery item. --> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_gummibear_extras</vendor_id> <!-- 5. This is the display name and optional caption for this video gallery item. --> <display_name>Attack of the 50 Foot Gummi Bear</display_name> <caption>Steve is left in charge of a trouble making Gummi Bear who when transformed into a 50 foot confection is bent on escape and mischief!</caption> <!-- This is the video source asset for this video gallery item. --> <assets> <asset type="full"> <data_file role="source"> <locale name="en-US"/> <file_name></file_name> <size>7389827534</size> <checksum type="md5">3ef0022ae2929fea75b5ebaa34b602ef</checksum> <!-- Crop dimensions go here --> </data_file> <!-- Closed captions go here --> </asset> <!-- 6. This is the video preview asset for this video gallery item. --> <asset type="artwork"> <data_file"> <file_name>gummi_bear.png</file_name> <size>2027742</size> <checksum type="md5">5d4267c13a11b73d022971d8a22fb24e</checksum> </data_file> </asset> </assets> </gallery_item> <!-- Additional video gallery items here --> </gallery_items> </gallery><!-- For the sake of brevity, the gallery that stores the menu background items is not included here. See the example used for the root node above. --><!-- For the sake of brevity, the gallery that stores the selection image is not included here. See the example used for the carousel template above. -->

Grid Template Example

The grid template shows a grid of images, which can be still images or video preview artwork. When the user clicks an image, the image or video opens up into full screen. There is also the option to play a slideshow of all the images or videos in the grid. The following navigation node types can use the grid template: menu, gallery, and scenes.

The example shown is a gallery-type navigation node to display character sketches, which are stored in a generic-type gallery (for images). This template could also be used to display videos from a video gallery.

On the screenshot, required tags appear in red text and the number in parentheses indicates the maximum character count for the tag.

Grid Template Example

The numbered comments in the partial XML example below correspond to the numbered items in the screenshot above.

<!-- 1. This navigation node is a gallery-type navigation node that uses the "grid" template, which displays the images from the referenced image gallery (or videos from a video-type gallery) --> <navnode type="gallery" template="grid"> <!-- This is the vendor ID for the navigation node. --> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_SKETCHES</vendor_id> <!-- 2. Title of the node --> <title>Foodimal Sketches</title> <!-- The <selection_gallery_link> specifies the image to display on the parent node when this navigation node is selected; in this example, it is displayed on the FEATURES navigation node. This tag is required when the parent navigation node is a "menu" type node --> <selection_gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_SEL_FOODIMAL_SKETCHES"/> <!-- 3. Specifies the background image(s) to use on the screen displaying the grid. --> <background_gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_MENUBG_SKETCHES_BG"/> <!-- 4a. The vendor ID specified with the <gallery_link> tag points to the gallery that contains the items to display in the grid. In this example, the gallery is an image gallery and stores the image assets and metadata displayed. --> <gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_SKETCHES_GALLERY"/> <!-- This tag displays an action button on the screen: Slideshow for image galleries (or Play All Videos for video galleries). --> <show_play_all>false</show_play_all> <!-- Specify the transition to use between images when the user chooses "Slideshow". If you do not supply the tag, the default is dissolve. Supply the value none if you want no transition. Transitions include: dissolve, push, and wipe. --> <transition>push</transition> <!-- For image galleries, use the <item_display_duration_seconds> tag to specify how many seconds to display each image before transitioning to the next. This tag applies only if the user has selected the Slideshow button. --> <item_display_duration_seconds>5</item_display_duration_seconds> <!-- For image galleries, use the <gallery_repeat_limit> tag to specify how many times to loop through the entire gallery, before stopping. This tag applies only if the user has selected the Slideshow button. --> <gallery_repeat_limit>2</gallery_repeat_limit> </navnode>. . .<galleries> <gallery> <!-- 4b. This is the vendor ID of image gallery that stores the image assets and metadata that is referenced by the <gallery_link> tag above (4a). --> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_SKETCHES_GALLERY</vendor_id> <!-- Images are stored in a generic-type gallery --> <gallery_type>generic</gallery_type> <!-- The display name for the gallery is for internal use only; users do not see this name. The <title> of the navigation node is what will actually be displayed for the gallery. --> <display_name>sketch-gallery</display_name> <gallery_items> <gallery_item type="image"> <!-- This is the vendor ID for the gallery item. --> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_ANI_MEALS_CONCEPTS_CKELLMAN_01</vendor_id> <!-- 5. This is the display name for this image gallery item. In this example, the optional caption has not been supplied. --> <display_name>Mashed Potatoad</display_name> <!-- 6. This is the image asset for this gallery item. --> <assets> <asset> <data_file> <file_name>ANI_MEALS_CONCEPTS_ckellman_01.png</file_name> <size>397895</size> <checksum type="md5">a9e950700bff7ddcc635aa6a886b77ab</checksum> </data_file> </asset> </assets> </gallery_item> <!-- Additional image gallery items here --> </gallery_items> </gallery><!-- For the sake of brevity, the gallery that stores the menu background items is not included here. See the example used for the root node above. --><!-- For the sake of brevity, the gallery that stores the selection image is not included here. See the example used for the carousel template above. -->

Using a Grid Template as a Menu

The grid template can also be used for menu navigation nodes. This example includes two navigation nodes (both using the one-up template): one to display bonus videos and the other to display images.

grid template as menu
<!-- 1. This navigation node is a menu-type navigation node that uses the "grid" template, which includes a node for bonus videos and a node to display images from a gallery --><navnode type="menu" template="grid"> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_SPECIAL_FEATURES</vendor_id> <!-- 2. Title of the node --> <title>SPECIAL FEATURES</title> <navnodes> <navnode type="gallery" template="one_up"> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_SPECIAL_FEATURES_MINI_MOVIES</vendor_id> <title>Mini Movies</title> <!-- 3. The <gallery_link> points to the gallery that contains the videos to display. --> <gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_SPECIAL_FEATURES_MINI_MOVIES_GALLERY"/> <selection_gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_SEL_SPECIAL_FEATURES_MINI_MOVIES"/> <show_play_all>true</show_play_all> </navnode> <navnode type="gallery" template="one_up"> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_SPECIAL_FEATURES_GALLERY</vendor_id> <title>Foodimal Sketches</title> <!-- 4. The <gallery_link> points to the gallery that contains the images to display. --> <gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_SPECIAL_FEATURES_SKETCHES_GALLERY"/> <selection_gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_SPECIAL_FEATURES_SEL_GALLERY"/> </navnode> </navnodes></navnode><. . .><galleries> <!-- Galleries that store the videos and images referenced above go here. They have been omitted for the sake of brevity. -->. . .</galleries>

List-on-Left With Grid Template Example

The list-on-left with grid template has a navigation menu on the left and a grid of images on the right. The images shown in the grid change depending on which item in the list is selected. The following navigation node types can use the list-on-left with grid template: menu and scenes. (Note: When showing multiple Scene Groups, iTunes recommends using the list-on-left with grid template; see Scene Groups: List-on-Left With Grid Template for an example.) The cast navigation node cannot be customized with a template, but it uses the list-on-left grid template by default.

List-on-left with grid

Rows Template Example

The rows template shows scrolling rows or shelves of categorized content, which can show images or video preview artwork. The following navigation node type can use the rows template: menu. The related navigation node also uses the rows template and the content is generated automatically; in this case, when the user clicks an item, iTunes displays a product page.

Rows Template

Using a Rows Template as a Menu

The rows template can also be used for menu navigation nodes. In this example, the node links to three galleries: two video galleries and one image gallery.

Rows template as a menu
<!-- 1. This navigation node is a menu-type navigation node that uses the "rows" template, which includes a node for bonus videos, a node to display images from a gallery, and a node for deleted scenes videos. --><navnode type="menu" template="rows"> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_GALLERIES</vendor_id> <!-- 2. Title of the node --> <title>GALLERIES</title> <navnodes> <navnode type="gallery" template="one_up"> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MINI_MOVIES_VIDEOS</vendor_id> <title>Mini Movies</title> <!-- 3. The <gallery_link> points to the gallery that contains the videos to display. --> <gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MINI_MOVIES_VIDEOS_GALLERY"/> <selection_gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_SEL_MINI_MOVIES_VIDEOS"/> <show_play_all>true</show_play_all> </navnode> <navnode type="gallery" template="one_up"> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_SKETCHES</vendor_id> <title>Foodimal Sketches</title> <!-- 5. The <gallery_link> points to the gallery that contains the sketches to display. --> <gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_SKETCHES_GALLERY"/> <selection_gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_SKETCHES_SEL_GALLERY"/> </navnode> <navnode type="gallery" template="one_up"> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_DELETED_SCENES</vendor_id> <title>Deleted Scenes</title> <!-- 4. The <gallery_link> points to the gallery that contains the deleted scene videos to display. --> <gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_DELETED_SCENES_GALLERY"/> <selection_gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_SEL_DELETED_SCENES"/> <show_play_all>true</show_play_all> </navnode> </navnodes></navnode><. . .><galleries> <!-- Galleries that store the videos and images referenced above go here. They have been omitted for the sake of brevity. -->. . .</galleries>

One-Up Template Example

The one-up template displays one image or bonus video at a time. Advancing to the next image or video can be manual or automatic. If the user chooses to advance manually (that is, the Slideshow or Play All button has not been selected), the display name and caption appear below the content. To see the next image or video, the user can click the navigation arrows on the right or left, or swipe right or left. The following navigation node type can use the one-up template: gallery.

<!-- 1. This navigation node is a gallery-type navigation node that uses the "one-up" template, which displays the images from the referenced image gallery (or videos from a video-type gallery) one at a time on the screen --> <navnode type="gallery" template="one_up"> <!-- This is the vendor ID for the navigation node. --> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_SKETCHES</vendor_id> <!-- Title of the node --> <title>Foodimal Sketches</title> <!-- The <selection_gallery_link> specifies the image to display on the parent node when this navigation node is selected; in this example, it is displayed on the FEATURES navigation node. This tag is required when the parent navigation node is a "menu" type node --> <selection_gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_SEL_FOODIMAL_SKETCHES"/> <!-- The vendor ID specified with the <gallery_link> tag points to the gallery that contains the items to display. In this example, the gallery is an image gallery and stores the image assets and metadata displayed. --> <gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_SKETCHES_GALLERY"/> <!-- This tag displays an action button on the screen: Slideshow for image galleries (or Play All Videos for video galleries). --> <show_play_all>true</show_play_all> <!-- Specify the transition to use between images when the user chooses "Slideshow". If you do not supply the tag, the default is dissolve. Supply the value none if you want no transition. Transitions include: dissolve, push, and wipe. --> <transition>push</transition> <!-- For image galleries, use the <item_display_duration_seconds> tag to specify how many seconds to display each image before transitioning to the next. This tag applies only if the user has selected the Slideshow button. --> <item_display_duration_seconds>5</item_display_duration_seconds> <!-- For image galleries, use the <gallery_repeat_limit> tag to specify how many times to loop through the entire gallery, before stopping. This tag applies only if the user has selected the Slideshow button. --> <gallery_repeat_limit>2</gallery_repeat_limit> <!-- Localizations go here --> </navnode>. . .<galleries> <gallery> <!-- This is the vendor ID of image gallery that stores the image assets and metadata that is referenced by the <gallery_link> tag above. --> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_SKETCHES_GALLERY</vendor_id> <!-- Images are stored in a generic-type gallery --> <gallery_type>generic</gallery_type> <!-- The display name for the gallery is for internal use only; users do not see this name --> <display_name>sketch-gallery</display_name> <gallery_items> <gallery_item type="image"> <!-- This is the vendor ID for the gallery item. --> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_ANI_MEALS_CONCEPTS_CKELLMAN_80</vendor_id> <!-- This is the display name for this image gallery item. In this example, the optional caption has not been supplied. --> <display_name>TyrannaS'more-us Mess</display_name> <alt_description>A character with a body made of roasted marshmallows and a mouth made of graham crackers breathes fire.</alt_description> <!-- This is the image asset for this gallery item. --> <assets> <asset> <data_file> <file_name>ANI_MEALS_CONCEPTS_ckellman_80.png</file_name> <size>1925584</size> <checksum type="md5">79c0ee05147ac4ed03bbe183242d27ea</checksum> </data_file> </asset> </assets> </gallery_item> <!-- Additional image gallery items here --> </gallery_items> </gallery><!-- For the sake of brevity, the gallery that stores the menu background items is not included here. See the example used for the root node above. --><!-- For the sake of brevity, the gallery that stores the selection image is not included here. See the example used for the carousel template above. -->

Expand-in-Parent Template Example

The expand-in-parent template displays links to the items (images or bonus videos) on the parent node instead of displaying them on another screen. The following navigation node type can use the expand-in-parent template: gallery.

On the screenshot, required tags appear in red text and the number in parentheses indicates the maximum character count for the tag.

<!-- 1. This gallery navigation node uses the "expand_in_parent" template, which means that links to all the bonus videos stored in the video gallery referenced appear on the parent node and the videos play on the parent node --><navnode type="gallery" template="expand_in_parent"> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_BEHIND_SCENES</vendor_id> <title>Featurettes</title> <!-- 2a. The <gallery_link> points to the gallery that contains the videos to display. --> <gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_BEHIND_SCENES_GALLERY"/> <!-- The <selection_gallery_link> is required when the parent navigation node is a "menu" type node. In this example, the parent node is the FEATURES node, which is a menu type (<navnode type="menu" template="list_on_right"> --> <selection_gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_SEL_BACK_IN_KICHEN"/> <!-- Including this tag with the value of true will display the Play All button for videos (or Slideshow for images) --> <show_play_all>true</show_play_all> </navnode>. . .<galleries> <gallery> <!-- 2b. This is the video gallery that stores the bonus video assets and metadata that is referenced by the <gallery_link> tag above (2a). --> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_BEHIND_SCENES_GALLERY</vendor_id> <gallery_type>video</gallery_type> <gallery_items> <gallery_item type="video"> <!-- This is the vendor ID for the legacy video. --> <legacy_video vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS_2_EXTRAS_productiondesign"/> <!-- This is the vendor ID for the gallery item. --> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_productiondesign_extras</vendor_id> <!-- 3. This is the display name and optional caption for this video gallery item. --> <display_name>Production Design: Back in the Kitchen</display_name> <caption>Where do you go after it rains cheeseburgers all over Swallow Falls? Back to the kitchen of course! We talk to filmmakers Cody Cameron and Kris Pearn about coming up with the story and jokes for the film!</caption> <assets> <!-- 4. This is the video preview asset for this video gallery item. --> <asset type="artwork"> <data_file"> <file_name>back_in_kichen.png</file_name> <size>3342666</size> <checksum type="md5">a2faa85e7eb62ac1d8db1ea4364ecb72</checksum> </data_file> </asset> </assets> </gallery_item> <!-- Additional video gallery items here --> </gallery_items> </gallery>

List-on-Right Template Example

This next example shows a more complex use of templates, using navigation nodes within another navigation node (XPATH: rootnodes/rootnode/navnodes/navnode/navnodes/navnode). The list-on-right template has a navigation menu on the right and a preview (selection) image on the left. The preview image is called the “selection” image and can change depending on which item in the list on the right is selected. The following navigation node types can use the list-on-right template: menu, gallery, and scenes.

