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Aperture 3.6 Help
Aperture basics
What is Aperture?
Workflow overview
Interface overview
Basic components of Aperture
What are originals?
What are versions?
What are projects?
What are albums?
What are folders?
What is the library?
What are managed and referenced images?
What is the Aperture Trash?
What is a vault?
Open Aperture for the first time
Import photos
File formats you can import
Plan your import strategy
Import from a camera, card reader, or device
Add import options
View file information
Automatically name imported photos
Adjust time zone data at import
Add metadata at import
Apply effects at import
Filter files by type at import
Import RAW + JPEG image pairs
Use AppleScript actions at import
Automatically back up files at import
Reset import options
Import folders of files from the Finder
Import originals for referenced images into folders
Capture photos as you work
Add audio attachments to image files
Where Aperture stores your managed files
Reprocess photos from earlier versions of Aperture
Work with projects and the library
Organize items in the Library inspector
Create and name items
Open and close items
Arrange items
Create and show favorite items
Work with the Aperture Trash
Work with library files
Create new libraries
View other libraries
Merge libraries
Open your library in iPhoto
Work with projects
View projects
Create and delete projects
Organize projects
Import photos into projects
Merge projects
Duplicate a project structure
Work with referenced images
Back up the library
Plan your backup system
Create and update vaults
Disconnect and reconnect vaults
Restore your Aperture library
Repair and rebuild your Aperture library
Organize and sort photos
Navigate through and select photos
Navigate through photos in the Browser
Select photos
Navigate through photos in Quick Preview mode
Change the Browser view
Work with photos in filmstrip view
Work with photos in grid view
Work with photos in list view
Work with two Browsers open
Set up and arrange photos
Rearrange and sort photos
Rotate photos
Create versions of a photo
Delete photos
Rename original image files
Drag photos into different projects and albums
Stack photos
Create stacks
Open and close stacks
Set a pick photo for a stack
Work with stacked photos
Compare photos
Work with stacks in list view
Rate photos
Rating workflow
Rate and compare photos
Sort photos by rating
Add keywords to photos
View a photo’s keywords
Apply keywords using the Keywords HUD
Apply keywords using keyword controls and presets
Apply keywords using the Lift & Stamp HUD
Apply keywords using the Info inspector
Apply keywords to photos in the Light Table
Remove keywords
Export and import keyword lists
Organize photos using Faces
Faces overview
Add names to faces in your photos
View photos in Faces view
Search for photos by face
Organize photos using Places
Places overview
View photo locations
Change the map view
Add locations to photos
Change photo locations
Remove locations
Import and work with GPS Track file data
Assign location information to projects
Work with locations in the Info inspector
Search for photos
Perform quick searches
Search using a combination of criteria
Save your search results
Group photos with Smart Albums
Smart Albums overview
Collect photos in a new Smart Album
Search within a Smart Album
Revise the contents of a Smart Album
Transfer Smart Album photos to an album
Delete a Smart Album
Work with library albums
View and compare photos
View photos in the Viewer
Change the number of photos
Compare photos
View photos at full resolution
View original photos
Work with audio and video
View photos on multiple displays
Show hot and cold areas in your photos
Set up the Viewer for onscreen proofing
View photos full screen
Enter and exit full-screen view
Work in Viewer mode
Work in Browser mode
Work in Projects mode
Use HUDs
Change the display of metadata
View photos with the Loupe
Magnify photos using the Loupe
Use the alternate Loupe
Arrange photos in the Light Table
Create and delete Light Table albums
Place and view photos
Move, resize, and align photos
Work with metadata
View and change metadata in the Info inspector or Info HUD
Show the Info inspector and modify views
Modify metadata in the Info inspector
Display metadata with your photos
Turn the display of metadata on or off
Specify the type of metadata to display
Work with the AutoFill Editor
Work with metadata views
Create, modify, and manage metadata views
Work with metadata presets
Create metadata presets
Share metadata presets
Batch change metadata
About IPTC metadata
Understanding badge overlays
Display photos with badge overlays
Adjust the photo date and time
Make image adjustments
Adjustments in Aperture
About making adjustments onscreen
Use the adjustment controls
Adjustments inspector and Inspector HUD
Adjustment tools in the tool strip
