| Required (repeatable) <item> has two attributes and contains one or more content items of different content types. | contentType Indicates the type of this item. See Content Type for supported content type values. | movie
| | contentId (required) Defines the unique ID you are providing for this item. This ID must be case-sensitive. 1 to 255 characters in length. Example: CP012391 Note: This must be unique across all content types; no two items should have the same contentId even if their contentType is different. The contentId for a given content item must be consistent and cannot be changed. | CP012391
pubDate | Required Last item data update date. YYYY-MM- DDThh:mm:ss.sTZD
ISO 8601 Format Note: If +/- offset is not provided the time zone will be assumed to be GMT. YYYY is four-digit year MM is two-digit month (01=January, etc.) DD is two-digit day of month (01 through 31) hh is two digits of hour (00 through 23) (am/pm not allowed) mm is two digits of minute (00 through 59) ss is two digits of second (00 through 59) s is one or more digits representing a decimal fraction of a second TZD is time zone designator (Z or +hh:mm or -hh:mm)
| | 2019-03-08T18:00:12-07:00
contentGroupId | Optional Identifier used to group duplicate content items. 1 to 255 characters in length. | | CPG1504
title | Required (repeatable) Item’s title. 1 to 255 characters in length. | locale (optional) Attribute locale can be used to set the locale in BCP-47 Format. If no locale attribute is provided, the locale will be set to defaultLocale value. Multiple locales can be specified in multiple repeated elements. type (optional) Attribute type is used to indicate type of the title. See appendix Title Type for supported title types. isPhonetic (optional) Attribute isPhonetic with a value true or false can be supplied to designate titles with different pronunciations. If any meaningful separation units exist, they should be delimited using a space character. Japanese phonetic title should be provided in full-width Hiragana or Katakana. Providing the phonetic title provides a better search experience for the user. countriesRestrictedTo (optional) Attribute countriesRestrictedTo can be used to limit the countries that the title may be used in. The value of this attribute must be a comma-separated string of the two-letter country codes as defined in the ISO 3166 International Standard. If this attribute is not specified, it will be assumed that the title can be used worldwide. | <title locale="en-US">Mountain High</title>
OR <title locale="en-US", type="additional">
Rocky Mountain High
OR <title locale="ja-JP", isPhonetic="true" >ロッキー マウンティ ン ハイ</title>
OR <title locale="fr-FR" countriesRestrictedTo="FR,CA"> Haute Montagne </title>
OR <title locale="ja-JP" type=“descriptive">
description | Optional (repeatable) Item’s description. 0 to 4000 characters in length.
| locale (optional) Attribute locale can be used to set the locale in BCP-47 Format. If no locale attribute is provided, the locale will be set to defaultLocale value. Multiple locales can be specified in multiple repeated elements. countriesRestrictedTo
(optional) Attribute countriesRestrictedTo can be used to limit the countries that the description may be used in. The value of this attribute must be a comma-separated string of the two-letter country codes as defined in the ISO 3166 International Standard. If this attribute is not specified, then it will be assumed that the title can be used worldwide. | <description locale="es-ES">
No hay lugar más alto que la Montaña Alta.
genre | Optional (repeatable) The genre of this item. Multiple genres may be defined as an ordered collection of values. See Genre for supported genre values. | | <genre>comedy</genre> <genre>horror</genre>
rating | Optional(repeatable) Required for certain geographic regions. Contact your Apple Technical Partner to get requirements for your region. Sets the rating for this item. | See Content Rating Schema Definition for more details for this element. | |
advisory | Optional (repeatable) Required for certain geographic regions. Contact your Apple Technical Partner to get requirements for your region. Sets the advisories for this item. | systemCode (required) Attribute systemCode specifies which advisory system the advisory is for. See Content Advisories and Ratings for systemCode values and rating values. There can only be one rating per systemCode. level (optional) Attribute level specifies the severity or the degree of expression of the advisory. See Content Advisories and Ratings for valid level values. There can only be one level for an advisory. | <advisory systemCode="us- tv">
<advisory systemCode=“kr-movies" level=“high”>V</advisory>
credit | Optional (repeatable) Specifies cast and crew credits. Credits should be provided in billing order. For TV credits, show regular cast and crew will be provided at the show-item level, seasonal cast and crew will be provided at the season-item level, and episode-specific cast and crew will be provided at the episode-item level. | See Credit Schema Definition for more details for this element. | |
externalContentId | Optional (repeatable) Specifies mapping to an equivalent content item in an external catalog. 1 to 255 characters in length. | catalogId (required) Attribute catalogId will be used to identify the external catalog. See External Catalog for "catalogId" values that can be used. | <externalContentId catalogId=
"com.apple.trb.catalog"> EP00282838 </externalContentId>