In this example, the FEATURES navigation node includes nested navigation nodes: One navigation node is a video gallery to show movie shorts. Another node is an image gallery that points to an image (generic)-type gallery of concept sketches; when the user chooses the image gallery, the images display on another node. The other navigation node, called Featurettes, is a bonus video gallery showing “behind the scenes” videos. The bonus videos are stored in a video-type gallery.

<!-- 1. The parent navigation node specified here is a "menu" type node, which means all the child navigation nodes must include a selection image that will be displayed on the parent when the node is selected --><navnode type="menu" template="list_on_right"> <!-- The vendor ID of the parent navigation node --> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_FEATURES</vendor_id> <title>FEATURES</title> <!-- 2. Specifies the background image(s) to use on the parent navigation node --> <background_gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_MENUBG_FEATURES_BG"/>
<!-- 3. This navigation node is the first item in the "list on right." It is a gallery-type navigation node that uses the "list_on_left" template, which when selected displays a new screen with a list of the videos on the left --> <navnode type="gallery" template="list_on_left"> <!-- This is the vendor ID for the navigation node. --> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_MINI_MOVIES</vendor_id> <!-- Title of the node --> <title>Mini Movies</title> <!-- 4. The <selection_gallery_link> specifies the image to display on the parent node when this navigation node is selected; in this example, it is displayed on the FEATURES navigation node. This tag is required when the parent navigation node is a "menu" type node --> <selection_gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_SEL_MINI_MOVIES"/> <!-- 5. Specifies the background image(s) to use on the screen with the list on the left. --> <background_gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_MENUBG_MINIMOVIES_BG"/>. . .<!-- For the sake of brevity, the galleries that store background images/audio, the selection image, image assets, and video assets are not included here. See the examples above. -->
<!-- 6. This navigation node is the fourth item in the "list on right." It is a gallery-type navigation node that uses the "grid" template, which when selected displays the images on a new screen in a grid --><navnode type="gallery" template="grid"> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_SKETCHES_GRID</vendor_id> <title>Foodimal Sketches</title> <selection_gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_SEL_FOODIMAL_SKETCHES"/>. . .<!-- For the sake of brevity, the galleries that store background images/audio, the selection image, image assets, and video assets are not included here. See the examples above. -->
<!-- 7. The <gallery_link> points to the gallery that contains the images to display in the grid. --> <gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_SKETCHES_GRID_GALLERY"/> <!-- 8. Specifies the background image(s) to use on the Foodimal Sketches screen with the grid --> <background_gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_MENUBG_GALLERY_BG"/> </navnode><!-- For the sake of brevity, the galleries that store background images/audio, the selection image, image assets, and video assets are not included here. See the examples above. -->
<!-- 9. This gallery navigation node uses the "expand_in_parent" template, which means that links to all the bonus videos stored in the video gallery referenced appear on the parent node and the videos play on the parent node --><navnode type="gallery" template="expand_in_parent"> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_FEATURETTES_BONUS_VIDEOS</vendor_id> <title>Featurettes</title> <selection_gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_SEL_BACK_TO_KITCHEN"/> <!-- 10. The <gallery_link> points to the gallery that contains the videos to display. --> <gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_FEATURETTES_BONUS_VIDEOS_GALLERY"/></navnode><!-- For the sake of brevity, the galleries that store background images/audio, the selection image, image assets, and video assets are not included here. See the examples above. -->



In addition to the menu structure, the iTunes Extras format includes galleries for storing and displaying images, videos, and audio files. The images, videos, and audio files in a gallery are delivered in a <gallery_item> block within the <gallery> block. Galleries fall into four categories:

  • Image galleries to store still photos and artwork that can be browsed by the user.

  • Video galleries to store bonus videos and preview artwork for playback by the user. (Video galleries are not intended to store scenes; scenes are delivered via XML and identified by timecodes that refer to the core video.)

  • Selection image galleries to store images to use when a node is selected.

  • Menu background galleries to store video, images, and audio files that are used as background items for the nodes.

You assign a unique vendor ID to each gallery, which is used to reference that gallery from elsewhere in the XML using one of three tags: <gallery_link>, <background_gallery_link>, <selection_gallery_link>.



Use To


Link to an image or video gallery, referencing it by its <vendor_id>.

An image gallery can store images (illustrations, still photos) used throughout the iTunes Extras (except for background images and selection images, described below) and the gallery type must be "generic".

A video gallery stores bonus content videos (all iTunes Extras videos except scenes) and the gallery type must be "video".


Link to a video, images, or an audio file to use for the background of an iTunes Extras screen. The gallery used to store the background content (gallery type must be "menubg") can include video, images, and one audio file. Video is optional for background galleries and is only supported in background galleries associated with the Main Menu. Video will only play on Apple TV; images and audio loops will display on all other platforms. If you deliver more than one image file in a background gallery, the images will be rotated in automatically as a slide-show. You can have multiple menubg galleries to store background items for different nodes, or for different territories.


Link to an image to use when a node is selected. The gallery used to store the selection image (gallery type must be "selection") stores one, and only one, image. The gallery is referenced by <vendor_id> and multiple "selection" type galleries are allowed.

Asset Requirements for Gallery Items

The image, video, and audio assets must meet the following requirements:




  • PNG (.png)

  • RGB

  • 72 dpi or higher

Menu background size:

  • 3840 x 2160 pixels for Apple TV

  • 1920 x 1080 for desktop computers

  • 2880 x 1620 for desktops with retina display

  • 2880 x 1620 for 4K-16:9

  • 2732 x 2048 for 4K-4:3

  • All menu background sizes are minimum sizes with aspect ratios locked

Selection image minimum size:

  • 1920 width minimum or 1080 height minimum

  • Alpha Channel Support

Standard gallery image minimum size:

  • 1920 width minimum or 1080 height minimum

  • Alpha Channel Support

Video preview artwork minimum size:

  • 1920 width minimum or 1080 height minimum, with support up to aspect ratio of 2.4:1

  • Alpha Channel Support

SDR (Standard Dynamic Range):

  • Apple ProRes 422 HQ or better

  • 1920 x 1080 or higher preferred

HDR (High Dynamic Range) - optional:

  • Apple ProRes 4444 or 4444 XQ

  • 1920 x 1080 or higher

  • Note: HDR videos require a matching SDR source.

Menu background video length:

  • Must be less than 10 minutes 30 seconds

For complete video requirements, see the Film Content Profiles section of the Video and Audio Asset Guide.

  • WAV (.wav), M4A (.m4a), or FLAC (.flac)

  • Uncompressed or lossless

  • Stereo

  • 44.1Khz minimum

  • 16-bit or 24-bit resolution minimum

Background Audio:

  • Stereo

Video source audio:

  • Stereo

  • 5.1 Surround

  • 7.1 Surround

Dolby Atmos Audio Source Asset Requirements

The Atmos source audio must meet the following requirements:

  • The audio mix must have been approved for home listening and monitored in a room with at least a 7.1.4 speaker layout.

  • If the Dolby Atmos master can be used for derivation of legacy audio assets (7.1ch, 5.1ch and/or stereo LtRt audio), these legacy renders must be approved as well.

  • All audio deliverables should be conformed and synced to final picture as long-play and not as separate reels.

  • Leader and sync pop should be removed from the Dolby Atmos master file.

  • The Dolby Atmos master file must be provided as a BWF ADM file.

  • All audio tracks in the file must be 24-bit LPCM audio at 48kHz.

  • There must not be more than 128 individual audio tracks.

  • Tracks 1-128 may be used for objects or beds.

  • Mastering information (for example, desired artistic compression profiles, downmix mix levels, etc.) should be correctly authored in the DBMD section of the BWF ADM file.

  • The average loudness of dialogue/speech of the Dolby Atmos master must be within the range of -31 LKFS to -10 LKFS, and should ideally be between -30 LKFS and -18 LKFS. The following measurement methodology should be used:

    • Run the loudness measurement on a 5.1 channel render of the full mix.

    • Use the measurement algorithm BS.1770 + Dialogue Intelligence (or other speech-gating algorithm) to measure the dialogue-gated loudness, integrated over the full duration of the asset, to verify it falls within the specified range indicated above.

    • Monitor the reported percentage of dialogue. If it is less than 10%, dialogue may not be the anchor element for loudness correction of this audio asset. You should instead follow the procedure in the paragraph below.

  • For Dolby Atmos masters where dialogue is not the anchor element (for example, music assets), the average audio loudness of the Dolby Atmos master must be within the range of -31 LKFS to -5 LKFS. The following measurement methodology should be used:

    • Run the loudness measurement on a 5.1 channel render of the full mix.

    • Use the BS.1770-4 (or BS.1770-3) measurement algorithm to measure the full-program mix (all channels over the entire length of the asset) to verify that loudness falls within the specified range indicated above.


In iTunes Extras 5.2, scenes are specified differently from bonus videos. The scenes are extracted from the core film using timecodes. Using a scenes navigation node is optional, however, if you are using one, you must group the scenes into one or more <scene_group> elements. At least one <scene_group> is required. You can group scenes by theme, for example, by location, by character, or by action, such as “Chase Scenes.”

Note: A group of deleted scenes should be delivered in a video type gallery, not with the <scene_group> structure. Scenes linked to from a <scene_group> are referenced by timecodes from the core film; any scenes deleted from the core film would not have any timecodes.

In the XML, you deliver all the scenes you intend to include in the iTunes Extras using timecode references and list those within a <scenes> block; each scene is assigned a vendor ID. Within the <scene_group> block, a scene is referenced by the assigned <vendor_id> using the <scene_link> tag.

Within a <scene_group>, you can indicate which scene to use as the “selection” image using the key_scene.

Scene Groups: List-on-Left With Grid Template

The list-on-left with grid template has a navigation menu on the left and a grid of images on the right. The images shown in the grid change depending on which item in the list is selected. The following navigation node types can use the list-on-left with grid template: menu and scenes. When showing multiple Scene Groups, iTunes recommends using the list-on-left with grid template. (The cast navigation node also uses the list-on-left grid template.)

List-on-left with grid

The table below describes some of the elements on the list-on-left-with-grid template. Note that the table below does not repeat elements already covered above (such as the background image).

<!-- 1. The navigation node for SCENES. --><navnode type="scenes" template="list_on_left_with_grid"> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_SCENES</vendor_id> <title>SCENES</title></navnode>. . . <scene_groups> <timecode_format>24/999 1000/nonDrop</timecode_format> <!-- Defines the first scene group. --> <scene_group> <!-- Vendor ID of the first scene group. --> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_HILARIOUS_MOMENTS_SCENES</vendor_id> <!-- 2. Title of the first scene group. --> <title>Hilarious Moments</title> <scene_links> <!-- 3. Links to the vendor IDs of the scenes to include in the group. --> <scene_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_HILARIOUS_1" key_scene="true"/> <scene_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_HILARIOUS_2"/> <scene_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_HILARIOUS_3"/> <!-- Additional <scene_link> tags here --> </scene_links> </scene_group> <!-- Additional Scene Groups here --> </scene_groups> <scenes> <scene> <!-- Identifies the timecode from the core video to indicate the start and end times of the scene. --> <media_reference start="00:00:29:09" end="00:01:53:05"/> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_A_GREAT_INVENTOR</vendor_id> <title>A Great Inventor</title> <description>Flint recalls wanting to be an inventor from an early age.</description> <assets> <!-- 4. Delivers the scene preview artwork. --> <asset type="artwork"> <data_file> <file_name>great-inventor.png</file_name> <size>2576778</size> <checksum type="md5">e8a8e9006f512c946b3d7dda9c848513</checksum> </data_file> </asset> </assets> </scene> <!-- Additional <scene> tags here --> </scenes>

iTunes Extras 5.2 Profile

iTunes Extras Profile Overview

The iTunes Extras profile is used for the delivery of iTunes Extras bonus content. iTunes Extras is for use with films.

For questions regarding this document, contact your iTunes Technical Representative.

An iTunes Extras product is made up of several “entry points” into the content using a menu structure with navigation nodes and child nodes. The content can include image galleries, video galleries, scene galleries, and cast and crew information. In addition, the iTunes Extras can be customized with design templates, background video, images, and audio, background colors, and transition effects between nodes.

iTunes Extras Metadata Example

Below is an example metadata.xml file for an iTunes Extras for the movie Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2. In addition to referencing the core film, it specifies the menu structure and the content of those menus and it delivers the assets. Localizations for the content and assets can also be provided.

In this example, the iTunes Extras is available in three territories: United States, Spain, and France. One of the image galleries cannot be shown in France, so two root node menu structures are being delivered: one for US and Spain, and the other for France that excludes the gallery.

This example assumes you know how to do the initial import of the film (see the iTunes Package Film Specification). This document explains how to add extra (bonus) content for a previously delivered Film.

