Moving Takes or Comps to New Tracks

You can move an active take or comp from a take folder to a new track, which removes the take or comp from the original take folder.

To move an active take to a new track
  1. Click the arrow in the top right of the take folder to open the pop-up menu, then choose the take you want to move.

    Figure. Take Folder pop-up menu showing a take selected.
  2. Click the arrow in the top right of the take folder, then choose “Move active Take to New Track” from the pop-up menu (or use the “Move Active Take or Comp to New Track” key command).

    Figure. Take Folder pop-up menu showing the Move active Take to New Track command selected.

This moves the active take to a new track, which is created below the take folder track. This take is no longer available in the original take folder.

Figure. Displaying the moved take on a new track below the take folder track.
To move an active comp to a new track
  1. Click the arrow in the top right of the take folder to open the pop-up menu, then choose the comp you want to move.

    Figure. Take Folder pop-up menu showing a comp selected.
  2. Click the arrow in the top right of the take folder, then choose “Move active Comp to New Track” from the pop-up menu (or use the “Move Active Take or Comp to New Track” key command).

    Figure. Take Folder pop-up menu showing the Move active Comp to New Track command selected.

This moves the active comp to a new track, which is created below the take folder track. This comp is no longer available in the original take folder.

Figure. Displaying the moved comp on a new track below the take folder track.