artwork | Optional (repeatable) Defines the imagery for this content. | url (required) Attribute url specifies the URL to the artwork asset. Note: If any previously delivered artwork is changed, a new URL must be provided for the new artwork so it can be ingested. It is highly recommended to use default HTTP(S) ports for the artwork URLs. type (required) Attribute type identifies the type of the artwork from the UMC-defined types specified in Artwork Asset Type table. locales (optional) Attribute locales should be a comma-separated list of BCP-47 Format locales for this artwork. Missing locales will be presumed to be non-localized artwork applicable worldwide. countriesRestrictedTo (optional) Attribute countriesRestrictedTo can be used to limit the countries that the image may be used in. The value of this attribute must be a comma-separated string of the two-letter country codes as defined in the ISO 3166 International Standard. If this attribute is not specified, then it will be assumed that the title can be used worldwide. | <artwork url="https:// www.acme.com/coverartwork1930.jpg" type="cover_artwork_vertical" locales="en-US"/>
isOriginal | Optional Specifies if this content is the partner’s original program. This should be set to true only for content items originally produced by or for the partner. When missing, this will be defaulted to false. | | <isOriginal> true </isOriginal>
isAdultOnlyContent | * Required if adult-only content is allowed by contract. Specifies if this contains content that is generally thought to be inappropriate for viewing by children and/or suitable for after-hours viewing. When missing, this will be defaulted to false. Note: Explicit/Adult-Only content items must be excluded from the feed unless explicitly permitted in your business agreements with Apple. | | <isAdultOnlyContent> true </isAdultOnlyContent>
originalSpokenLocale | Optional (repeatable) * Required for certain geographic regions. Contact your Apple Technical Partner to get requirements for your region. Specifies the original spoken language(s) for this content item. Multiple values should be provided in order of precedence with the primary spoken language being first. The value should be specified as a string representing a locale in BCP-47 Format. | | <originalSpokenLocale>fr-CA <originalSpokenLocale>
productionCountry | Optional (repeatable) * Required for certain geographic regions. Contact your Apple Technical Partner to get requirements for your region. The country that is the primary source of funds for the content’s production. This should be the country that provided most of the funds (for example, from national lotteries and other subsidies). Multiple values should be provided in order of precedence with the primary country being first. The value of this element must be the 2-letter country code for the country of production as defined in the ISO 3166 International Standard. Note: This is not the same as the countryOfOrigin, which is the country where the content originates from in accordance with applicable law. | | <productionCountry>US</productionCountry>
countryOfOrigin | Optional (repeatable) * Required for certain geographic regions. Contact your Apple Technical Partner to get requirements for your region. The country where the content originates from, for example, the country where the the content was primarily produced, where the main authors and workers reside, where the main producer is established etc. Such determination must be made in accordance with applicable law. Multiple values should be provided in order of precedence with the primary country being first. The value of this element must be the 2-letter country code for the country of production as defined in the ISO 3166 International Standard. Note: This may differ from the productionCountry, which is the country that provided most of the funds for production. | | <countryOfOrigin>CA </countryOfOrigin>
copyrightLine | Optional (repeatable) Statement that indicates the exclusive legal right for this content.
0 to 4000 characters in length. Note: The appropriate copyright symbol (©) will be automatically added and should not be included in the attribute value. | locale (optional) Attribute locale can be used to set the locale in BCP-47 Format. If no locale attribute is provided, the locale will be set to defaultLocale value. Multiple locales can be specified in multiple repeated elements. countriesRestrictedTo (optional) Attribute countriesRestrictedTo can be used to limit the countries that the copyright line may be used in. The value of this attribute must be a comma-separated string of the 2-letter country codes as defined in the ISO 3166 International Standard. If this attribute is not specified, then it will be assumed that the title can be used worldwide. | <copyrightLine locale="en" countriesRestrictedTo ="JP">
2021 Rising Sun Studios, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
additionalItemInfo | Optional (repeatable) Used to provide string data for this content. 0 to 4000 characters in length.
| type (required) Attribute type identifies the type of additional item information from the UMC-defined types specified in the appendix Additional Item Information Type table. locale (optional) Attribute locale in BCP-47 Format. If no locale attribute is provided, the locale will be set to defaultLocale value. Multiple locales can be specified in multiple repeated elements. countriesRestrictedTo (optional) Attribute countriesRestrictedTo can be used to limit the countries that the copyright line may be used in. The value of this attribute must be a comma-separated string of the 2-letter country codes as defined in the ISO 3166 International Standard. If this attribute is not specified, it will be assumed that the value can be used worldwide. | <additionalItemInfo type=“rating_classification_number”> A1B2C3D4 </additionalItemInfo>
primaryLocale | Optional Used to indicate the primary language for this content. The value should be specified as a string representing a locale in BCP-47 Format. | | <primaryLocale>en</primaryLocale>
“Info” element depending on content type | Required Used to define an “Info” element that contains data specific to its content type, such as <movieInfo> for content type “movie”. | For the list of possible data per content type, see the sections describing the info schema definitions: | <movieInfo><type> feature </type> <duration> 5460 </duration>...</movieInfo>