<package xmlns="" version="film5.2"> <language>en-US</language> <provider>sonypicturesentertainment</provider> <itunes_extra> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_ITUNES_EXTRAS</vendor_id> <eidr>10.5240/9500-780F-E4D0-91D9-A8C8-O</eidr> <release_date>2014-07-10</release_date> <content_item content_type="video"> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_WITH_A_CHANCE_OF_MEATBALLS_2_2013</vendor_id> </content_item> <title>Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2</title> <description>Flamangos, Cheesespiders, Hippotatomuses! Oh my! We sit down with filmmakers to discuss the inspiration behind these wacky food-animal hybrids that have taken over Swallow Falls.</description> <locales> <locale name="es"> <title>Nublado con posibilidad de albóndigas 2</title> <description>Flamangos, Cheesespiders, Hippotatomuses! Oh my! Nos sentamos con los cineastas para discutir la inspiración detrás de estos híbridos animal-alimento extravagantes que se han apoderado de Swallow Falls.</description> </locale> <locale name="fr"> <title>Tempête de boulettes géantes 2</title> <description>Flamangos, Cheesespiders, Hippotatomuses! Oh mon dieu! Nous nous asseyons avec les cinéastes pour discuter de l'inspiration derrière ces hybrides farfelus alimentaire animaux qui ont repris Swallow Falls.</description> </locale> </locales> <rootnodes> <rootnode> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_ITUNES_EXTRA_US</vendor_id> <title>Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2</title> <short_title>Extras</short_title> <description>Check out the Mouth Watering Extras for Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2! Includes 4 new mini-movies, Deleted Scenes, whacky featurettes and more! There is no lack of food fun!</description> <territories> <territory>US</territory> <territory>ES</territory> </territories> <background_gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_MAIN_BG_GALLERY"/> <locales> <locale name="es"> <title>Nublado con posibilidad de albóndigas 2</title> <short_title>Extras</short_title> <description>¡Te vas a chupar los dedos con los extras de Lluvia de albóndigas 2! Incluyen comentarios del director, 4 mini películas nuevas, escenas eliminadas, cortos para morirse de risa y más. ¡Diversión asegurada!</description> <!-- Localized background image for Spain --> <background_gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_MAIN_BG_GALLERY_ES"/> </locale> </locales> <transition>dissolve</transition> <colors background="000000"/> <navnodes> <navnode type="play"> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_PLAY</vendor_id> <title>PLAY</title> <preview_label>TRAILER</preview_label> <movie_label>MOVIE</movie_label> <locales> <locale name="es"> <title>REPRODUCIR</title> <preview_label>TRÁILER</preview_label> <movie_label>PELÍCULA</movie_label> </locale> </locales> </navnode> <navnode type="scenes" template="carousel"> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_SCENES</vendor_id> <title>SCENES</title> <background_gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_SCENES_BG"/> <show_play_all>true</show_play_all> <locales> <locale name="es"> <title>ESCENAS</title> </locale> </locales> </navnode> <navnode type="gallery" template="one_up"> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_COMMENTARY</vendor_id> <title>COMMENTARY</title> <description>Listen to the director's insights on the making of the film.</description> <locales> <locale name="es"> <title>COMENTARIO</title> <description>Escuchar ideas del director en la realización de la película.</description> </locale> </locales> <inherit_background_image>false</inherit_background_image> <gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_COMMENTARY_GALLERY"/> </navnode> <navnode type="menu" template="list_on_right"> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_FEATURES</vendor_id> <title>FEATURES</title> <background_gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_FEATURES_BG"/> <selection_gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_SEL_FEATURES"/> <locales> <locale name="es"> <title>CARACTER[&#205;]STICAS</title> </locale> </locales> <navnodes> <navnode type="gallery" template="list_on_left"> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_MINI_MOVIES</vendor_id> <title>Mini Movies</title> <description>Catch all your favorite characters in these all new Mini Movies.</description> <selection_gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_SEL_MINI_MOVIES"/> <gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_MINI_MOVIES"/> <background_gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_MINIMOVIES_BG"/> <locales> <locale name="es"> <title>Mini Películas</title> <description>Captura todos tus personajes favoritos en estos todos los nuevos Mini Película.</description> </locale> </locales> </navnode> <navnode type="gallery" template="expand_in_parent"> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_BACK_IN_THE_KITCHEN</vendor_id> <title>Featurette</title> <selection_gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_SEL_BACK_IN_KITCHEN"/> <gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_BACK_IN_THE_KITCHEN"/> <locales> <locale name="es"> <title>Featurette</title> </locale> </locales> </navnode> <!-- Additional optional navigation nodes here --> </navnodes> </navnode> <navnode type="gallery" template="carousel"> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_SKETCHES_GALLERY</vendor_id> <title>GALLERY</title> <description>Browse foodimal sketches.</description> <locales> <locale name="es"> <title>GALERÍA</title> <description>Examine bocetos foodimal.</description> </locale> </locales> <inherit_background_image>false</inherit_background_image> <selection_gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2__SEL_SKETCHES_ES"/> <gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_SKETCHES"/> <show_play_all>true</show_play_all> </navnode> <navnode type="cast"> <title>CAST AND CREW</title> <short_title>CAST</short_title> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_CAST</vendor_id> <locales> <locale name="es"> <title>ELENCO Y EQUIPO</title> </locale> </locales> </navnode> <navnode type="related"> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_RELATED</vendor_id> <title>RELATED</title> <background_gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_RELATED_BG"/> <locales> <locale name="es"> <title>RELACIONADOS</title> </locale> </locales> </navnode> </navnodes> </rootnode> <rootnode> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_FR</vendor_id> <title>Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2</title> <short_title>Extras</short_title> <description>Check out the Mouth Watering Extras for Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2! Includes 4 new mini-movies, Deleted Scenes, whacky featurettes and more! There is no lack of food fun!</description> <locales> <locale name="fr"> <title>Tempête de boulettes géantes 2</title> <short_title>Extras</short_title> <description>Découvrez les extras particulièrement alléchants de « L’île des Miam-nimaux : Tempête de boulettes géantes 2 » ! Avec notamment quatre courts-métrages, des scènes coupées, des featurettes tordantes et plus encore. Pour une fois qu’on peut s’amuser avec la nourriture !</description> </locale> </locales> <territories> <territory>FR</territory> </territories> <background_gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_MAIN_BG_GALLERY"/> <transition>wipe</transition> <navnodes> <navnode type="play"> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_PLAY_FR</vendor_id> <title>PLAY</title> <preview_label>TRAILER</preview_label> <movie_label>MOVIE</movie_label> <locales> <locale name="fr"> <title>JOUER</title> <preview_label>REMORQUE</preview_label> <movie_label>FILM</movie_label> </locale> </locales> </navnode> <navnode type="scenes" template="carousel"> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_SCENES_FR</vendor_id> <title>SCENES</title> <locales> <locale name="fr"> <title>SCENES</title> </locale> </locales> <background_gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_SCENES_BG"/> <show_play_all>true</show_play_all> </navnode> <navnode type="menu" template="list_on_right"> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_FEATURES_FR</vendor_id> <title>FEATURES</title> <locales> <locale name="fr"> <title>CARACTÉRISTIQUES</title> </locale> </locales> <background_gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_FEATURES_BG"/> <selection_gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_SEL_FEATURES"/> <navnodes> <navnode type="gallery" template="list_on_left"> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_MINI_MOVIES_FR</vendor_id> <title>Mini Movies</title> <description>Catch all your favorite characters in these all new Mini Movies.</description> <locales> <locale name="fr"> <title>Mini Films</title> <description>Attrapez tous vos personnages préférés dans ces toutes nouvelles mini films.</description> </locale> </locales> <selection_gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_SEL_MINI_MOVIES"/> <gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_MINI_MOVIES"/> <background_gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_MINIMOVIES_BG"/> </navnode> <navnode type="gallery" template="expand_in_parent"> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_BACK_IN_IN_THE_KITCHEN_FR</vendor_id> <title>Featurette</title> <locales> <locale name="fr"> <title>Featurette</title> </locale> </locales> <selection_gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_SEL_BACK_IN_KITCHEN"/> <gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_BACK_IN_THE_KITCHEN"/> </navnode> <!-- Additional navigation nodes here --> </navnodes> </navnode> <!-- The image gallery CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_SKETCHES delivered above for the US and Spain territories is not cleared for France. It has been omitted from this root node. --> <navnode type="cast"> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_CAST_FR</vendor_id> <title>CAST AND CREW</title> <short_title>CAST</short_title> <locales> <locale name="fr"> <title>CASTING ET EQUIPE</title> <short_title>CASTING</short_title> </locale> </locales> </navnode> <navnode type="related"> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_RELATED_FR</vendor_id> <title>RELATED</title> <locales> <locale name="fr"> <title>CONNEXES</title> </locale> </locales> <background_gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_RELATED_BG"/> </navnode> </navnodes> </rootnode> <!-- Additional root nodes here as needed --> </rootnodes> <galleries> <gallery> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_MAIN_BG_GALLERY</vendor_id> <gallery_type>menubg</gallery_type> <display_name>MAIN_BG_GALLERY</display_name> <gallery_repeat_limit>6</gallery_repeat_limit> <item_display_duration_seconds>6.0</item_display_duration_seconds> <gallery_items> <gallery_item type="video"> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_MAIN_BG_VIDEO_LOOP</vendor_id> <eidr>10.5240/A7F9-B2E6-83C7-53CC-8159-D</eidr> <assets> <asset type="full"> <data_file role="source"> <locale name="en-US"/> <file_name></file_name> <size>7699143756</size> <checksum type="md5">e7fa00d0356912be5610b01182a650fb</checksum> <attribute name="">142</attribute> <attribute name="crop.bottom">142</attribute> <attribute name="crop.left">4</attribute> <attribute name="crop.right">4</attribute> </data_file> <data_file role="audio.7_1"> <locale name="en-US"/> <file_name></file_name> <size>691266596</size> <checksum type="md5">1abedda87d7df4b12512cf50436b9714</checksum> <attribute name="audio.surround.force_5_1_downmix">true</attribute> </data_file> </asset> </assets> </gallery_item> <gallery_item type="image"> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_MAIN_BG_IMG1</vendor_id> <assets> <asset display_target="AppleTV"> <data_file> <file_name>main_bg.png</file_name> <size>3810026</size> <checksum type="md5">1c98189da56b23f7411862ec1abfda3f</checksum> </data_file> </asset> <asset display_target="Desktop"> <data_file> <file_name>main_bg.png</file_name> <size>3810026</size> <checksum type="md5">1c98189da56b23f7411862ec1abfda3f</checksum> </data_file> </asset> </assets> </gallery_item> <gallery_item type="image"> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_MAIN_BG_IMG2</vendor_id> <assets> <asset display_target="AppleTV"> <data_file> <file_name>main_bg2.png</file_name> <size>4723406</size> <checksum type="md5">a5111c98189d862ec6b23f741abcda6f</checksum> </data_file> </asset> <asset display_target="Desktop"> <data_file> <file_name>main_bg2.png</file_name> <size>4723406</size> <checksum type="md5">a5111c98189d862ec6b23f741abcda6f</checksum> </data_file> </asset> <asset display_target="4K-16:9"> <data_file> <file_name>main_bg_2880x1620.png</file_name> <size>4227998</size> <checksum type="md5">419da3fda5abfb23f7161ec1c5a68281</checksum> </data_file> </asset> <asset display_target="4K-4:3"> <data_file> <file_name>main_bg_2732x2048.png</file_name> <size>4256898</size> <checksum type="md5">da5abfb23f7419da3f161c5a682ec181</checksum> </data_file> </asset> </assets> </gallery_item> <gallery_item type="audio"> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_MAIN_BG_LOOP</vendor_id> <assets> <asset> <data_file> <file_name>mm_bg.wav</file_name> <size>10004316</size> <checksum type="md5">d335dad616ab73fdfcec38592d0f5d82</checksum> </data_file> </asset> </assets> </gallery_item> <!-- Additional menu background gallery items here --> </gallery_items> </gallery> <!-- You can have multiple galleries of type menubg for localized menu backgrounds as well as a menubg gallery for each navigation node, for example, SCENES, RELATED, and so on. Note that some navigation nodes reference menubg galleries in the XML example above, but those galleries have been omitted from this XML example for brevity. Do not omit any referenced galleries from your metadata delivery. --> <gallery> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_MAIN_BG_GALLERY_ES</vendor_id> <gallery_type>menubg</gallery_type> <display_name>MAIN_BG_GALLERY_ES</display_name> <gallery_items> <gallery_item type="video"> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_MAIN_BG_VIDEO_LOOP_ES</vendor_id> <assets> <asset type="full"> <data_file role="source"> <locale name="es"/> <file_name></file_name> <size>7385756914</size> <checksum type="md5">0b0116912be56182e7fa00d035a650fb</checksum> <attribute name="">142</attribute> <attribute name="crop.bottom">142</attribute> <attribute name="crop.left">4</attribute> <attribute name="crop.right">4</attribute> </data_file> <data_file role="audio.7_1"> <locale name="es"/> <file_name></file_name> <size>596894666</size> <checksum type="md5">b36b91a512cf5bedda87d7df12044714</checksum> <attribute name="audio.surround.force_5_1_downmix">true</attribute> </data_file> </asset> </assets> </gallery_item> <gallery_item 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2</display_name> <caption>Este featurette le da una mirada al interior de algunos de sus escondites.</caption> </locale> <locale name="fr"> <display_name>Mini Film 2</display_name> <caption>Cette featurette vous donne un regard intérieur sur quelques-uns de ses cachettes.</caption> </locale> </locales> <legacy_video vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_ITUNES_EXTRAS_supermanny"/> <eidr>10.5240/173F-F1BB-ECA4-D533-6E2C-J</eidr> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_ITUNES_EXTRAS_supermanny_extras20</vendor_id> <assets> <asset type="artwork"> <data_file> <file_name>super_manny.png</file_name> <size>1262156</size> <checksum type="md5">b11cf3520fb349c5b90f16fc37baa4ba</checksum> </data_file> </asset> </assets> </gallery_item> <!-- Additional video gallery items here --> </gallery_items> </gallery> <gallery> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_SKETCHES</vendor_id> <gallery_type>generic</gallery_type> <display_name>Foodimal Sketches</display_name> <locales> <locale name="es"> <display_name>Bosquejos de foodimals</display_name> </locale> </locales> <item_display_duration_seconds>7.5</item_display_duration_seconds> <gallery_repeat_limit>3</gallery_repeat_limit> <gallery_items> <gallery_item type="image"> <display_name>Foodimal Sketch 1</display_name> <alt_description>artist's concept line drawing in red of a pile of lumpy mashed potatoes</alt_description> <locales> <locale name="es"> <display_name>Foodimal Bosquejo 1</display_name> <alt_description>dibujo lineal concepto del artista en rojo de una pila de puré de patatas bultos</alt_description> </locale> </locales> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_SKETCHES_1</vendor_id> <assets> <asset> <data_file> <file_name>ANI_MEALS_CONCEPTS_ckellman_01.png</file_name> <size>417041</size> <checksum type="md5">929feaa34b6025b5eb22ae2ef3ef00a7</checksum> </data_file> </asset> </assets> </gallery_item> <gallery_item type="image"> <display_name>Foodimal Sketch 2</display_name> <locales> <locale name="es"> <display_name>>Foodimal Bosquejo 2</display_name> </locale> </locales> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_SKETCHES_2</vendor_id> <assets> <asset> <data_file> <file_name>ANI_MEALS_CONCEPTS_ckellman_02.png</file_name> <size>386159</size> <checksum type="md5">ba5205b91a50144891a2ec63d60595ec</checksum> </data_file> </asset> </assets> </gallery_item> <!-- Additional image (generic) gallery items here --> </gallery_items> </gallery> <gallery> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_BACK_IN_THE_KITCHEN</vendor_id> <gallery_type>video</gallery_type> <display_name>Production Design: Back in the Kitchen</display_name> <locales> <locale name="es"> <display_name>Diseño de Producción: De vuelta en la cocina</display_name> </locale> <locale name="fr"> <display_name>Création des décors: Retour dans la cuisine</display_name> </locale> </locales> <gallery_items> <gallery_item type="video"> <legacy_video vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_productiondesign"/> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_productiondesign_extras20</vendor_id> <eidr>10.5240/4DE7-9BC4-8F08-A387-CF9C-T</eidr> <display_name>Production Design: Back in the Kitchen</display_name> <caption>Check out the Mouth Watering Extras for Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2!</caption> <locales> <locale name="es"> <display_name>Diseño de Producción: De vuelta en la cocina</display_name> <caption>Echa un vistazo a los deliciosos Extras para nublado con posibilidad de albóndigas 2!</caption> </locale> <locale name="fr"> <display_name>Création des décors: Retour dans la cuisine</display_name> <caption>Vérifiez la bouche d'arrosage Extras pour Tempête de boulettes géantes 2!</caption> </locale> </locales> <assets> <asset type="artwork"> <data_file> <file_name>back_in_kichen.png</file_name> <size>3342666</size> <checksum type="md5">a2faa85e7eb62ac1d8db1ea4364ecb72</checksum> </data_file> </asset> </assets> </gallery_item> </gallery_items> </gallery> <gallery> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_SEL_MINI_MOVIES</vendor_id> <gallery_type>selection</gallery_type> <!-- A selection gallery can include only one gallery item, but you can have multiple galleries of type selection --> <display_name>mini_movies</display_name> <gallery_items> <gallery_item type="image"> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_SEL_MINI_MOVIES_IMG</vendor_id> <assets> <asset> <data_file> <file_name>mini_movies.png</file_name> <size>2691234</size> <checksum type="md5">8de6b2de3c4f06daff99993356bf1df2</checksum> </data_file> </asset> </assets> </gallery_item> </gallery_items> </gallery> <gallery> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_SEL_BACK_IN_KITCHEN</vendor_id> <gallery_type>selection</gallery_type> <display_name>back_in_kitchen</display_name> <gallery_items> <gallery_item type="image"> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_SEL_BACK_IN_KITCHEN_IMG</vendor_id> <assets> <asset> <data_file> <file_name>back_in_kitchen.png</file_name> <size>3342666</size> <checksum type="md5">a2faa85e7eb62ac1d8db1ea4364ecb72</checksum> </data_file> </asset> </assets> </gallery_item> </gallery_items> </gallery> </galleries> <scene_groups> <timecode_format>24/1 1/nonDrop</timecode_format> <scene_group> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_INVENTOR</vendor_id> <title>The Inventor</title> <locales> <locale name="es"> <title>El inventor</title> </locale> <locale name="fr"> <title>l'inventeur</title> </locale> </locales> <scene_links> <scene_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_A_GREAT_INVENTOR" key_scene="true"/> <scene_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_DISASTER_IN_THE_AIR"/> <scene_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_SPARKS_WOOD"/> <!-- Additional <scene_link> tags here --> </scene_links> </scene_group> <!-- Additional Scene Groups here --> </scene_groups> <scenes> <scene> <media_reference start="00:00:29:09" end="00:01:53:05"/> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_A_GREAT_INVENTOR</vendor_id> <title>A Great Inventor</title> <description>Flint recalls wanting to be an inventor from an early age.</description> <alt_description>Flint watches a TV that features his hero who inspired him to invent things: a red-bearded scientist wearing square, green glasses and a white lab coat. The scientist speaks from his wood-paneled library about his first invention: a food bar. Next he appears in a science lab where they have produced an even better bar. The scientist stands on a green hill surrounded by children and he encourages all young future scientists to try to change the world.</alt_description> <locales> <locale name="es"> <title>Un Gran Inventor</title> <description>Flint recuerda queriendo ser un inventor de una edad temprana.</description> </locale> <locale name="fr"> <title>Un grand inventeur</title> <description>Flint rappelle vouloir être un inventeur à un âge précoce.</description> </locale> </locales> <assets> <asset type="artwork"> <data_file> <file_name>8451597_s01_00_01_22_03.png</file_name> <size>2576778</size> <checksum type="md5">e8a8e9006f512c946b3d7dda9c848513</checksum> </data_file> </asset> </assets> </scene> <scene> <media_reference start="00:02:13:15" end="00:03:04:18"/> <vendor_id>CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_DISASTER_IN_THE_AIR</vendor_id> <title>Disaster in the Air</title> <description>Flint recounts the story of his invention and how things took a dangerous turn.</description> <locales> <locale name="es"> <title>Desastres en el Aire</title> <description>Flint cuenta la historia de su invención y cómo las cosas tomaron un giro peligroso.</description> </locale> <locale name="fr"> <title>Catastrophe dans l'air</title> <description>Flint raconte l'histoire de son invention et comment les choses ont pris une tournure dangereuse.</description> </locale> </locales> <assets> <asset type="artwork"> <data_file> <file_name>8451597_s01_00_02_23_10.png</file_name> <size>2990283</size> <checksum type="md5">885c2c2d14e39fd5f299ec7329a81112</checksum> </data_file> </asset> </assets> </scene> <!-- Additional <scene> tags here --> </scenes> </itunes_extra></package>