Brush controls
Ways to perform adjustments
Apply standard adjustments
Apply brushed adjustments
Apply Quick Brush adjustments
Work with brush strokes
Work with brushed adjustment overlays
Limit the tonal range of brushed adjustments
Remove adjustments
Perform adjustments in full-screen view
Adjust images from within Aperture editors
Use an external editor
Apply iPhoto effects
Apply specific standard adjustments
Auto Enhance
Red Eye Correction
Spot & Patch
Chromatic Aberration
Noise Reduction
White Balance
Enhance (Contrast, Definition, Saturation, and Vibrancy)
Enhance (Tint)
Highlights & Shadows
Black & White
Color Monochrome
Sepia Tone
Edge Sharpen
Apply specific Quick Brush adjustments
Skin Smoothing
Dodge (Lighten)
Burn (Darken)
Polarize (Multiply)
Intensify Contrast (Overlay)
Halo Reduction
Noise Reduction
Create and apply effects
Adjust how Aperture decodes RAW images
Use the Boost controls
Use the Sharpening controls
Use the Moire controls
Use the De-noise control
Work with DNG files
Set the camera default
Sample color values
Identify color clipping
Understanding how to read histograms
About evaluating exposure
About evaluating tonality and contrast
Print photos
Print individual photos
Print contact sheets
Print books
Print Light Table arrangements
Create and modify print presets
Proof images and manage color
Export photos
Export tips
Export by dragging
Export using the Export command
Choose export settings
Work with export presets
Set image resolution when exporting
Adjust images at export
Add a watermark at export
Apply IPTC metadata and keywords to your photos
Rename photos at export
Export into folders
Create slideshows
Create slideshows quickly using presets
Play a slideshow using a preset
Create and modify slideshow presets
Create full-featured slideshows
Create a slideshow and choose a theme
Change slideshow settings
Set the slideshow aspect ratio and crop
Add a title or text to the slideshow
Set the length of time slides play
Apply transitions and effects to slides
Apply a Ken Burns effect to a slide
Adjust the volume of video slides
Add music and audio
Loop the slideshow and the main audio track
View your slideshows in Aperture
Share your slideshow movies
Create books
Plan your book
Create a book album
View pages
Place photos in a book
Add and remove pages
Add individual pages
Automatically create new pages
Add a photo index
Remove pages
Work with pages
Work with photos
Add and remove photo boxes
Modify photo boxes
Copy, paste, cut, and remove photos
Stack photo boxes in a specific order
Change the look of photos with filters
Add map boxes
Work with text
Place text on the page
Add metadata boxes
Hide or show photo plate numbers
Modify text appearance
Make advanced layout changes
Work with master pages
Create and modify master pages
Unify and split master pages
Update book pages with master page changes
Create and share custom themes
Copy a book album
Order books from third-party print vendors
Share photos online
Use iCloud to keep photos up to date across your devices
Set up your iCloud account
Turn on My Photo Stream
Automatically transfer photos
Manually transfer photos
About turning on My Photo Stream on more than one Mac
About uploading RAW files to My Photo Stream
Use iCloud to share photos with others
Turn on iCloud Photo Sharing
Create shared photo streams
Add, remove, and edit items
Manage subscribers to your shared photo streams
Subscribe to shared photo streams
Email photos
Publish photos to Flickr, Facebook, and SmugMug
Set up a Flickr, Facebook, or SmugMug account in Aperture
Create and delete Flickr, Facebook, and SmugMug albums
View Flickr, Facebook, and SmugMug albums
Update your Flickr, Facebook, and SmugMug albums
Manage your Flickr, Facebook, and SmugMug accounts
Create webpages
Create web galleries and web journals
View and navigate through webpages
Choose and modify themes
Work with web gallery pages
Work with web journal pages
Export webpages as HTML files
Work with web export presets
Add watermarks to webpage photos
Customize the Aperture workspace
Change the main window layout
Set Aperture preferences
Open Aperture preferences
General preferences
Appearance preferences
Import preferences
Export preferences
Labels preferences
Previews preferences
iCloud preferences
Accounts preferences
Advanced preferences
Customize the toolbar
Use gestures
Customize keyboard shortcuts
Search for commands and keyboard shortcuts
Modify keyboard shortcuts and command sets
Work with preview images
How Aperture displays photos in the Viewer
Set preview preferences
Automatically manage previews
Manually manage previews
Reschedule JPEG preview maintenance
Render preview images
Suppress preview generation
Sample workflows for using previews effectively
Aperture 3.6 Help
Copyright © 2014 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
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