iTunes Extras Metadata Annotated

Only the tags specific to delivering an iTunes Extras 5.2 are annotated below. For complete annotations, see the iTunes Package Film Specification.

In this example, the iTunes Extras is available in three territories: United States, Spain, and France. One of the image galleries cannot be shown in France, so two root node menu structures are being delivered: one for US and Spain, and the other for France that excludes the gallery.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

XML Declaration (required)

The character encoding of your document must be defined.

iTunes only accepts UTF-8 encoding as it efficiently encodes non-Roman characters.

Important: The metadata.xml file must not contain a byte-order mark (BOM).


<package xmlns="" version="film5.2">

Package Container (required)

The version attribute is required.

Packages created to this specification must indicate version="film5.2". The “film” portion of the attribute must be in lowercase letters.



Language (required)

The primary language of the metadata for this package. The language specified in this tag indicates which language the non-localized tags are expressed in, and the <locales> blocks provide alternative localizations.

Important: The value delivered with the <language> tag cannot be changed once the initial delivery has been imported.

As a best practice when specifying a language, use the region subtag (for example, the US of en-US) only when it conveys helpful information, such as spelling variations between countries. For example, there is generally not a need to distinguish between Japanese as used in one country versus another, so you should use only the language code subtag (ja) instead of the language code and region subtags (ja-JP). In cases where specifying a region is appropriate, use the hyphen character to combine a language subtag with a region subtag. This identifies both the language and the specific location where the language is used. For English with American spelling, use en-US; for English with British spelling, use en-GB.

The language codes are formatted according to the best practices recommended by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) in a group of documents known collectively as BCP 47, and in particular, RFC 5646 (, which is part of BCP 47. An overview of these best practices is provided here: See “Language Codes” in the iTunes Package Film Specification for a list of common codes.



Provider (required, Apple-supplied)

This value should be the iTunes-defined provider shortname given for partner identification. The value must match the provider shortname used in Transporter (the value that is after -s in the Transporter command). Note that it is the value you pass as an argument to Transporter, not the value in the XML, that determines the account you are delivering to. Contact your iTunes Technical Representative for this value.



iTunes Extra (required)

The <itunes_extra> element block specifies the menu structure, templates, assets, and other content for the iTunes Extras.



iTunes Extras Vendor Identifier (required, 1-100 bytes, see restrictions)

The permanent value that uniquely identifies this iTunes Extras separately from any other content given by the provider. This ID is used for updating. Vendor identifiers cannot be reused.

Note: This vendor identifier is not the same as the vendor identifier of the core film.

Restrictions: The vendor identifier can only contain alphanumeric characters and underscore marks; it cannot contain spaces, dashes, ampersands, other punctuation, or symbols. The vendor identifier is case-sensitive and must not start with an underscore.



iTunes Extras EIDR (optional)

The EIDR (Entertainment Identifier Registry) is a universal, unique identifier system for movie and television assets. Any level of EIDR is accepted in this field, so long it is in valid format. For more information, see

The format of the EIDR identifier is 10.5240/XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-C, where:

  • 10.5240 represents the standard prefix of an EIDR value

  • X represents a hexadecimal digit

  • C represents the check character



iTunes Extras Release Date (optional)

This tag is used to delay the release of the iTunes Extras. If you do not supply a <release_date> tag, the iTunes Extras will go live once the core film is available on the Store and the submitted package has been approved by the provider and Apple Quality Control. The date supplied must be the date of delivery or later; if the date is in the past, the iTunes Extras will not validate and you will not be able to submit the package. The date value must be in YYYY-MM-DD format.

If you submit an update to the iTunes Extras during the “delayed release” time period, that update replaces the existing package in the queue. You can have only one delayed release package waiting to go live at a time; you cannot submit multiple updates with staggered releases.

Important: The release date is intended for core promotions or to prevent the iTunes Extras from going live immediately after it has been approved by Apple Quality Control on catalog titles already live on the Store. For example, if a catalog title live on iTunes has new bonus content available for the anniversary of the film’s release, this tag can be used to target that release date of this iTunes Extras.


<content_item content_type="video">



Content Item (required)

The <content_item> block specifies the core content to which the iTunes Extras is connected. The content_type attribute indicates the type of content, in this case, video. The <vendor_id> tag is the vendor ID of the core film.

Note: There can only be one iTunes Extras per core film, and an iTunes Extras can be connected to only one core film. Once an iTunes Extras with a specific vendor ID is attached to a core film with a specific vendor ID, it cannot be detached, and the vendor IDs cannot be changed.


<title>Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2</title>

Title (required; 1-256 bytes)

The title of the iTunes Extras.

Note: Do not include line breaks in the title. If blank lines or line breaks are included, the title will not display correctly for the customer.


<description>Flamangos, Cheesespiders, Hippotatomuses! Oh my! We sit down with filmmakers to discuss the inspiration behind these wacky food-animal hybrids that have taken over Swallow Falls.</description>

Description (required; 1-4000 bytes)

The default description of the iTunes Extras for the iTunes Store. Descriptions should explain whatʼs included in the iTunes Extras and can be up to 4000 bytes. This description is used if you do not provide a description at the <rootnode> level.



Locales (optional)

Provides a mechanism to specify regional and language variations for the title and description of the iTunes Extras. For each language in which the title needs to appear, supply a <locale> tag and the title and description translated into the specified language.

Updates: When editing or adding a locale in a metadata update, include all locales (not just the one(s) being edited or added) and all the required tags; otherwise the locales not included will be removed. To intentionally remove a locale, submit a metadata update and include all the locales, omitting the locale(s) you want to remove. To remove all locales, submit a metadata update with an empty <locales> tag. If a metadata update omits the <locales> block altogether, no changes will be made to the locales.


  <locale name="es">

Locale Name (required within the <locales> tag)

Identifies the language in which the localized title appears. The locale can indicate both the language and the optional location where the language is spoken, for example, fr-CA indicates French as spoken in Canada.


<title>Nublado con posibilidad de albóndigas 2</title>

Localized Title (required within the <locales> tag; 1-256 bytes)

The title of the iTunes Extras in the language specified with the <locale> tag.

Note: Do not include line breaks in the title. If blank lines or line breaks are included, the title will not display correctly for the customer.


<description>Flamangos, Cheesespiders, Hippotatomuses! Oh my! Nos sentamos con los cineastas para discutir la inspiración detrás de estos híbridos animal-alimento extravagantes que se han apoderado de Swallow Falls.</description>

Localized Description (required within the <locales> tag; 1-4000 bytes)

The description of the iTunes Extras in the language specified with the <locale> tag. Descriptions should explain what’s included in the iTunes Extras and can be up to 4000 bytes.





Root Nodes (required on initial delivery)

The <rootnodes> block defines territory-specific menu structures; each territory menu is defined with a <rootnode> block.

You can set up several menu structures that display different nodes with child nodes. This is useful when you need to exclude some content if that content has not been cleared for a specific territory. For example, if a gallery has not been cleared for use in France, you can set up another root node that excludes that gallery or provide an alternate gallery without the items that have not been cleared in France.

Note: If you’re keeping the menu structure as-is and not making any changes to any root nodes, leave out the entire <rootnodes> block.



Root Node (required)

Begins a territory-specific top level menu. Each root node is territory- (or territories-) specific, which are specified using the <territories> block (see the annotation below).

You must supply at least one <rootnode> with at least one defined <territory>.



Root Node Vendor Identifier (required; 1-100 bytes; see restrictions)

The permanent value that uniquely identifies this node in this package and among any nodes ever submitted by this provider on any iTunes Extras.

Restrictions: The vendor identifier can only contain alphanumeric characters and underscore marks; it cannot contain spaces, dashes, ampersands, other punctuation, or symbols. The vendor identifier is case-sensitive and must not start with an underscore.


<title>Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2</title>

Title (required; 1-256 bytes)

The title of the iTunes Extras to use for this root node.

Note: Do not include line breaks in the root node title. If blank lines or line breaks are included, the title will not display correctly for the customer.



Short Title (optional; 1 to 40 bytes)

If provided, the short title is used in lists (such as an item on a menu), instead of the full title in cases where the title is too long to fit.


<description>Check out the Mouth Watering Extras for Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2! Includes 4 new mini-movies, Deleted Scenes, whacky featurettes and more! There is no lack of food fun!</description>

Description (optional; 1-4000 bytes)

The description of the iTunes Extras for the iTunes Store. This description will display for the countries listed in the <rootnode>. This description can differ from the default description provided in the <itunes_extra> block. Descriptions should explain whatʼs included in the iTunes Extras for the countries in the <rootnode> and can be up to 4000 bytes. If no description is provided for the countries in the <rootnode>, the default description in the <itunes_extra> will be used.






Territory (at least one <territory> is required)

The territory in which to display this navigational structure. Must be specified as an ISO 3166-1 alpha 2 country code.

In this example, this root node will be used for the U.S. and Spain.


  • Within an iTunes Extras, a <territory> can be listed only once (the same territory cannot be listed in more than one <rootnode>).

  • Once an iTunes Extras has been approved by Apple, you can move a territory to a different <rootnode>, but you cannot remove it from the iTunes Extras as a whole.


<background_gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_MAIN_BG_GALLERY"/>

Background Gallery Link (required on the <rootnode>; otherwise optional)

Specifies the vendor ID of the gallery (with <gallery_type> of menubg) that contains the video, images, and/or audio to use as the background for this node.

Note: The background video, images, and/or audio referenced by this <background_gallery_link> tag will be used for locales for which a localized <background_gallery_link> tag has not been provided.



 <locale name="es">

   <title>Nublado con posibilidad de albóndigas 2</title>


   <description>¡Te vas a chupar los dedos con los extras de Lluvia de albóndigas 2! Incluyen comentarios del director, 4 mini películas nuevas, escenas eliminadas, cortos para morirse de risa y más. ¡Diversión asegurada!</description>

   <background_gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_MAIN_BG_ES"/>



Locales (<locale> is optional, but if supplied, <title> and <description> are required)

For each locale, supply a localized title, short title, description, and background video, images, and/or audio file. If you do not provide the <background_gallery_link> or <short_title> for a locale, the background and short title supplied on the <rootnode> will be used; in this example, the non-localized elements will be in English.

Note: If you do not provide localized <short_title> and <background_gallery_link> tags, the short title and background supplied in the default locale (as specified with the <language> tag) will be used. For example, if the default locale is English and if you do not provide French localizations, a user who has set French as the preferred language will see non-localized tags in English.



Transition (optional)

Specifies the transition to use between this node and its children. If you do not supply the <transition> tag, the default is dissolve.

Transitions include:

  • dissolve

  • none

  • push

  • wipe


<colors background="000000"/>

Colors (optional)

The <colors> tag with the background attribute specifies the color to use for the background in this root node on the Desktop. The background color fills the screen that is not covered by the iTunes window, which can be re-sized by the user. The color value must be a valid hexadecimal code. If you do not supply a color, the default color (which is black) will be used.



Navigation Nodes (required on initial delivery)

The <navnodes> block creates the navigation of the territory-specific menu structure by defining the navigation nodes; each node is defined with a <navnode> block. Navigation nodes are specified by type (play, menu, gallery, scenes, cast, or related) and some types require that you specify a template. See the annotations below for further details.

Updates: To remove a navigation node, deliver the entire <navnodes> block, omitting the <navnode> you want to remove. If you’re not making any changes to any children nodes of this root node (keeping the menu structure as-is), leave out the entire <navnodes> block. To delete all navigation nodes, send an empty tag: <navnodes/>.


<navnode type="play">

Navigation Node (required)

Defines the navigation node type. A <navnode> must have a type and some types ("menu", "gallery", and "scenes") can be customized with a template to define its behavior.

The type attributes include:

  • "play" (required): Plays the full-length feature

  • "menu": Use to create your own nodes, such as Special Features

  • "gallery": Use for image and video galleries

  • "cast": Use to display cast and crew information and images

  • "scenes": Use for scenes and scene groups

  • "related" (required): Points to related iTunes content (automatically generated)

In this example, the type is "play", which cannot be customized so a template attribute has not been supplied. See the annotation below for the scenes navigation node for details on the template attribute.

Note: You must include a <navnode> for the Play and Related nodes. The Play navigation node must be listed first within the <navnodes> block and the Related navigation node must appear last.



Navigation Node Vendor Identifier (required, 1-100 bytes, see restrictions)

The permanent value that uniquely identifies this node in this package and among any nodes ever submitted by this provider on any iTunes Extras. This ID is used for identifying the node during subsequent updates. Vendor identifiers cannot be reused.

Restrictions: The vendor identifier can only contain alphanumeric characters and underscore marks; it cannot contain spaces, dashes, ampersands, other punctuation, or symbols. The vendor identifier is case-sensitive and must not start with an underscore.



Navigation Node Title (required; 1-256 bytes)

The name of the navigation node. For the Play navigation node, the title must be one word (“PLAY”, not “PLAY MOVIE”).

As a best practice, Apple recommends using all uppercase for the top level navigation node titles. The font and selection state are pre-set and cannot be changed.

You can also use the following optional tags for the Play navigation node: <locales>.

Note: Do not include line breaks in the navigation node title. If blank lines or line breaks are included, the title will not display correctly for the customer.



Navigation Node Preview Label (required; 1-256 bytes)

The label to use for the Play node when in preview mode. The label must be “TRAILER”. A customer can select it on the Store to preview the iTunes Extras before purchasing. The label can be localized.

This tag is only allowed on the Play navigation node.



Navigation Node Movie Label (required; 1-256 bytes)

The label to use for the Play node on an iOS device. The label must be “MOVIE”. The label can be localized.

This tag is only allowed on the Play navigation node.


<navnode type="scenes" template="carousel">

Navigation Node with Scenes (optional)

Defines the navigation node type and a template. A "scenes" navigation node can be customized with a template to define its behavior.

The template attributes available for use with the "scenes" navigation node include:

  • "carousel": Content thumbnails with left/right scroll option

  • "list_on_right": Text list of items and navigation on the right with preview on the left

  • "list_on_left": Text list of items on the left with preview on the right

  • "list_on_left_with_grid": Text list on the left with a grid of selected contents on the right

  • "grid": A grid of selected contents on the right

See Templates Overview for example images, descriptions, and options for each template.

You can also use the following optional tags (described elsewhere in these annotations) for the scenes navigation node: <short_title>, <background_gallery_link>, <show_play_all>, <locales>, and <transition>. Specifying a <transition> on a scenes node sets the type of transition to use between the scenes when being viewed.



Navigation Node Vendor Identifier (required, 1-100 bytes, see restrictions)

The permanent value that uniquely identifies this node in this package and among any nodes ever submitted by this provider on any iTunes Extras. Vendor identifiers cannot be reused.

Restrictions: The vendor identifier can only contain alphanumeric characters and underscore marks; it cannot contain spaces, dashes, ampersands, other punctuation, or symbols. The vendor identifier is case-sensitive and must not start with an underscore.



Navigation Node Title (required; 1-256 bytes)

The name of the navigation node.

As a best practice, Apple recommends using all uppercase for the top level navigation node titles. The font and selection state are pre-set and cannot be changed.

Note: Do not include line breaks in the navigation node title. If blank lines or line breaks are included, the title will not display correctly for the customer.


<background_gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_SCENES_BG"/>

Background Gallery Link (optional for scene navigation nodes)

Specifies the vendor ID of the gallery (with <gallery_type> of menubg) that contains the video, images, and/or audio to use as the background for this node.

Note: If you do not supply a background item, the navigation node will use the background item of the parent node, in this example, that would be the root node. To prevent that, see the annotation for the <inherit_background_image> and <inherit_background_audio> tags below.



Show Play All (optional)

Indicates whether to show the "Play All" button. When the viewer selects the button, each video is played in the order they appear in the <scene_links> block. Allowed values are true or false. The tag is optional; if not supplied, the value defaults to false.


<navnode type="gallery" template="one_up">



 <description>Listen to the director's insights on the making of the film.</description>


  <locale name="es">


   <description>Escuchar ideas del director en la realización de la película.</description>



 <gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_COMMENTARY_GALLERY"/>

Navigation Node with a Video Gallery (optional)

Defines the navigation node that displays a video gallery. In this example, the navigation node is for the video that includes the director’s commentary. The core film will be cloned and the audio of the commentary will be included in the delivery of the iTunes Extra package. See the annotation for the Director's Commentary Video Gallery for more details. The navigation node for the commentary uses the "one_up" template so that the video with the accompanying commentary audio displays in full screen.

The <vendor_id>, <title>, and <gallery_link> tags are required for "gallery" navigation nodes.

The <gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_COMMENTARY_GALLERY"/> tag specifies the vendor ID of the gallery that contains the reference to the core film to be cloned, the audio file to use for the commentary, as well as a commentary-specific preview image. The <gallery_link> tag is required if the <navnode> type is gallery. The gallery that contains the video must have the <gallery_type> of video.


<navnode type="menu" template="list_on_right">



 <background_gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_FEATURES_BG"/>

 <selection_gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_SEL_FEATURES"/>

Navigation Node with Menu (optional)

Defines the navigation node that displays a menu of options; in this example, the menu options link to the bonus content in the iTunes Extras. The navigation node type "menu" can be customized with a template to define its behavior. (Note that if the <navnode> type allows a template, the template attribute is required and you must specify which one to use.)

The template attributes available for use with the "menu" navigation node include:

  • "carousel": Content thumbnails with left/right scroll option

  • "list_on_right": Text list of items and navigation on the right with preview on the left

  • "list_on_left": Text list of items on the left with preview on the right

  • "list_on_left_with_grid": Text list on the left with a grid of selected contents on the right

  • "grid": A grid of selected contents on the right

  • "rows": Scrolling rows or shelves of categorized content

See Templates Overview for example images, descriptions, and options for each template.

The <selection_gallery_link> tag (see the annotation below) is required only if this menu-type node is a child of another menu (non-root) node. You can also use the following optional tags (described elsewhere in these annotations): <short_title>, <background_gallery_link>, <show_play_all>, <locales>, and <transition>.


<navnode type="menu" template="list_on_right">



   <!-- begins a child menu within a navigation node -->


    <navnode type="gallery" template="list_on_left">


     <title>Mini Movies</title>

     <description>Catch all your favorite characters in these all new Mini Movies.</description>


      <locale name="es">

        <title>Mini Películas</title>

        <description>Captura todos tus personajes favoritos en estos todos los nuevos Mini Película.</description>



     <selection_gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_SEL_MINI_MOVIES"/>

     <gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_MINI_MOVIES"/>


Navigation Node Within Another Navigation Node (optional)

Use the <navnodes><navnode> tags within another <navnodes><navnode> block to create a menu within a main navigation node. In this example, the FEATURES menu has links to several bonus videos. This first navigation node displays a menu (list-on-left) that links to bonus content videos; the specified <gallery_link> identifies the gallery that stores the videos.

Note: The title for this navigation node (Mini Movies) does not need to appear in all uppercase because it is not a top level navigation node.

The <selection_gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_SEL_MINI_MOVIES"/> tag in this case is required; the parent navigation node (in this example, the FEATURES navigation node) is a menu-type navigation node, and the <selection_gallery_link> tag is required for both gallery-type and menu-type navigation nodes. The selection image appears on the parent node page when the user selects the menu item (in this example, the Mini Movies menu item). The gallery that contains the image must have the <gallery_type> of selection.

The <gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_MINI_MOVIES"/> tag links to the gallery that contains the videos. The <gallery_link> tag is required if the<navnode> type is gallery. The gallery that contains the videos must have the <gallery_type> of video.


<navnode type="gallery" template="carousel">



 <description>Go behind the scenes and browse photo galleries about the world of Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2.</description>


  <locale name="es">


   <description>Ir detrás de las escenas y navegar galerías de fotos sobre el mundo de Lluvia de albóndigas 2.</description>



 <gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_SKETCHES"/>


Navigation Node with an Image Gallery (optional)

Defines the navigation node that displays an image gallery. The navigation node "gallery" can be customized with a template to define its behavior. (Note that if the <navnode> type allows a template, the template attribute is required and you must specify which one to use.)

The template attributes available for use with the "gallery" navigation node include:

  • "carousel": Content thumbnails with left/right scroll option

  • "list_on_right": Text list of items and navigation on the right with preview on the left

  • "list_on_left": Text list of items on the left with preview on the right

  • "expand_in_parent": Gallery items are presented as selectable choices directly on the parent menu

  • "one_up": Content displays in full screen

  • "grid": A grid of selected contents on the right

See Templates Overview for example images, descriptions, and options for each template.

The <vendor_id>, <title>, and <gallery_link> tags are required for "gallery" navigation nodes.

The <gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_SKETCHES"/> tag specifies the vendor ID of the gallery that contains the images. The <gallery_link> tag is required if the<navnode> type is gallery. The gallery that contains the images must have the <gallery_type> of generic.

The optional <show_play_all> tag indicates whether to show the "Slideshow" button. When the viewer selects the button, each image is played in the order they appear in the gallery that contains the images. Allowed values are true or false. The tag is optional; if not supplied, the value defaults to false.

You can also use the following optional tags (described elsewhere in these annotations) for the image gallery navigation node: <background_gallery_link>, <transition>, and <locales>.




Inherit Background Image (optional)

Indicates if the navigation node should or should not use the same background as the parent node. Allowed values are true or false. In this example, a background image for this navigation node has not been supplied. By default, when you do not supply a background item (which can be one or more images or an audio file), the item from the parent node is used. If you do not want to use the same background item, use one of the following tags with the false value to prevent it:

  • <inherit_background_image>

  • <inherit_background_audio>

When the parent node has an audio background and you do not set the <inherit_background_audio> tag to false, the audio loop will continue to play even when the user navigates to another node until a false value is encountered.


<navnode type="cast">


 <title>CAST AND CREW</title>


Cast and Crew Navigation Node (optional)

Use the <navnode="cast"> tag to create a menu on the root node page to link to cast and crew information as delivered with the core content. The <vendor_id> refers to the cast and crew delivered with the core content. See the iTunes Package Film Specification 5.2.1 (or higher) for details.

Note: If you have not updated the cast and crew to the new structure, the node will display related videos for cast members instead of cast member photo, character name, and description.

You can also use the following optional tags (described elsewhere in these annotations) for the cast navigation node: <short_title>, <background_gallery_link>, <transition>, <locales>, <inherit_background_image>, and <inherit_background_audio>.


<navnode type="related">




Related Content Navigation Node (required; 1-256 bytes for <title>)

Defines the Related navigation menu. A <navnode> must have a type and the type must be "related". iTunes automatically generates the content that is displayed when this node is selected.

You can also use the following optional tags (described elsewhere in these annotations) for the Related navigation node: <short_title>, <background_gallery_link>, <transition>, <locales>, <inherit_background_image>, and <inherit_background_audio>.

Note: You must include a <navnode> for the Play and Related nodes. The Play navigation node must be listed first within the <navnodes> block and the Related navigation node must appear last.



 <!-- other <rootnode>s for other territories would go here -->




Galleries (required)

The <galleries> block defines groups of related images, videos, or audio files. Each image, video, or audio is defined with a <gallery_item> tag.

Even if you are delivering only one gallery, it must be enclosed within a <galleries> block.

To remove a gallery, use <gallery remove="true"> and supply the <vendor_id>. For example:

<gallery remove="true">





Gallery for Background Content (required on the default locale of each <rootnode>)

Begins a single gallery referenced by vendor ID (in this example, the gallery is used to store background items). Galleries build the audio, video, and image components used throughout the Extras. Galleries are referenced elsewhere in the XML by vendor ID using one of the following tags:

  • <background_gallery_link>

  • <gallery_link>

  • <selection_gallery_link>

In this example, the specified gallery here stores items to use for background content.



Gallery Vendor Identifier (required, 1-100 bytes, see restrictions)

The permanent value that uniquely identifies this gallery in this package and among any galleries ever submitted by this provider on any iTunes Extras.

Restrictions: The vendor identifier can only contain alphanumeric characters and underscore marks; it cannot contain spaces, dashes, ampersands, other punctuation, or symbols. The vendor identifier is case-sensitive and must not start with an underscore.




Gallery Type and Display Name (required)

Indicates the type of gallery. Each <gallery> is assigned a predefined “type” that defines its content, behavior, and available templates.

The gallery types include:

  • menubg: Gallery of background video, images, and/or audio

  • video: Gallery of video clips, different than <scenes>

  • generic: Gallery of still images

  • selection: Gallery of images to display on the parent node when an item is selected

In this example, the gallery referenced by the <background_gallery_link vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_MAIN_BG_GALLERY"/> tag earlier in the XML contains the video, images and/or audio asset file used for the background of the menu structure page. The gallery that contains the video, images and/or audio must have the <gallery_type> of menubg.

Note: You can have multiple menubg galleries to store background items for different nodes, or for different territories.

Display Name

Name of the gallery using up to 1024 bytes. Even though the display name does not show up on any device, you should provide a meaningful name, which will help during content review. Do not include line breaks in the display name.



Gallery Item Display Duration (optional)

Specifies how many seconds to display each image before transitioning to next. If you do not supply the tag, the default value is 6 seconds.

For a menubg gallery, the <item_display_duration_seconds> value specifies the time each background image is displayed (if you deliver multiple images).



Gallery Repeat Limit (optional)

For the audio-type background item, use the <gallery_repeat_limit> tag to specify how many times to run the audio loop. The default setting is no limit; if you do not set a limit or if you set the limit to zero, the audio loop will play continuously as the user navigates between nodes unless a node has the tag <inherit_background_audio> set to false.

Note that this tag does not apply to image-type backgrounds. If you supply the tag, but the menubg gallery does not include an audio item, the tag will be ignored.



Gallery Items (required)

Begins the gallery items block that includes the vendor ID and the asset file for each item in this menu background gallery. These items include the background images and/or audio file referenced elsewhere in the XML. Each gallery item must be assigned a unique vendor ID.


<gallery_item type="video">




  <asset type="full">

    <data_file role="source">>

     <locale name="en-US"/>



     <checksum type="md5">e7fa00d0356912be5610b01182a650fb</checksum>

     <attribute name="">142</attribute>

     <attribute name="crop.bottom">142</attribute>

     <attribute name="crop.left">4</attribute>

     <attribute name="crop.right">4</attribute>


    <data_file role="audio.7_1">>

     <locale name="en-US"/>



     <checksum type="md5">1abedda87d7df4b12512cf50436b9714</checksum>

     <attribute name="audio.surround.force_5_1_downmix">true</attribute>





Gallery Item Video Asset (required for a video-type item in the gallery)

The gallery item block specifies the asset file and the vendor ID. The gallery type is menubg and this type of gallery can contain video, images, and an audio file in a single gallery, so the <gallery_item> includes a type attribute to indicate whether the item is a video, image, or audio file.

The type attribute is required and for video files, the value must be "video".

The <asset> tag requires the <file_name>, <checksum>, <size>, and <locale> tags. The <attribute> tag for crop values is optional. You may also deliver additional or alternative audio tracks as data file elements associated with the video <asset>. Details for submitting audio with a video <asset> can be found later on in this document.

Video is optional for background galleries and is only supported in background galleries associated with the Main Menu. If a video is delivered to a background gallery associated with the Main Menu, the video will play with its embedded or associated audio data file element on Apple TV. All other platforms will display the supplied background images and audio loop instead of the video and its associated audio elements. If the Apple TV has a poor Internet connection, the supplied background images and audio loop will display in place of the video and its associated audio elements. When viewing iTunes Extras on Apple TV, video backgrounds will continuously loop on the Main Menu and child nodes will not inherit them. When navigating to a child node off the Main Menu, the supplied background images and audio loop will play in place of the video and its associated audio elements.

Video Asset Requirements:

For complete video requirements, see the Film Content Profiles section of the iTunes Video and Audio Asset Guide.

Note: All HDR videos, including video loops, require a matching SDR source. The SDR source is referred to as the primary source (with the role="source"). An HDR video loop would be delivered as an additional data file with the role="source.hdr".


<gallery_item type="image">



  <asset display_target="AppleTV">




     <checksum type="md5">1c98189da56b23f7411862ec1abfda3f</checksum>



<!-- additional display target assets here -->



Gallery Item Image Asset(s) (required for each image-type item in the gallery)

The gallery item block specifies the asset file(s) and the vendor ID. The gallery type is menubg and this type of gallery can contain video, images, and an audio file in a single gallery, so the <gallery_item> includes a type attribute to indicate whether the item is a video, image, or audio file.

If you deliver more than one image file in a background gallery, the images will be rotated in automatically as a slideshow. The default duration to display each image is 6 seconds. You can use the <item_display_duration_seconds> on the gallery to set a different duration (see the annotation above).

The type attribute is required and for image files, the value must be "image".

In this example, the gallery item is the image to use as the background of the root node, so the type is "image".

Indicating the target device for background images is required. You must provide an image for each target device. Use the display_target attribute to indicate the device for the image you are delivering:

  • "AppleTV"

  • "Desktop"

  • "4K-16:9"

  • "4K-4:3"

The <asset> tag requires the <file_name>, <checksum>, and <size> tags.

Image Asset Requirements:

  • PNG

  • RGB

  • 72 dpi or higher

  • 3840 x 2160 pixels for Apple TV

  • 1920 x 1080 for desktop computers

  • 2880 x 1620 for desktops with retina display

  • 2880 x 1620 for 4K-16:9

  • 2732 x 2048 for 4K-4:3

  • All menu background sizes are minimum sizes with aspect ratios locked


<gallery_item type="audio">







     <checksum type="md5">d335dad616ab73fdfcec38592d0f5d82</checksum>





Gallery Item Audio Asset(s) (required for an audio-type item in the gallery)

The gallery item block specifies the asset file and the vendor ID. In this example, the audio file being delivered is used as background audio for the root node and the gallery type is menubg. This type of gallery can contain video, images, and one audio file in a single gallery, so the <gallery_item> includes a type attribute to indicate whether the item is a video, image, or audio file.

The type attribute is required and for audio files, the value must be "audio".

The <asset> tag requires the <file_name>, <checksum>, and <size> tags.

The audio must be:

  • WAV (.wav), M4A (.m4a), or FLAC (.flac)

  • Uncompressed or lossless

  • Stereo

  • 44.1Khz minimum

  • 16-bit or 24-bit resolution minimum







 <display_name>Director's Commentary</display_name>

Director's Commentary Video Gallery (optional)

Begins a gallery referenced by vendor ID that stores the director’s commentary video used in the iTunes Extras. This is a video-type gallery (<gallery_type>video</gallery_type>) and all gallery items within the gallery must be video: <gallery_item type="video">. The annotations below explain tags specific to video galleries.

Display Name

Name of the gallery using up to 1024 bytes. Even though the display name does not show up on any device, you should provide a meaningful name, which will help during content review. Do not include line breaks in the display name.



Video Gallery Item EIDR (optional)

The EIDR (Entertainment Identifier Registry) is a universal, unique identifier system for movie and television assets. Any level of EIDR is accepted in this field, so long it is in valid format. For more information, see

The format of the EIDR identifier is 10.5240/XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-C, where:

  • 10.5240 represents the standard prefix of an EIDR value

  • X represents a hexadecimal digit

  • C represents the check character



 <locale name="es">

   <display_name>Comentarios del director</display_name>



Locales (optional)

For each locale, supply a localized gallery display name.

Note: If you do not provide localized <display_name> tags, the display name supplied in the default locale (as specified with the <language> tag) will be used. For example, if the default locale is English and if you do not provide French localizations, a user who has set French as the preferred language will see non-localized tags in English.



 <gallery_item type="video">


  <display_name>Director Commentary</display_name>

Video Gallery Item Vendor ID, Display Name and Caption (see Note)

The gallery item tag specifies the type of item. (In this example, the gallery stores the director’s commentary assets, as well as a reference to the core film to be cloned. The gallery type is video, so the <gallery_item>type must be video). In addition to the asset file(s) and the vendor ID, you can deliver the display name and caption.

Vendor ID: Vendor ID of the bonus video is required

Display Name: Name of the bonus video as displayed on the screen, using up to 255 bytes. Do not include line breaks in the display name, or it will not display correctly for the customer.

Caption: An optional video description as displayed on the screen, using up to 1024 bytes.

Note: If the gallery template is either "list_on_right", "list_on_left", "list_on_left_with_grid", or "expand_in_parent", the <display_name> for each <gallery_item> is required.



 <locale name="es">

   <display_name>Comentario director</display_name>



Locales (optional)

For each locale, supply a localized gallery item display name and caption.

Note: If you do not provide localized <display_name> and <caption> tags, the display name and caption supplied in the default locale (as specified with the <language> tag) will be used. For example, if the default locale is English and if you do not provide French localizations, a user who has set French as the preferred language will see non-localized tags in English.



  <asset type="full">

    <data_file role="source">

     <locale name="en-US"/>



     <checksum type="md5">1278las239aaec0e25abb2da42dfe4b8</checksum>

     <attribute name="">0</attribute>

     <attribute name="crop.left">70</attribute>

     <attribute name="crop.bottom">0</attribute>

     <attribute name="crop.right">70</attribute>


Video Gallery Item Asset(s) (required for each item in the gallery)

The gallery item block specifies the asset files for the director’s commentary, which include a reference to the source video, commentary audio asset, and a preview image that will be displayed next to the video selection. Specifying a <locale> is required.

To include a Director’s Commentary of the film as part of your Extras package, you can reuse the source video of the core film with new audio. To do this, copy the <data_file role="source"> metadata block from the core film metadata and add it to the video gallery you set up for the director’s commentary. Deliver the audio commentary track as a <data_file role="audio"> component associated with the <data_file role="source"> and include the audio file with the delivery of your package. Upon delivery, the video source will be cloned from the iTunes database and merged with the delivered audio track for the Extras package.

You can find the <data_file> metadata blocks delivered with the core film by doing a metadata lookup using the vendor ID of the film. (See iTunes Store Transporter User Guide for information on how to do a metadata lookup.) The data file metadata in the Extras delivery must exactly match the metadata from the core film delivery.



  <asset type="full">

    <data_file role="source.hdr">

     <attribute name="hdr.format">DolbyVision</attribute>

     <locale name="en-US"/>



     <checksum type="md5">9df86c3e43e7b43ddeabb2ddfe4b8a42</checksum>

     <attribute name="">0</attribute>

     <attribute name="crop.left">70</attribute>

     <attribute name="crop.bottom">0</attribute>

     <attribute name="crop.right">70</attribute>

     <attribute name="image.textless_master">true</attribute>


    <data_file role="mapping.hdr">



     <checksum type="md5">df86c3eeabb2ddfe4b843e7b943dda42</checksum>


4K HDR Video Gallery Item Asset(s (optional)

High Dynamic Range (HDR) content is supported in either Dolby Vision or HDR10 format. HDR video can display a wider range of color, brightness, and shades of darkness, which enhances details in the brightest and darkest areas in a video frame. These dynamic variations can change based on the target display and also for individual scenes within the video. To specify these variations, you must deliver additional metadata when delivering the HDR source video. See Metadata Annotations for HDR Dolby® Vision and Metadata Annotations for HDR10 in the iTunes Package Film Specification for annotations.

For delivery, the assets and files must meet certain requirements, including correlations between the SDR video and the HDR video (for example, the <locale> specified on the HDR video must match the <locale> of the SDR video). See Video Source Delivery Requirements in the iTunes Package Film Specification for the list of requirements. In addition, the HDR source assets must meet the requirements listed in Film HDR Source Profile in the iTunes Video and Audio Asset Guide.


    <data_file role="audio">

     <locale name="en-US"/>



     <checksum type="md5">a11915cb55de1407df5c91f4828945</checksum>



Commentary Audio (optional)

To deliver commentary audio, use the role="audio" attribute with the <data_file> tag. Include the audio file with the delivery of your package.


  <asset type="artwork">

    <data_file role="source">



     <checksum type="md5">77758f06f58512abb0244e25</checksum>




Video Artwork (required)

An artwork file to use for the video with the director commentary. The image is required, as is the <file_name>, <size>, and <checksum> for the provided file.

The artwork must be:

  • PNG (.png)

  • RGB

  • Alpha channel (optional)

  • 72 dpi minimum

  • 1920 width minimum or 1080 height minimum

  • Aspect ratio less than 2.45 (Note that the aspect ratio of the artwork should match the aspect ratio of the video asset.)








 <display_name>Mini Movies</display_name>

Video Gallery (optional)

Begins a gallery referenced by vendor ID that stores bonus videos used in the iTunes Extras. This is a video-type gallery (<gallery_type>video</gallery_type>) and all gallery items within the gallery must be video: <gallery_item type="video">. The annotations below explain tags specific to video galleries. See the annotations above for other tags.

Display Name

Name of the gallery using up to 1024 bytes. Even though the display name does not show up on any device, you should provide a meaningful name, which will help during content review. Do not include line breaks in the display name.



 <locale name="es">

   <display_name>Mini Películas</display_name>



Locales (optional)

For each locale, supply a localized gallery display name.

Note: If you do not provide localized <display_name> tags, the display name supplied in the default locale (as specified with the <language> tag) will be used. For example, if the default locale is English and if you do not provide French localizations, a user who has set French as the preferred language will see non-localized tags in English.


<gallery_item type="video">

 <display_name>Mini Movie 1</display_name>

 <caption>Animators discuss creating and animating the oh-so-adorable foodimals.</caption>

Video Gallery Item Display Name and Caption (see Note)

The gallery item tag specifies the type of item. (In this example, the gallery stores the bonus videos and the gallery type is video, so the <gallery_item>type must be video). In addition to the asset file(s) and the vendor ID, you can deliver the display name and caption.

Display Name: Name of the bonus video as displayed on the screen, using up to 255 bytes. Do not include line breaks in the display name, or it will not display correctly for the customer.

Caption: A description of the bonus video as displayed on the screen, using up to 1024 bytes.

Note: If the gallery template is either "list_on_right", "list_on_left", "list_on_left_with_grid", or "expand_in_parent", the <display_name> for each <gallery_item> is required.



 <locale name="es">

   <display_name>Mini película 1</display_name>

   <caption>Los animadores discuten la creación y animación de los adorables foodimals.</caption>



Locales (optional)

For each locale, supply a localized gallery item display name and caption.

Note: If you do not provide localized <display_name> and <caption> tags, the display name and caption supplied in the default locale (as specified with the <language> tag) will be used. For example, if the default locale is English and if you do not provide French localizations, a user who has set French as the preferred language will see non-localized tags in English.




  <asset type="full">

    <data_file role="source">

     <locale name="en-US"/>



     <checksum type="md5">e7fa00d0356912be5610b01182a650fb</checksum>

     <attribute name="">142</attribute>

     <attribute name="crop.bottom">142</attribute>

     <attribute name="crop.left">4</attribute>

     <attribute name="crop.right">4</attribute>


Video Gallery Item Asset(s) (required for each item in the gallery)

The gallery item block specifies the asset file(s) and the vendor ID. The assets include the source video, closed captions (if available), and a preview image that will be displayed next to the video selection. Specifying a <locale> is required.

In this example, the first video being delivered in this gallery is new to this release (meaning it is not a video previously delivered with a pre-5.2 version of an iTunes Extras). Since it is not a legacy video (see how to deliver legacy videos below), the video asset must be delivered with its crop dimensions.

iTunes Extras video gallery items can reuse the source video of the core film with new audio. To deliver the new audio, you can include the <data_file> metadata blocks from the core film metadata for any asset you want to include in the Extras package and omit the source files upon delivery. (See the annotation for the director’s commentary gallery above for an example.) Upon delivery, the video source will be cloned from the iTunes database and merged with the delivered audio track for the Extras package. Cloning also works for any component delivered with the film. In the previous example, you could also copy the <data_file role="captions"> metadata block to clone the existing closed captions into your Director’s Commentary.

You can find the <data_file> metadata blocks delivered with the core film by doing a metadata lookup using the vendor ID of the film. (See iTunes Store Transporter User Guide for information on how to do a metadata lookup.) The data file metadata in the Extras delivery must exactly match the metadata from the core film delivery.

The videos are displayed in the gallery in the order they appear in the XML.


    <data_file role="captions">



     <checksum type="md5">635095515f99c2d883540bafa90b3b64</checksum>


Closed Captions Asset File (optional)

A data file element block must be included if the captions are delivered for the associated video. The "captions" role specifies that the delivered file is intended to be used as the closed captioning file for the iTunes Store encode. This role must be specified, or the package will be rejected.

In this block, the <file_name>, <size>, and <checksum> tags are required.

Note: iTunes Extras video assets are required to have closed captions if provided on other digital video formats.


    <data_file role="subtitles">

     <locale name="fr-FR"/>



     <checksum type="md5">99c2d86355f8354009551bafb3b64a90</checksum>


Localized Subtitles (optional)

Subtitles are delivered as a role for the full asset. The files must be in the iTT file format with the extension .itt. See “iTunes Timed Text Profile” in the iTunes Package Film Specification for information on the iTT file format.

The <locale> identifies the language in which the subtitles appear. The locale indicates both the language and the optional location where the language is spoken.

See “Language Codes” in the iTunes Package Film Specification for more details.

In this block, the <locale>, <file_name>, <size>, and <checksum> tags are required.


    <data_file role="audio.7_1">

     <locale name="en-US"/>



     <checksum type="md5">a765a9fc88ac893ead51366fbeb04d82</checksum>

     <attribute name="audio.surround.force_5_1_downmix">false</attribute>


7.1 Surround Audio (optional)

To deliver Dolby Digital Plus audio, use the role="audio.7_1" attribute with the <data_file> tag. The 7.1 surround audio is optional and is delivered as a role for the full asset.

Note: The video source can only contain 2.0 stereo and an optional 5.1 surround audio; 7.1 surround audio cannot be combined with the source.

One 7.1 surround audio file can be provided for each desired language (and region). The <locale> tag is required for localized audio assets.

See the annotation directly above for information on specifying the language.

Use the "audio.surround.force_5_1_downmix" attribute indicate how to handle existing 5.1 surround audio:

  • When you deliver 7.1 surround audio and a 5.1 surround audio file, you do not need to supply the "audio.surround.force_5_1_downmix" attribute; however, if you do supply it, it must be set to false.

  • When you deliver 7.1 surround audio without a 5.1 surround audio file, you do not need to supply the "audio.surround.force_5_1_downmix" attribute; however, if you do supply it, it must be set to true. 5.1 surround audio will be automatically downmixed.

For details and delivery considerations, see 7.1 Surround Audio Delivery in the iTunes Package Film Specification.


    <data_file role="audio.object_based">

     <locale name="en-US"/>



     <checksum type="md5">bc5b28a6200e5273202b7609f626fec0</checksum>


Dolby Atmos Audio (optional)

To deliver Dolby Atmos audio, use the role="audio.object_based" attribute with the <data_file> tag. The Dolby Atmos audio is optional and is delivered as a role for the full asset.

Note: The video source can only contain 2.0 stereo and an optional 5.1 surround audio; Dolby Atmos audio cannot be combined with the source.

The <locale> tag is required and must match the locale of the full source video. If they do not match, delivery will fail.

For audio file requirements, see Dolby Atmos Audio Source Asset Requirements.


    <data_file role="audio">

     <locale name="fr-FR"/>



     <checksum type="md5">9df86c3e43e7b43ddeabb2ddfe4b8a42</checksum>



Localized Audio (optional)

Territory and language-specific audio can be supplied using the "locale" metadata structure. If used, the language must be included to specify the language; the region where the language is spoken is optional. One audio file can be provided for each desired language (and region). The <locale> tag is required for localized audio assets.

See “Language Codes” in the iTunes Package Film Specification for more details.

In this block, the <locale>, <file_name>, <size>, and <checksum> tags are required.

Note: If a video asset contains Chinese audio, the locale values must not contain script information. For example, the locale for Mandarin audio must be cmn, not cmn-Hant or cmn-Hans; the locale for Cantonese audio must be yue, not yue-Hant.


  <asset type="artwork">

    <data_file role="source">

     <locale name="en-US"/>



     <checksum type="md5">5d4267c13a11b73d022971d8a22fb24e</checksum>




Video Artwork (required)

An artwork file to use for the video preview artwork. This should be a still shot from the video itself. The image is required, as is the <file_name>, <size>, and <checksum> for the provided file.

The artwork must be:

  • PNG (.png)

  • RGB

  • Alpha channel (optional)

  • 72 dpi minimum

  • 1920 width minimum or 1080 height minimum

  • Aspect ratio less than 2.45 (Note that the aspect ratio of the artwork should match the aspect ratio of the video asset.)



<gallery_item type="video">

 <display_name>Mini Movie 2</display_name>

 <caption>This featurette gives you an inside look at a few of his hiding spots.</caption>

 <!-- Localizations go here -->


 <legacy_video vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_ITUNES_EXTRAS_supermanny"/>


  <asset type="artwork">




     <checksum type="md5">b11cf3520fb349c5b90f16fc37baa4ba</checksum>





Legacy Video Gallery Item (optional)

If a video has been previously delivered with an iTunes Extras using a pre-5.2 specification, you can refer to it by vendor ID instead of re-uploading an identical video. Use the <legacy_video> tag to supply the vendor ID. Note that the vendor ID supplied with this tag:


is the vendor ID of this bonus video in this 5.2 version of the iTunes Extras, not the vendor ID of the legacy video.


  • When using a legacy video, the only asset that can be delivered within the <assets> block is artwork.

  • This <legacy_video> tag works only once per <gallery_item>, for initial creation of that gallery item, and must be removed for subsequent update deliveries.





Image Gallery (optional )

Begins a single gallery referenced by vendor ID. This is a generic type gallery, which is used for photos and still images, and all gallery items within the gallery must be images: <gallery_item type="image">. The gallery is referenced elsewhere in the XML by vendor ID using the <gallery_link> tag. The annotations below explain tags specific to generic-type galleries. See the annotations above for other tags.


<display_name>Foodimal Sketches</display_name>

Image Gallery Display Name (required)

Name of the gallery using up to 1024 bytes. Even though the display name does not show up on any device, you should provide a meaningful name, which will help during content review. Do not include line breaks in the display name.



 <locale name="es">

   <display_name>Bosquejos de Foodimals</display_name>



Locales (optional)

For each locale, supply a localized gallery display name.

Note: If you do not provide localized <display_name> tags, the display name supplied in the default locale (as specified with the <language> tag) will be used. For example, if the default locale is English and if you do not provide French localizations, a user who has set French as the preferred language will see non-localized tags in English.



Gallery Item Display Duration (optional)

Specifies how many seconds to display each item before transitioning to next. If you do not supply the tag, the default value is 6 seconds.

For a generic gallery, the <item_display_duration_seconds> value specifies the time each image is displayed when Slideshow is selected. If Slideshow is not selected, the value supplied has no effect. Note that for the Slideshow button to be displayed, the <show_play_all> tag must be set to true on the gallery.



Gallery Repeat Limit (optional)

For image-type galleries, use the <gallery_repeat_limit> tag to specify how many times to loop through the slideshow, before stopping. The default setting is no limit; if you do not set a limit or if you set the value to zero, the images will display as a slideshow continuously until the user leaves the gallery.


<gallery_item type="image">

 <display_name>Foodimal Sketch 1</display_name>

 <alt_description>artist's concept line drawing in red of a pile of lumpy mashed potatoes</alt_description>

 <!-- Localizations go here -->

Image Gallery Item Display Name and Caption (see Note)

The gallery item block specifies the type of item. (In this example, the gallery stores the photos and still images and the gallery type is image, so the <gallery_item>type must be image). In addition to the asset file(s) and the vendor ID, you can deliver the display name, caption, and alt description.

Display Name: Name of the photo or image as displayed on the screen, using up to 255 bytes. Do not include line breaks in the display name, or it will not display correctly for the customer.

Caption: Description of the photo or image as displayed on the screen, using up to 1024 bytes.

Alt Description: Optional description of the gallery image so that visually-impaired customers can hear a VoiceOver that describes what is being displayed visually. This description should focus on the visual elements of the image and go into greater detail than the display name or caption provided with the image.

Note: If the gallery template is either "list_on_right", "list_on_left", "list_on_left_with_grid", or "expand_in_parent", the <display_name> for each <gallery_item> is required.








     <checksum type="md5">929feaa34b6025b5eb22ae2ef3ef00a7</checksum>





<!-- Additional gallery items here -->

Image Gallery Item Asset(s) (required for each item in the gallery)

The gallery item block specifies the asset file(s) and the vendor ID. The assets include the image file.

The image must be:

  • PNG (.png)

  • RGB

  • Alpha channel (optional)

  • 72 dpi minimum

  • 1920 width minimum or 1080 height minimum

The images are displayed in the gallery in the order they appear in the XML.





Selection Image Gallery (optional)

Begins a single gallery referenced by vendor ID. This is a selection-type gallery, which is used to store an image to display when a node is selected. The selection image gallery is referenced elsewhere in the XML by vendor ID using the <selection_gallery_link> tag. The selection image appears on parent node page when the user selects the item. The gallery that contains the image must have the <gallery_type> of selection.

Note: Each selection image must be stored in its own gallery.



Selection Image Gallery Display Name (required)

Name of the gallery using up to 1024 bytes. Even though the display name does not show up on any device, you should provide a meaningful name, which will help during content review. Do not include line breaks in the display name.


<gallery_item type="image">







     <checksum type="md5">8de6b2de3c4f06daff99993356bf1df2</checksum>


Selection Image Gallery Item (required)

The gallery item block specifies the vendor ID and the image asset file.

The selection image must be:

  • PNG (.png)

  • RGB

  • Alpha channel (optional)

  • 72 dpi minimum

  • 1920 width minimum or 1080 height minimum



Scene Groups (optional)

Begins the block that defines groups of related scenes. In the iTunes Extras, you could supply all the scenes within one scene group, or you could group scenes together based on content, for example, all chase scenes.

To remove all scene groups, deliver an empty tag: <scene_groups/>.

Updates: When replacing or adding a scene group in a metadata update, include all scene groups (not just the one(s) being replaced or added); otherwise the scene groups not included will be removed. To intentionally remove a scene group, submit a metadata update and include all the scene groups, omitting the scene group(s) you want to remove. If there are no changes to the scene group(s), you can omit the <scene_groups> block.


<timecode_format>24/999 1000/nonDrop</timecode_format>

Timecode format (required)

Defines the timecode format in which the start and end times of the scenes are expressed. For each scene, use the <media_reference> tag to specify the start time and end time of a scene as taken from the core video.

The format can be qt_text or one of the SMPTE formats illustrated in the “Timecode Formats” appendix of the iTunes Package Film Specification.

Important: The frame modes (for example, nonDrop and dropNTSC) are case-sensitive.



Scene Group (required within a <scene_groups>)

Begins a group of related scenes. A scene group is a collection of <scene_link>s around a similar theme. Each <scene_group> must contain at least one <scene_link>.



Scene Group Vendor ID (required, 1-100 bytes, see restrictions)

The permanent value that uniquely identifies this scene group in this package and among any scene groups ever submitted by this provider on any iTunes Extras.

Restrictions: The vendor identifier can only contain alphanumeric characters and underscore marks; it cannot contain spaces, dashes, ampersands, other punctuation, or symbols. The vendor identifier is case-sensitive and must not start with an underscore.


<title>The Inventor</title>

Scene Group Title (required)

The title of the scene group using up to 512 bytes.

Note: Do not include line breaks in the scene group title, or it will not display correctly for the customer.



 <locale name="es">

   <title>El inventor</title>



Locales (optional)

For each locale, supply a localized title of the scene group. The <title> is required if delivering locales.



Scene Group Scene Links (required)

Begins the scene links block that references a piece of content using its assigned <vendor_id>. The scene links point to the scenes (as specified in the <scenes> block) that belong to the scene group. The scenes show up within the scene group in the order the <scene_link> tags are delivered in the XML.


 <scene_link key_scene="true" vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_A_GREAT_INVENTOR"/>

Scene Group Scene Link (required for each item in the Scene Group)

References a scene by Vendor ID. Note that a specific scene can be linked to by more than one scene group.

Use the key_scene attribute to indicate which scene to use for the key image for the scene group. Allowed values are true or false. The key image is displayed on the scene group selection screen. One key scene is required and only one scene per scene group can be the key scene.


    <!-- Additional <scene_link> tags here -->






Scenes (required if using the “scenes” navigation node)

Begins the scenes block, which defines the content used for the scene groups.

Note: The <scenes> block is not equivalent to the chapters in the core video (where one scene begins where the other scene left off); they are hand-picked groups of scenes around a theme or topic.

Updates: When replacing or adding a <scenes> block in a metadata update, include all scenes (not just the one(s) being replaced or added); otherwise the scenes not included will be removed. To intentionally remove a scene, submit a metadata update and include all the scenes, omitting the scene you want to remove. If there are no changes to the <scenes> block, you can omit it.



Scene (required)

Begins the scene block, which identifies one of the scenes in the scene group. Each scene is referenced by vendor ID and identified by timecodes that refer to the core video.


 <media_reference start="00:00:29:09" end="00:01:53:05"/>

Scene Media Reference (required)

Identifies the timecode from the core video to indicate the start and end times of the scene. Both the start and end attributes are required. The format must match <timecode_format> as indicated in the <scene_groups> tag annotation. The end time must be later than the start time and cannot go beyond the end of the core video.



Scene Vendor ID (required, 1-100 bytes, see restrictions)

The permanent value that uniquely identifies this scene in this package and among any scenes ever submitted by this provider on any iTunes Extras.

Restrictions: The vendor identifier can only contain alphanumeric characters and underscore marks; it cannot contain spaces, dashes, ampersands, other punctuation, or symbols. The vendor identifier is case-sensitive and must not start with an underscore.


 <title>A Great Inventor</title>

Scene Title (required)

The title of the scene using up to 512 bytes.

Note: Do not include line breaks in the scene title, or it will not display correctly for the customer.


 <description>Flint recalls wanting to be an inventor from an early age.</description>

Scene Description (optional)

The description of the scene using up to 4000 bytes.


 <alt_description>Flint watches a TV that features his hero who inspired him to invent things: a red-bearded scientist wearing square, green glasses and a white lab coat. The scientist speaks from his wood-paneled library about his first invention: a food bar. Next he appears in a science lab where they have produced an even better bar. The scientist stands on a green hill surrounded by children and he encourages all young future scientists to try to change the world.</alt_description>

Alternative Scene Description (optional)

Optional description of the scene so that visually-impaired customers can hear a VoiceOver that describes what is being displayed visually. This description should focus on the visual elements of the scene and go into greater detail than the title or description provided with the scene. The alternative scene description can be localized.



 <locale name="es">

   <title>Un Gran Inventor</title>

   <description>Flint recuerda queriendo ser un inventor de una edad temprana.</description>



Locales (optional)

For each locale, supply a localized title and description of the scene. If delivering locales, the <title> is required. Note that you can deliver a localized <alt_description>.



  <asset type="artwork">




     <checksum type="md5">e8a8e9006f512c946b3d7dda9c848513</checksum>




Scene Artwork (required)

An artwork file to use for the preview image is required, as is the <file_name>, <size>, and <checksum> for the provided file. The type value must be "artwork". When updating, you can omit the <assets> block.

The artwork must be:

  • PNG (.png)

  • RGB

  • Alpha channel (optional)

  • 72 dpi minimum

  • 1920 width minimum or 1080 height minimum

  • Aspect ratio less than 2.45 (Note that the aspect ratio of the artwork should match the aspect ratio of the video asset.)

Metadata Update Deliveries

You can update some tags as needed by delivering a metadata update. Metadata can be changed, added, or removed. In addition, you can replace gallery items using an asset-only delivery. See Gallery Item Asset-Only Update Examples.

The table below summarizes the different rules and methods for updating tags in the XML.

LOCALES <locales>

To change or add:

Include all locales (not just the one(s) being changed or added) and all the required tags.

To remove a locale:

Include all the locales, omitting the locale(s) you want to remove.

SCENE GROUPS <scene_groups>

If there are no changes to the scene group(s), you can omit the <scene_groups> block.

To change or add:

Include all scene groups (not just the one(s) being changed or added).

To remove a scene group:

Include all the scene groups, omitting the scene group(s) you want to remove.

To remove all scene groups:

Send an empty tag: <scene_groups/>

SCENES <scenes>

If there are no changes to the <scenes> block, you can omit it.

To change or add:

Include all scenes (not just the scene(s) being changed or added); otherwise the scenes not included will be removed.

To remove a scene:

Include all the scenes, omitting the scene you want to remove.


If you’re not making any changes to any children nodes of a root node (keeping the menu structure as-is), leave out the entire <navnodes> block.

To change or add:

Include all navigation nodes (not just the one(s) being changed or added); otherwise the navigation nodes not included will be removed.

To remove a navigation node:

Deliver the entire <navnodes> block, omitting the <navnode>(s) you want to remove.

To remove all navigation nodes:

Send an empty tag: <navnodes/>

GALLERIES <galleries>

If you’re not making any changes to any galleries, you can leave out the entire <galleries> block.

To remove all galleries:

Submit an empty tag: <galleries/>.

Note: If you later add new galleries, the galleries and their content must use different vendor IDs than the ones you removed previously.

GALLERY <gallery>

To change gallery metadata or add a gallery:

Submit a <galleries> block and include only the <gallery>(s) being changed or added. If you omit a gallery from a <galleries> block that was previously delivered, that gallery is retained.

To remove a gallery:

To remove a gallery, use <gallery remove="true"> and supply the <vendor_id>. For example:

<gallery remove="true">



GALLERY ITEMS <gallery_items>

If you’re not making any changes to any gallery items, leave out the entire <gallery_items> block.

When you submit a <gallery_items> block, deliver all the gallery items you want to keep; omitting a gallery item from a <gallery_items> block deletes that item.

See the next row for specifics on removing, adding, or moving gallery items.

GALLERY ITEM <gallery_item>

Gallery items, including videos and images, can be removed, added, or moved. (To replace a gallery item, see Gallery Item Asset-Only Update Examples.)

To remove an image or video:

To remove a gallery item, omit that item from the <gallery_items> block when doing a metadata update.

To move an image or video to another gallery:

First, remove the image or video from the <gallery_items> block. Then, do another metadata update to move the removed image or video to another <gallery_items> block. Important: Even though you are moving the same image or video file, it must have a new vendor ID when you place it into the new <gallery_items> block.

Gallery Item Asset-Only Update Examples


Gallery items (video assets, images, and audio files) can be replaced by delivering an asset-only update that consists of a short metadata file along with the assets. The <assets> block should be included referencing the gallery items by vendor IDs. Asset-only updates need only include the files that are being replaced. Assets cannot be delivered unless the first metadata delivery has already been imported. If an asset is sent without the metadata to which it can be attached, delivery will fail.

The checksums of the delivered asset files are compared to the checksums of the assets currently on file, and if any checksums are different, the assets will be updated. If the checksums are unchanged, then the import package (.itmsp) does not need to contain the asset files, even if they are listed in the metadata, because those asset files will be ignored.

Note: You can also use video cloning of the core film asset when updating video gallery items. See the annotation for Video Gallery Item Asset(s) in iTunes Extras Metadata Annotated.

Full Asset-Only Update

In the first example below, the full asset is being replaced.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><package xmlns="" version="film5.2"> <provider>sonypicturesentertainment</provider> <assets media_type="gallery_item_video" vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_gummibear_extras20"> <asset type="full"> <data_file role="source"> <locale name="en-US"/> <file_name></file_name> <size>10727428</size> <checksum type="md5">40ebddc70f77efb41737ab98001eb670</checksum> <attribute name="">2</attribute> <attribute name="crop.left">2</attribute> <attribute name="crop.bottom">2</attribute> <attribute name="crop.right">2</attribute> </data_file> </asset> <asset type="artwork"> <data_file> <file_name>gummi_bear.png</file_name> <size>2432475</size> <checksum type="md5">b8f2113f3c5c0eee61f7c4e2d389f157</checksum> </data_file> </asset> </assets></package>

Image Asset-Only Update

In the example below, the background image used for the desktop is being replaced.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><package xmlns="" version="film5.2"> <provider>sonypicturesentertainment</provider> <assets media_type="gallery_item_image" vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_MAIN_BG_IMG2"> <asset display_target="Desktop"> <data_file> <file_name>main_bg2.png</file_name> <checksum type="md5">0b101775f21f771e58afb34215dd5550</checksum> <size>156095</size> </data_file> </asset> </assets></package>

Audio Asset-Only Update

In the example below, the background audio loop is being replaced.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><package xmlns="" version="film5.2"> <language>en-US</language> <provider>sonypicturesentertainment</provider> <assets media_type="gallery_item_audio" vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_MAIN_BG_LOOP"> <asset> <data_file> <file_name>mm_bg.wav</file_name> <size>8482862</size> <checksum type="md5">1af53ac3cae73f80446ad28086423e3c</checksum> </data_file> </asset> </assets></package>

Asset-Only Update Annotations


<assets media_type="gallery_item_video" vendor_id="CLOUDY_MEATBALLS2_gummibear_extras20>

Gallery Item Asset(s) (required)

Use the media_type attribute to indicate the type of gallery item. Note: The <assets> block in an assets-only update can contain multiple gallery items to be replaced, so the <assets> tag includes a media_type attribute to indicate whether the item is a video, image, or audio file.

  • Use "gallery_item_video" for videos

  • Use "gallery_item_image" for images

  • Use "gallery_item_audio" for audio files

The media_type attribute is required. The vendor_id attribute must match the vendor ID of the item you are replacing.

Revision History

Previous Spec Revisions

The following table lists the previously-released specifications and the revisions:



June 28, 2018 - Version 5.2.9

Added 4K HDR video. Changed minimum sizes for background images. Clarified titles.

August 9, 2017 - Version 5.2.7

The <description> tag can now be used at the <rootnode> level. Clarified crop dimensions.

September 13, 2016 - Version 5.2.6

Video can be delivered as a background item for the Main Menu for play on Apple TV. Added an optional tag (<eidr>) to support EIDR (Entertainment Identifier Registry). Clarified audio requirements. Changes to commentary audio.

June 22, 2016 - Version 5.2.5

Added delivery of director’s commentary to the XML example. Updated screenshots. Minor corrections.

January 26, 2016 - Version 5.2.4

Added information on reusing source files from the core feature film.

October 21, 2015 - Version 5.2.3

Added a role attribute on the <data_file> tag and a name attribute on the <attribute> tag for Dolby Digital Plus audio. Added a new tag: <alt_description>. Corrected artwork.

March 17, 2015 - Version 5.2.2

Added an optional <release_date> tag. The role attribute on the <data_file> tag for the full source video is required. Clarified updating <locales>. Added examples for subtitles and alternate audio.

August 12, 2014 - Version 5.2.1

Added delivery of menu background image assets and the Play label specific to iOS devices.

July 9, 2014 - Version 5.2

First release of this specification.

Changes in iTunes Extras Package Specification 5.2.8

4K HDR Video

You can now deliver HDR (high dynamic range) video in either Dolby® Vision or HDR10 format. The HDR video is delivered as an asset-only update to an existing SDR video or with a new delivery of both the SDR and HDR videos. When delivering HDR video, you specify values for the ranges of color, shades of darkness, and brightness, which can also vary based on the target display. The Dolby® Vision HDR source video must include an accompanying mapping XML file (referred to as the sidecar metadata) with those values. For HDR10, you supply those values using <attribute> tags in the <asset> block. See HDR Delivery in the iTunes Package Film Specification for more information.

For delivery, the assets and files must meet certain requirements, including correlations between the SDR video and the HDR video (for example, the <locale> specified on the HDR video must match the <locale> of the SDR video). See Video Source Delivery Requirements in the iTunes Package Film Specification for the list of requirements. In addition, the HDR source assets must meet the requirements listed in Film HDR Source Profile in the iTunes Video and Audio Asset Guide.

Background Images: Minimum Requirements

The minimum sizes for background images for Apple TV and 4K-4:3 have changed. The new minimum image asset requirements are:

  • 3840 x 2160 pixels for Apple TV

  • 2732 x 2048 for 4K-4:3

Titles: Clarification

Titles (including root node, navigation node, gallery item, and scene titles) should not include line breaks. If blank lines or line breaks are included, the titles will not display correctly for the customer.

Tag Changes


source.hdr and mapping.hdr for use on the <asset> tag

Changes in iTunes Extras Package Specification 5.2.7


You can add an optional description of the iTunes Extras at the root node level. The description at the root node can differ from the default description provided in the <itunes_extra> block. The root node description should explain what is included in the iTunes Extras and will display for the countries listed in the <rootnode>. You can localize the description, which allows you to have different marketing descriptions for each territory.

Crop Dimensions

Crop dimensions are required for films that are matted and contain inactive pixels. When sending crop dimensions, send accurate dimensions without unnecessary cropping, especially horizontally. If your video does not contain inactive pixels (that is, it is not matted), you can set all the crop values to zero, or omit the crop dimension attribute tags. If you do not supply any crop dimensions, iTunes will default to 0,0,0,0.

Tag Changes


<description> can be used at the <rootnode> level.

Changes in iTunes Extras Package Specification 5.2.6

Background Gallery Items

In addition to images and audio, you can now use video as a background item on the Main Menu (also referred to as the root node) for play on Apple TV. All other platforms will display the supplied background images and audio loop instead of the video. When viewing iTunes Extras on Apple TV, video backgrounds will continuously loop on the Main Menu and child nodes will not inherit them. When navigating to a child node off the Main Menu, the supplied background images and audio loop will play in place of the video.

When delivering a video for a background gallery, the type attribute is required with the <gallery_item> tag and for the video file, the value must be "video" (<gallery_item type="video">). The video must be Apple ProRes and the preferred size is 1080 pixels (1920 x 1080) or higher.

Audio Requirements Clarification

Background audio should be stereo. Audio associated with a video can be stereo, 5.1 Surround, or 7.1 Surround. For complete video source audio requirements, see Film Audio Source Profile.

Commentary Audio

When delivering commentary audio, you can use audio that is not in the same language as the core film. For example, you could deliver a film that is in French, but the commentary audio can be in English. Previous versions of this specification indicated that the languages of both audios must match, but that restriction no longer applies.


An optional tag has been added to support EIDR (Entertainment Identifier Registry). EIDR is a universal, unique identifier system for movie assets. Any level of EIDR is accepted in this field, so long it is in a valid format. See the annotation in iTunes Extras Metadata Annotated for more information on the format. For more information on EIDR, see

Tag Changes



Changes in iTunes Extras Package Specification 5.2.5

Director’s Commentary Delivery

The XML example now includes delivery of a film with director’s commentary. To include a Director’s Commentary of the film as part of your Extras package, you can reuse the source video of the core film with new audio. To do this, copy the <data_file role="source"> metadata block from the core film metadata and add it to the video gallery you set up for the director’s commentary. Deliver the audio commentary track as a <data_file role="audio"> component associated with the <data_file role="source"> and include the audio file with the delivery of your package. Upon delivery, the video source will be cloned from the iTunes database and merged with the delivered audio track for the Extras package.


Several screenshots throughout the specification have been updated to reflect the latest iTunes Extras interface.


Corrected some missing tags in the XML example.

Changes in iTunes Extras Package Specification 5.2.4

Video Gallery Items

Using a new “cloning” feature, you can reuse source files already sent with the core feature film as part of your Extras package. When you deliver an iTunes Extras video gallery item, include the <data_file> metadata blocks from the core film metadata for any asset you want to include in the Extras package and omit the source files upon delivery. For example, to include a Director’s Commentary of the film as part of your Extras package, you can copy the <data_file role="source"> metadata block from the film metadata and add it to your video gallery. The audio commentary track would then be delivered as a <data_file role="audio"> component associated with the <data_file role="source"> and the audio file would be included with the delivery of your package. Upon delivery, the video source will be cloned from the iTunes database and merged with the delivered audio track for the Extras package. You deliver only the new audio track for the commentary; you do not have to redeliver the source for the film. Cloning works for any component originally sent with the feature film, such as subtitles, captions, and so on. Note that you can only clone the video source and associated components from the film vendor ID referenced in the Extras package (the vendor ID within the <content_item> block).

You can find the <data_file> metadata blocks delivered with the core film by doing a metadata lookup using the vendor ID of the film. (See “Using Lookup Mode” in the iTunes Store Transporter User Guide for information on how to do a metadata lookup.) The data file metadata in the Extras delivery must exactly match the metadata from the core film delivery.

Changes in iTunes Extras Package Specification 5.2.3

7.1 Surround Audio

To support the import of Dolby Digital Plus audio, a new role has been added for the <data_file> block. The optional 7.1 surround audio is delivered as a role for the full asset using role="audio.7_1". One 7.1 surround audio file can be provided for each desired language (and region). Use the required <locale> tag to indicate the language (and optional region) of the audio. In addition, you can indicate how to handle existing 5.1 surround audio using the new "audio.surround.force_5_1_downmix" attribute. See the partial XML example below and see iTunes Extras Metadata Example for a complete example of how to provide 7.1 surround audio in the metadata.

<data_file role="audio.7_1"> <locale name="fr-FR"/> <file_name></file_name> <checksum type="md5">a765a9fc88ac893ead51366fbeb04d82</checksum> <size>8730177839</size> <attribute name="audio.surround.force_5_1_downmix">true</attribute> </data_file>

7.1 audio will be supported on the sellable Extras product at a later date, but you can start sending the audio files for your content now to prepare for the time in the future when 7.1 audio will be supported.

For details and delivery considerations, see “7.1 Surround Audio Delivery” in the iTunes Package Film Specification 5.2 Rev 6 (or higher).

In addition, two new channels have been added to tag audio tracks. See the “Film Audio/Video and Alt-Audio Container” section in the iTunes Video and Audio Asset Guide Rev 2 (or higher) for information on tagging the audio tracks for 7.1 surround audio.

Alt Description Tag

A new, optional tag (<alt_description>) can be used to deliver descriptions of gallery images and scenes so that visually-impaired customers can hear a VoiceOver that describes what is being displayed visually. These descriptions should focus on the visual elements of the selected image or scene and go into greater detail than any title and/or description provided with the image or scene, which may or may not describe the visual landscape. The <alt_description> tag can be used within the <gallery_item> and <scene> blocks, as well as any <locale> tags included in those blocks. Examples of the tags appear throughout this specification.


The artwork in the Templates Overview section indicated that the <display_name> tag was required for the carousel, grid, and one-up templates. The tag name in the art previously shown in red to indicate it was required has been changed to black. The <display_name> tag is required only with the list-on-right, list-on-left, list-on-left with grid, and expand-in-parent templates.

Tag Changes


"audio.7_1" as a role on a data file

"audio.surround.force_5_1_downmix" as a name attribute with the <attribute> tag


Changes in iTunes Extras Package Specification 5.2.2

Full Video Asset Role

When you deliver an iTunes Extras video, the full video asset can consist of one or more data files (delivered in a <data_file> block) and each data file plays a specific role for the asset. Previously, the full video asset did not require the “source” role to be specified, but it is now required. If you do not specify the role, you will see a warning message that the role is required; at a date sometime in the future, if you do not specify the role, the delivery will fail. For more information, see iTunes Package Film Specification.

Release Date

A new, optional <release_date> tag can be used to delay the release of an iTunes Extras (which currently goes live as soon as the package is delivered). The tag is optional and the date supplied must be the date of delivery or later; if the date is in the past, the iTunes Extras will not validate and you will not be able to submit the package. You can also use this tag to submit time-based updates to your iTunes Extras packages.

Subtitles and Alternate Audio

XML examples and annotations have been added for delivering subtitles and alternate audio on a full source video.

Metadata Updates: Locales

To remove all locales, submit a metadata update with an empty <locales> tag. If a metadata update omits the <locales> block altogether, no changes will be made to the locales.

Changes in iTunes Extras Package Specification 5.2.1

iOS Menu Background Images

To accommodate iOS device displays, you must deliver menu background images in two additional sizes, in addition to Apple TV and Desktop:

  • 2880 x 1620 minimum (aspect ratio locked at 16:9)

  • 2048 x 1536 minimum (aspect ratio locked at 4:3)

You indicate the target device for background images using the display_target attributes:

  • "4K-16:9"

  • "4K-4:3"

The metadata and annotations show examples of how to use the tags.

iOS Play Node Label

To avoid confusion from having two “Play” options (the Play icon and the Play node) for the Extras on iOS devices, the “Play” node must be labeled “Movie”. Use the <movie_label> tag to supply the label. This tag is only allowed on the Play navigation node. The label can be localized.

Tag Changes


  • "4K-16:9" and "4K-4:3" as attributes of display_target

  • <movie_label>